立方体设计--广州Mix Design办公室
对于“MIX DESIGN”来说,这是一次新的开始。大胆运用变色体系,表达视觉核心的同时形成了完全独立的品牌气质。This is a new start for “MIX DESIGN”. While expressing the visual core, it has formed a completely independent brand temperament.
Business pioneer
作为国内商业空间先锋性团队,“MIX DESIGN”以“商业价值+视觉传达”为设计核心理念,创造了以商业策略为先的建构逻辑。
▼入口空间,the entrance ©立方体设计事务所
As a pioneer team of domestic commercial space, “MIX DESIGN” takes “commercial value+visual communication” as its core design concept and creates a construction logic that takes business strategy as the first.
▼一层轴测图,axonometric drawing of the first floor ©立方体设计事务所
▼入口空间,the entrance ©立方体设计事务所
“MIX DESIGN”是公司的设计属性也是设计态度,常规的视觉技法上的突破并不足以成为经典,从品牌自身出发寻求“独一无二”的长期商业传播。
“MIX DESIGN” is the company’s design attribute and design attitude. The breakthrough in conventional visual techniques is not enough to become a classic. We seek “unique” long-term commercial communication from the brand itself.
▼前台,the front desk ©立方体设计事务所
“Our office can reflect our ability and value, and also can realize our ideal of continuous running.” Said designer Xu Lin.
▼展示墙,display wall ©立方体设计事务所
▼座谈区,communication area ©立方体设计事务所
▼由座谈区看向接待区,a view from the communication area to the reception area ©立方体设计事务所
Time transition
Star traveler “Dali”, the aircraft he piloted got involved in the turbulent flow of time and began a long journey of time and space transition, looking for a way out in the time and space gap.
▼接待区展示墙近景,close shot of the display wall ©立方体设计事务所
▼座谈区近景,close shot of the communication area ©立方体设计事务所
Flywheels are more like advanced products of alien technology. The exposed gear and linear shape combine the aesthetic characteristics of machinery and the future, leading visitors to relive the fantasy spirit of the golden age.
▼飞轮近景,close shot of the flywheels ©立方体设计事务所
From primitive relics to large buildings and sculptures, people touch eternity through scale, which is the original expression of human poetry.
▼金属墙面近景,close shot of the metal wall ©立方体设计事务所
Natural lighting
The first time and space tells the story of transforming nature. The giant light making instrument is not only like an ancient device, but also points to the distant future.
▼造光空间,light making instrument ©立方体设计事务所
The pure geometric interface is surrounded by a warm atmosphere at the moment of entering by the contrast of colors and lights.
▼发光墙面近景,close shot of the lightening wall ©立方体设计事务所
Heterogeneous space-time
▼二层轴测图,axonometric drawing of the second floor ©立方体设计事务所
The sense of meaning of work determines our working state. The new office cultural space with free personality, flexible interaction, natural reality and interesting mobility has become the reality of the needs of the financial and intellectual elite.
▼办公空间概览,overview of the working sapce ©立方体设计事务所
“我们都尽可能在一次次的创造中想要回归内在的创造与突破。”所见所行带着更加独立的思考,这一点“MIX DESIGN”的过去与现在都达成了一致。
What we saw and what we did took a more independent thinking, and this point has been agreed in the past and the present of “MIX DESIGN”.
▼现代化的办公空间,a modern working sapce ©立方体设计事务所
从空间构架到细节考虑都为了不同于传统办公的感受,沉浸其中,冷静又热烈。这或许是未来商业更加能够与消费者产生粘性的方式之一,“MIX DESIGN”首先在办公空间中进行探索与尝试。
This is one of the ways in which businesses will become more cohesive with consumers in the future. “MIX DESIGN” is the first to explore and try in the office space.
▼办公空间墙面近景,close shot of the wall in working sapce ©立方体设计事务所
Construction sequence
It seems that there is no limit, but actually there is “law” and “order”. In the collision of reason and sensibility, we return to pleasure and relaxation, so as to find a “sense of belonging”.
▼办公室概览,overview of the private office room ©立方体设计事务所
The office design is like a mirror, reflecting the enterprise values and workplace ecology. Follow the original heart and move forward on the road of persistence and love. In the endless future, mankind’s pursuit and exploration of “eternal materials” will be endless.
▼办公桌椅及置物架近景,close shot of the private office room and the shelf ©立方体设计事务所
从立方体设计事务所,到“MIX DESIGN”,是一个设计型团队十年的蜕变成长,以崭新面貌再次出发。
From a design firm to “MIX DESIGN”, it is a decade of transformation and growth of a design team, starting again with a new look.
▼办公室外观,the exterior ©立方体设计事务所
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