LABOTORY--韩国Fei 餐厅
位于Dragon的首尔龙城酒店是一个城市中的城市,是韩国的幻想,也是一个可以享受体验精致美食的地方。Labory认为酒店在一个充满幻想的城市中提供了舒适的放松和创新的体验。由龙城酒店直接经营的中国餐厅 "Fei",是一个随着酒店更新而新成立的品牌,是新文化体验的提供者。因此,它需要满足全球目标寻找酒店的需求,此外,Labotory认为它需要与龙城酒店所拥有的品牌形象相一致。
Seoul Dragon City Hotel located in Yongsan is a city in a city, the Korea fantasy, and a place where you can enjoy experiencing elaborate cuisine. Labotory think that the hotel provides comfortable relaxation in a fantasy embraced city and originative experience.The chinese restaurant, “Fei”, directly operated by the Dragon City hotel and the provider for new cultural experience is a brand that was newly established along the renewal of the hotel. As such, it needed to fulfill the needs of the global targets in search for a hotel and in addition, Labotory thought it needed to correspond to the image of the brand Dragon City hotel possesses.
Labotory 将Fei的品牌精髓设定为“未来主义的新城市”,通过对香港街道和城市新风景的探索和分析,他们设计了文化互动的空间,这是未来主义的幻想,同时表达了新的灵感。Fei空间的布局,则是根据操作目的和需要分为公共大厅、半私人摊位和私人餐厅,以便更好的服务于客户。
Labotory set Fei's brand essence as "a futuristic new city". Through the exploration and analysis of Hong Kong's streets and new urban landscapes, they designed Spaces for cultural interaction that are futuristic fantasies while expressing new inspirations. The layout of Fei space is divided into public hall, semi-private booth and private restaurant according to the operation purpose and needs, in order to better serve customers.
Therefore, by lowering the occlusives of the first visible place whening entering the space expressed the concept allowing the freely opened public hall to be placed. Labotory designed the signature objet on the ceiling to assertively state the concept while focusing on impact.This signature objet is a rough keystone finish that expresses the textures of the city, LED digital typo that expresses the futuristic city of the future and through the consolidation of the grid of FRP that covered that,Labotory were able to express the surface of the city and the night streets of the lavish inner part of the city of Hong Kong.
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