项目位于安徽蒙城,整个方案以书为主题,门厅运用当地文化名人以及其著作作为主题元素,同时将书法的内容运用其中,局部做留白处理,极简的线条与人文元素相结合。朴素的色彩与材质,以简代奢,简朴而不张扬。The project is located in Mengcheng County, Anhui province. The theme of the whole project is books. The foyer uses local cultural celebrities and their works as the theme element, while the content of the calligraphy is used in the foyer, minimalist lines combine with human elements. Simple color and material, to simple generation of luxury, simple and not publicity.
空間以原木色为主,原木简单但不寡淡,宁静但不冷清,线条简单朴实自然,光影的自然贯穿,让空间变得温暖舒适、古朴纯净。让人再喧嚣的城市生活中能够真正的静下来。Space to the main color of logs, logs simple but not faint, quiet but not cold, simple natural lines, natural light and shadow through, so that the space becomes warm and comfortable, simple and pure. Let a person again noisy city life can really quiet down.
CHAPTER 2.雪案联吟诗有味冬窗伴读墨生香
淡淡素笺,浓浓墨韵,典雅的文字,浸染尘世情怀;悠悠岁月,袅袅茶香,别致的杯盏,盛满诗样芳华。原木色赋予空间自然舒适的感受,克制的装饰,干净利落,享受惬意与恬静。Light plain paper, thick ink rhyme, elegant text, imbued with earthly feelings; long years, curl tea fragrance, Chic Cup, full of poetic fragrance. The log color gives the space the natural comfortable feeling, the restrained decoration, the clean and neat, enjoys the comfortable and the tranquil.
CHAPTER 3.满庭兰桂称心愿几架诗书乐韶年
饮一瓢淡水,岁月静好,愿漫舞今生,轻描丹青。韶华似水流年,喝一杯清水,年华安好,愿淡吟今世,静执笔墨。Drink a ladle of fresh water, years of static good, would like to dance this life, light painting. Shao Hua Homecoming, drink a glass of water, happy years, wish to recite this world, quiet pen andink.
云淡风轻,捧茗品文,灵动的音符,吟唱温馨暖语;春花秋月,红尘阡陌,放飞的思绪,漫过四季如歌。读一段美文,品一盏香茗,听一曲琴音,拾一抹心情。被馥郁书香与温润原木拥满的空间、充满着诗意与清新,伴着绿色植物散发淡雅清香。Light Cloud Breeze, holding tea text, lively notes, singing warm words; spring flowers autumn moon, the world of mortals, flying thoughts, over the four seasons like a song. Read a beautiful text, taste a fragrant tea, listen to a tune, pick up a touch of mood. The space is filled with the scent of books and warm logs, poetic and fresh, with a Chloroplastida fragrance.
一花盛开一世界,一叶绽放一追寻。时间归于寂静,生命归于平淡,淡到极至,如手中一朵素雅的花,素到心底,又如眼前一泊湖水,清到可以濯心,如此,便好。A flower blooms a world, a leaf blooms a quest. Time to silence, life to flat, light to the extreme, such as the hand of a simple elegant flower, plain to the heart, and like a lake in front of me, clear enough to wash the heart, so, good.
项目名称 | 蒙城城投书香院营销中心业主单位 | 蒙城县新城建设投资有限公司项目面积 | 约700平方设计范围 | 室内设计软装设计主创设计 | 李蛟 夏斌软装设计 | 李蛟 夏斌 王晓宁 万厚毅深化设计 | 李琴 何若霜 朱丹丹设计单位 | 安徽鲲宇 禾心设计项目摄影 | Remex飞羽完工时间 | 2023.01材料选择 | 木饰面、不锈钢、地毯、布艺、石材等
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