繁锦设计 发表于 2023-2-7 14:50:45


感觉光是所有存在的给予者。物质是已消耗的光,光制造的东西会投下阴影,而阴影属于光。——路易斯.康 I believe that light is the giver of all that exists. Matter is light consumed, and what light makes casts shadows, and shadows belong to light.. – Louis Kahn

项目位于成都市首个引入「退台」设计的万象城。由于屋顶花园、景观指廊等室外与半室外空间设置,将阳光、自然与生态巧妙的嫁接到高端商业、时尚、餐饮等业态之上。 当成都本地原住民文化,与世界一线城市文化互相渗透后,逐渐形成其独有的慵懒松弛,前卫开放的「精神土壤」。ID HAIR MEN这间专注于潮流男士造型设计SALON,正根植于这片「在地文化」里。 The project is located in Chengdu's first Mixc City to introduce a "retirement" design. Due to the outdoor and semi-outdoor space settings such as roof gardens and landscape corridors, sunlight, nature and ecology are ingeniously grafted onto high-end commercial, fashion, catering and other formats. When Chengdu's local aboriginal culture interpenetrated with the world's first-tier city culture, it gradually formed its unique lazy, relaxed, avant-garde and open "spiritual soil". ID HAIR MEN, which focuses on trendy men's styling design SALON, is rooted in this "local culture".
l-D本意即:个人身份证明。在这里,则意味着每个人的唯一性和独特性。为每位客人量身定制,让每位客人展示出其特质,是l-D HairArt&Men的核心理念。FAN JIN主创团队将“I-D”这一词根引申并发散为:单体,边界,模块化。于是一场关于切割比例、光学、空间和结构创新的集中思考,就此展开。 The original meaning of l-D is: personal identification. Here, it means the uniqueness and uniqueness of each person. It is the core concept of l-D HairArt&Men to customize for each guest and let each guest show their characteristics. The main creative team of FAN JIN extended and diverged the root of "I-D" into: single, boundary, modular. So a concentrated thinking about cutting proportions, optics, space and structural innovations started. 明暗Chiaroscuro
建筑是庇护所。伟大的建筑是关于空间的设计,它包含、拥抱、提升或激励着空间中的那个人。——菲利普·约翰逊 All architecture is shelter, all great architecture is the design of space that contains, cuddles, exalts, or stimulates the persons in that space.——Philip Johnson 「Box」,即盒子,它是一个贯穿整个项目内核的可视化符号。在物质次元里,盒子是一件用于盛载的容器,由于其制作材质足以支撑起一个稳定的空间,盛载的客体也因此被保护起来。建筑空间这一标准的四面围合体,是盒子的高级进化形态。 "Box", that is, a box, is a visual symbol that runs through the core of the entire project. In the material dimension, a box is a container for holding. Since its material is sufficient to support a stable space, the objects contained in it are also protected. The standard four-sided enclosure of architectural space is an advanced evolutionary form of the box.
当结构系统、材料、光线、几何原型、人性价值于一体得以整合后,建筑便成了深思熟虑的空间创造。 When structural systems, materials, light, geometric prototypes, and human values are integrated, architecture becomes a deliberate creation of space. 多种材料,在同一时空下,联动了一场「形式与质料」的古希腊哲学式浪漫。以宝格丽岩板、石材、金属三者为质料,而设计者赋予给它们的形状,便是形式。正因有了「形式」,质料由一堆普通的物件,转化为生动的设计语言。它们将整块前厅空间解构成了形态各异的几何单元。 A variety of materials, in the same time and space, link an ancient Greek philosophical romance of "form and material". Bulgari slate, stone, and metal are used as materials, and the shape given to them by the designer is the form. Because of the "form", the material is transformed from a bunch of ordinary objects into a vivid design language. They deconstruct the entire front hall space into geometric units of various shapes.
拿走一切色彩,此时空间留下的,便只有一切静止物体受光的过程了。当我们将空间尺度,分别锁定到几个不同原点,由横轴与纵轴完成延展,就得到了几个「盒子」结构体。它们是光的给予者,当人们来到盒子面前互动时,便有机会捕捉到明、灰、暗三面的光影韵律。 Take away all the colors, and what remains in the space at this time is only the process of receiving light from all stationary objects. When we lock the spatial scale to several different origins, and complete the extension from the horizontal axis and the vertical axis, we get several "box" structures. They are the givers of light. When people come to interact with the box, they have the opportunity to capture the rhythm of light and shadow on the three sides of light, gray and dark.
时间镜像 光是万物之源。镜子复制万物属性,皆为光所赐。影之绮境,都源于光。Light is the source of all things. The mirror projects the attributes of all things, all of which are given by light. The beauty of shadows comes from light.
镜子记录了时间,也同时记录了不同强弱光源下的物体间形成的不同联系;人们徜徉在整个空间时,足迹自然形成的围合动线;不同来访者与造型师互动时的微表情...它如此诚实地反映着客观世界里的一举一动。 The mirror records time, and also records the different connections formed between objects under different strong and weak light sources; when people wander in the whole space, the enclosing lines naturally formed by footprints; the micro-expressions of different visitors when interacting with the stylist. ..it so honestly reflects every move in the objective world.
打开盒子,内里一股巨大的引力,迅速将人们拉入黑洞隧道。进入视界后,最终视觉落向整齐排列的发光矩阵。它们将「黑洞」场域精神化,形成了镜子无法识别的内部宇宙,一个在现实中被隐匿起来的主观世界。一切关于人类心智、价值、潜意识的心灵活动皆出于此。 When the box is opened, a huge gravitational force inside quickly pulls people into the black hole tunnel. After entering the horizon, the final vision falls to the neatly arranged luminous matrix. They spiritualize the "black hole" field, forming an inner universe that cannot be recognized by mirrors, a subjective world hidden in reality. All spiritual activities about human mind, value and subconscious come from this.
深刻哲理与日常生活,意识与潜意识,或是自我与环境之间,都通过这个盒子里的「黑洞隧道」悄无声息地联结上了。 Profound philosophy and daily life, consciousness and subconsciousness, or self and environment are all connected silently through the "black hole tunnel" in this box.
天花板上的几何平面光源,严丝合缝地贴合着「盒子」与镜像的故事。当每一个持有「l-D」的人,走入「黑洞」艺术走廊时,心智便从外界回到自己身上,充分感受真实的情绪活动与需求;当他们从盒子内部走出时,心智再次与客观世界的时空融为一体。 The geometric planar light source on the ceiling perfectly fits the story of the "box" and the mirror image. When everyone who holds "l-D" walks into the "black hole" art corridor, the mind will return to themselves from the outside world, fully feeling the real emotional activities and needs; The time and space of the world merge into one.
每一场促成与自我展开对话的精神场域,都是记录一次意识印记逐渐向外伸出触角的过程。在接受「改头换面」的碎片时间中,允许自己精神开个小差。最终使自己大脑获得充实感,身心获得轻盈感。 Every spiritual field that promotes a dialogue with the self is a process in which the imprint of consciousness gradually extends its tentacles outward. During the fragmented time of accepting the "makeover", allow yourself to take a short break in spirit. Ultimately, the brain will gain a sense of fullness, and the body and mind will gain a sense of lightness.
建筑是庇护所。伟大的建筑是关于空间的设计,它包含、拥抱、提升或激励着空间中的那个人。——菲利普·约翰逊All architecture is shelter, all great architecture is the design of space that contains, cuddles, exalts, or stimulates the persons in that space.——Philip Johnson 项目信息Information 项目名称:盒子镜像|l-D HairArt&MenProject Name:Mirror The Box | l-D HairArt&Men项目地点:中国成都Project Location:Chengdu, China设计公司:成都繁锦设计有限公司Design Company:FAN JIN Design Co,Ltd,Chengdu设计面积:200㎡Design Area:200㎡设计内容:硬装、软装Design Content:Hard Decoration Soft Decoration创意总监:肖玉龙Creative Director:Xiao Yulong主案设计:肖玉龙 / FAN JIN 繁锦设计Master Case Design:Xiao Yulong / FAN JIN Design深化设计:王慧、张悦、王洋、罗越、魏兰英、代磊、王泽伟Deepening Design: Wang Hui,Zhang Yue,Wang yang,Luo Yue,Wei Lanying,Dai Lei ,Wang Zewei软装设计:黄曼 / FAN JIN 繁锦软装Soft Decoration Design:Huang Man / FAN JIN Soft Decoration空间摄影:普尤/又与Photography:PuYou/Youyu项目撰文:MinProject Writing:Min设计时间:2022.10Design Time:October ,2022竣工时间:2023.01Completion Time:January , 2023

肖玉龙—FAN JIN 繁锦设计创始人
成都繁锦室内设计有限公司,亦可称为 FAN JIN DESIGN繁锦设计,寓意心有繁花似锦,眼有星辰大海。FAN JIN DESIGN团队秉承“为极致艺术美学提案”这一理念塑造不同的空间维度,专注于建筑景观室内一体化空间设计、软装配饰设计领域,服务范畴包括商业空间、酒店空间、会所空间、办公空间、售楼中心等。
作为综合性专业设计公司我们致力为甲方提供设计、硬装、软装、艺术品的全案解决方案。FAN JIN DESIGN将艺术和技术完美的有机结合,实现有灵魂高品质的设计作品,为每一个项目营造出无限的可能性和未来性。

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