人类创造了城市,却一直向往自然。自然,人,城市,空间,材料,这每一个“物件”都有着自己由生到死的生长逻辑,而在这山海之间,城市之外,我试图提取这些“物件”时间线上的某一个状态,重新组合,创造一种介于自然与城市之间”熙攘”的场景。大鹏艺象国际艺术区内的这栋白色的老厂房恰好成为了这个场景的空间载体,通过改造,把这里变成了一个机车社区,承载着穿梭于城市与自然的骑士精神。Humans have created cities, but they have always yearned for nature.Nature, people, cities, space, materials, each of these “objects” has its own growth logic from birth to death. While between mountains and seas, outside the city, I tried to extract a certain state of the timelines of these “objects” and recombined them to create a crowded scene between nature and the city. The white old factory building in the Dapeng Id town international art district just became the spatial carrier of this scene. Through reconstruction, I transformed it into a motorcycle community that carries the spirit of riders shuttling between the city and nature.
▼项目鸟瞰,aerial view to the project ©胡康榆
About site
原始建筑为一栋二层的老厂房,位于艺象园区入口的一处高台上,厂房前是一个开敞的长条形广场。这个区域三面环山,有清新的空气,丰盈的植被,斑驳的石头地面,可以感受到虫鸣鸟叫和徐徐的海风,在这绝佳的环境下,试图让自然与城市工业互相渗透,创造一个介于两者之间的穿透空间,去感受自然和城市 同步生长的过程,而机车则成为了穿梭在这之间的载体。
The original building was a two-story old factory building, which was located on a higher platform at the entrance of ID Town district. There was an open long strip square in front of the factory building. This area was surrounded by mountains, with fresh air, abundant vegetation and mottled stone ground, where you could feel the chirping of insects and birds and the comfortable sea breeze. In this excellent environment, I tried to make nature and urban industry penetrate each other to create a penetrating space between the two, in order to experience the process of synchronous growth of nature and city and motorcycles became the carrier that shuttles between them.
▼坐落于山海之间的机车社区,motocycle community between mountains and sea ©胡康榆
▼主立面,main facade ©胡康榆
About scene
After reconstruction: light and shadow, sound, people, motorcycles, and other objects are constantly changing not only on the entrance square but also inside the building, and thease dynamic changes will decline layer by layer after passing through the boundary of the building, so as to reflect the scene changes of movement and stillness, light and darkness, interior and exterior.
▼多重立面,multiple facade ©胡康榆
About concept
For the functional requirements of different sizes, a rectangular box has been built into the boundary of the existing building. Inside the box is used as the main display area and activity space of the Ronin motorcycle community, while outside the box, it creates dynamic spaces of different sizes between the box boundary and architecture boundary, and these dynamic spaces of different sizes correspond to different functions, such as reception, product display, storage, maintenance, logistics, rest, office, etc.
▼概念动画,concept animation ©毛伟伟
The box has holes of different sizes in different directions, which can meet the space permeability while making it possible for the common use of interior and exterior space of the box according to the change of functions. Under these basic logics, a multi-façade system is formed in the space.
▼ 主入口,main entry ©胡康榆
▼ 主入口贯穿内外的混凝土台阶,concrete steps connecting inside and outside ©胡康榆
▼ 开放性的入口空间,open public space at the entrance ©胡康榆
▼ 自然与工业,nature and industry ©胡康榆
About function
The concrete steps in the reception area of the entrance run through the interior and exterior, through the glass, forming a kind of interpenetration between nature and urban industry, and the Enclosed and scattered steps also make the entrance space more vitality.
▼ 多重立面之间的通廊,gallery between multiple facades ©胡康榆
▼ 通透的室内外关系,transparent relationship between indoor and outdoor ©胡康榆
The huge daylighting windows on the outer facade and the staggered openings on the inner facade form a varieties corridor through the interpenetration of natural lights. The corridor runs through the entire space, which provides more interesting space possibilities.
▼多重立面的围合关系,reception area and multi-dimensional box ©胡康榆
The box itself and the original architecture boundary of the building define spatial forms of different sizes, such as a more open reception area to a gradually narrowing product area, and at the same time make different area with a different façade.
▼展示区内的光影变化,inside the multi dimensional box ©胡康榆
▼ 与多重立面融合的咖啡区,coffee bar with multi dimension box ©胡康榆
▼ 咖啡区与多义通廊,coffee area and corridor ©胡康榆
▼ 内外渗透的多重空间,multifunctional space through Internal and external ©胡康榆
▼ 维修展示区,maintenance display area ©胡康榆
The secondary entrance opens for motorcycles. Motorcycles can enter the maintenance and display areas through this larger opening, while people can rest in the coffee area next to it. Through the huge windows on the facade, they can feel the natural landscape while waiting and watching the motorcycle dismantling and modifying, which also provides a way of dialogue between people, nature, and the city.
▼ 楼梯间的斜向开窗,the oblique window of staircase ©毛伟伟
▼ 二层独立办公楼梯间,independent office staircase on the second floor ©毛伟伟
The second floor is an independent office, and the oblique opening on the inner facade shows the location of the staircase.
▼ 独立办公室灯光内景,lighting design of independent office ©胡康榆
▼ 二层独立办公室,independent office on the second floor ©胡康榆
About materials
Plants and animals in nature will change with time and climate. I hope that the materials used for this project will also be the same, retain the texture and state of the materials themselves, and make them change with time. For example, the mottled texture of cast-in-place concrete, the blue texture and cold touch of the steel plate after high-temperature hot rolling, the carbonized surface of the wood after being burned by fire, and the oxidized spots of brass and iron sheets. These undecorated materials are combined one by one. I hope that these materials produced in human industrial civilization can talk to nature through the changes of time.
▼ 钢板,铁皮,木头,混凝土,steel plate , iron sheet , wood, concrete ©毛伟伟
▼ 材料细节,details of material use ©毛伟伟
About construction and details
The original states of materials are presented as undecorated decorations through the structural design and different combinations.
▼ 斜向条形灯系统,oblique strip lamp system ©胡康榆
▼ 斜向条形灯系统,oblique strip lamp system ©毛伟伟
▼ 室外灯箱系统,outdoor light box system ©毛伟伟
▼ 室外灯箱系统外景,exterior view of the outdoor light box system ©毛伟伟
▼ 其他物件构造细节,construction details of other objects ©毛伟伟
▼ 概念实体模型,concept physical model ©毛伟伟
▼ 总图,masterplan ©毛伟伟
▼ 一层平面图,1F plan ©毛伟伟
▼ 二层平面图,2F plan ©毛伟伟
▼ 立面图,elevation ©毛伟伟
项目所在地:深圳市大鹏新区艺象iD TWON 国际艺术区
面积 : 328㎡
建筑师: 毛伟伟
品牌设计 : 毛伟伟
摄影 : 胡康榆 , 毛伟伟
主要材料: 钢板,镀锌板,黑色防腐木,清水混凝土
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