岩穴静默无声,却蕴含无限张力The cave is silent, but contains infinite tension.岩穴总是静默的,于无声处听取自然之音,常有人赞叹岩穴之美,“天地劈下雷霆之斧,草写出一个磅礴之境,凛冽而错落的岩柱,巍峨壮观的视觉冲击,总给人一种膜拜自然、报之以敬的感觉。”The cave are always silent, listening to the sounds of nature in silence, often people admire the beauty of mines, “Heaven and earth cut down the axe of lightning and wrote a majestic landscape with cold and scattered mountains and majestic and spectacular visual impact. It always gave people the feeling of worshipping nature and paying homage to it.”
设计师Roger受此启发,将岩穴搬进室内,以设计之笔挥毫而下,于是一个对panDOMO的展示之地就此诞生。Inspired by this, the designer moved the mine into the interior and used the brush to design it. Thus, a place to show the Magic Stone was born.
panDOMO - a simple, pure, yet rock-like and hard-wearing material of fair-faced concrete - has the characteristics of both natural texture and practicality. The construction of a panDOMO exhibition "cave" in the city is like tearing the boundary in the city, bringing the creativity of the material into full play, mingling with nature and showing the design spirit of no barriers.
如果说常规的建筑作品是用石材堆砌成建筑,那么在panDOMO展厅,这个过程便是被逆转过来了,它试着用建筑的形式表示石材。将纹理奇特的石块雕琢成需要的形态覆盖在建筑的表面,创造出仿佛风雨侵蚀的质感,极致表现出野兽派主义的色彩。If the conventional architectural work is to build a building out of stone, in the panDOMO showroom, the process is reversed and it tries to represent stone in the form of architecture. Curiously textured stones are sculpted into the desired form to cover the surface of the building, creating a texture as if weathered and eroded, the ultimate expression of brutalism.
穿过门洞走进室内,设计师采用整体呈现的形式赋予了岩穴独特的生命力,高低错落的岩柱、粗糙的石柱肌理、不一的几何形状,形成神似岩洞的结构主义建筑构造,充满了岩穴石块生机勃勃的姿态,巧妙地展现了panDOMO赋予建筑生命力的天赋。Walking through the doorway into the interior, the designer adopts the form of overall presentation to give the cave a unique vitality. The high and low rock pillars, rough stone pillar texture, and different geometric shapes form a structuralist architectural structure that resembles a cave, full of the vibrant gestures of the cave rocks, and cleverly demonstrates panDOMO's talent for giving life to architecture.
挑高的设计使得线条回转延伸,增加了视觉上纵向的延伸感。天窗洒落而下的阳光被栅格所修饰,影子在高低参差的墙面织就生命的斑驳。The high design allows the lines to extend back and forth, increasing the sense of visual vertical extension. The sunlight spilling from the skylight is modified by the grille, and the shadows weave the dapples of life on the walls of varying heights.
叙事性的几何法则在Roger的手下变幻,使用简单几笔深浅不一的线条勾勒出解构主义的纹样,也暗自契合了自然岩穴中未经雕琢自由生长的形态。隐藏于墙面的材料储藏空间,以幽暗的点点烛光点缀成家史馆的模样,充满了神秘与神圣的色彩。The narrative geometry changes under Roger's hand, using simple lines of varying shades to create a deconstructive pattern that also implicitly fits the untouched and free growth of natural mining caves. The material storage space hidden in the wall is decorated with dark candlelight in the form of a shrine, full of mystery and sacredness.
In the silence, the designer breaks the silence with a fireplace. When the fireplace is lit, the warm yellow fire lights up like a campfire in a mine, and the hazy warmth travels through the spatial transformation.
走入“岩穴”深处,墙面的肌理愈发粗糙,表面充斥了大自然中随处可见的被风雨侵蚀的孔洞,让建筑与自然的边界逐渐消隐。Deeper and deeper into the "cave", the texture of the walls becomes rougher and rougher, and the surface is filled with weathered holes that can be found everywhere in nature, making the border between architecture and nature fade away.
从台阶拾级而上,便有了情绪的转折。二楼的空间,多了些许商业的氛围。一脉相承的肌理墙面,搭配金属桌椅,增添了办公洽谈的功能性。两面巨大的落地窗,成为连接室内外的媒介,自然光线由此流淌。Up the steps, there is a turning point in the mood. The space on the second floor has a little more commercial atmosphere. A continuous texture of the wall, with metal desks and chairs, add a functional office negotiations. The two sides of the huge French windows, as a connection between the indoor and outdoor media, natural light flow.
当夜幕降临,灯光亮起,便赋予了空间剧场般的震撼,另一种氛围慢慢氤氲开来......When night falls, the lights come on, it gives the space theater-like shock, another atmosphere slowly dense open ......
空间性质 | 商业空间
Category | Commercial space
主案设计师 |周俊宁张超
Chief Designer | Roger Tommaso
软装设计师 | 张奥
Decoration Designer | Airene
项目地址 | 南京
Location | NanJing
项目面积 | 200㎡
Area | 200㎡
摄影师| 蔡云普
Photographer| Yunpu Cai
HT STUDIO是一家上海设计工作室,有着专业的软硬装团队.被誉为“复古与艺术空间” 的杰出代表,并是住宅与酒店业经典生活方 式的代言人。 自成立之初,HT便追随建筑大师的意志, 运用曲线语言对话空间,感受空间与空间交 汇时的惊喜,营造出自然的空间触感。HT STUDIO is a Shanghai design STUDIO with a professional soft and hard-wear team. Known as “Retro and art space,”the outstanding representative, and is the classic residential and hotel lifestyle, the spokesman of the style. Since its inception, HT will follow the architect, the use of curved language dialogue space, feel the space and space intersection, when the surprise, create a natural space touch. 支持达人室内设计网! 支持达人室内设计 支持达人室内设计网! 支持达人室内设计网 支持达人室内设计网 支持达人室内设计网