Woods Bagot--上海欧邦针美汇诊所
有别于传统医院冰冷的诊疗区,现在的医疗康养空间开始更注重提供能够让就诊人员感到信任安全、轻松惬意的环境,伍兹贝格认为: 后疫情时代,医疗康养空间也不再仅仅是一处放松场所,而是将实体空间与情感体验交织的疗愈之地;并且 随着“品牌”观念的深入人心,如何定义品牌价值将比纯粹的空间设计更为重要。Wellness-oriented spaces have become more than just places for pampering and relaxing during the global pandemic. The value of feeling safe and well has never been higher, and the Woods Bagot team has been galvanized by the call to create multi‑channel experiences that connect emotions, senses, and contexts.
2020 到 2021 的两年时间里,伍兹贝格为欧邦医疗成功交付了上海虹桥、长宁及郑州三处空间,从室内设计、造型设计到品牌及标识一体化设计出发,讲述了客户致力于打造轻松、私密且专业的高品质轻医美服务 及环境的不懈坚持。
This results in an exceptional guest journey – a relaxed, private, and specialised medical experience for Oubang Beauty of its chain clinic based in three locations – two in Shanghai, one in Zhengzhou from 2020 to 2021 through an integrated approach from visioning, interior design, styling, to brand and visual identity consulting.
▼项目概览,overview of the project © 田方方
An integrated branding approach
作为轻医美行业的领军品牌,欧邦医疗旗下包含三大业务:针美汇,高端保养轻医美连锁品牌;G&H,抗衰 及女性护理服务;拽吧,美发沙龙品牌。如何提取品牌 DNA,将三大业务有机纳入同一空间就成为设计团 队首先要解决的问题。
Oubang beauty is a leading practice of holistic beauty care in China. The new type of clinic saw a unity of three aspects of its business – Zhenmeihui (anti-aging service), Hair Bar (hair salon) and G&H (women’s health service).
▼将自然景观纳入室内空间,introduce natural landscape into interior spaces© 田方方
为此,伍兹贝格以“双向共创”为起点,与欧邦团队通过工作坊、头脑风暴等形式深入探讨其医疗服务内容及对象,在品牌形象、设计策略和空间语言维度展开对话,最终形成“永恒的变化”,这一指导后续所有诊 所的设计原则和空间叙事,并针对诊所的不同场址特征进行了量身定制的打造。上海虹桥诊所将自然景观纳入室内空间,营造自然轻松的就诊体验;长宁诊所重新定义了体验的顺序,创造远离城市喧嚣的私密感;郑州诊所则从新古典主义建筑出发,雕刻出仪式感满满的新美体验。
Understanding the breadth of services and Oubang Beauty’s clientele through co-creation workshops was key to ensure the design could support different services and they could co-exist and thrive off one another. So, the design of the Zhenmeihui clinics embody the company’s philosophy of preservation of beauty, and a spatial narrative of “Timeless Change” that celebrates the balance between preservation and evolution.
▼量身打造的室内空间,tailored interior spaces© 田方方
Health is both a feeling and a foundation
自然环境能够提升疗愈功能,因而在临近欧邦医疗总部的虹桥旗舰诊所内,设计师以户外自然景观为切入 点,关注用户的到访体验。
Natural elements provide peace of mind as well as body. The approach for Hongqiao was to embrace and leverage the unique qualities of the site – a three-floor central atrium with a retractable roof and an extensive private garden. The project focuses on enhancing the client’s arrival through the exterior landscaping and the communal spaces within.
▼到访区域,the client’s arrival© 田方方
In difference from a standard front desk of a traditional medical space, a custom marble translucent front desk was introduced to bring a sense of sophistication and warmth to visitors. The hollowed-out brick wall at the back provides visual permeability, connecting the inside and outside.
▼前台设计,the front desk© 田方方
经由中庭花园进入诊所,用户将抵达一个通高三层的中庭休憩区,这个区域作为功能转换区,既能连接一层的前台、洽谈室、拽吧、餐厅、多功能厅等区域,又能够通过中央旋转楼梯将客人自然引导至 2 层就诊区。
Visitors will arrive at a three-story central atrium upon entry. This is the place where the lounge, meeting room, hair bar, restaurant and multi-functional hall collide with each other on the first floor, also a place leading naturally to the treatment area on the second floor via the central spiral staircase.
▼通高三层的中庭休憩区,the three-story central atrium © 田方方
结合原有建筑结构设计的中庭空间由藤编墙面及金属材质交织包裹,自然光透过藤编材质洒入整个中庭,为 访客增添了一份自然舒适感。通高藤编墙面统一了二层就诊区的风格,木材、藤编、布艺三种自然材质交相呼应,形成就诊区前厅一致的设计语言,如同酒店大堂一般给人宾至如归的感觉。
Out of the original architecture, the central atrium is wrapped with metal and rattan walls, allowing natural light to pour in to give visitors a sense of natural comfort. The natural materials of wood, rattan and fabric echo each other, forming a consistency within the space and offering visitors a sense of welcome, just like a hotel lobby.
▼宾至如归的舒适体验,a sense of welcome © 田方方
模糊体验的边界,叠合 ‘疗’和 ‘愈’双场景
Driven by a physical and emotional experience
位于城市繁华街口的长宁诊所,共两层约 1,190 平方米。空间以“拽吧”为入口空间,重新定义了体验的顺 序:从公共空间,半公共空间到私有区域无缝过渡,创造一种远离城市环境的私密感。
The Changning Zhenmeihui Clinic is located in a prominent Shanghai corner block of a busy intersection, spanning two floors within 1,190 sqm. It was vital to redefine the experience sequence – transitioning seamlessly from the public, and semi-public to the private zones and creating a sense of solitude away from the urban environment at its doors.
▼长宁诊所入口,the entrance of the Changning Zhenmeihui Clinic © 田方方
▼从公共空间,半公共空间到私有区域无缝过渡,transitioning seamlessly from the public, and semi-public to the private zones © 田方方
同时,“拽吧”外立面的处理与空间天花及地面节点创造出一种微型建筑插入到空间的强烈感,同时形成一 个与大堂入口融合的背景。
The Hair Bar façade held off the ceiling and floor slab created an essence of form insertion and a neutral backdrop for the building entry.
▼“拽吧”内景,the interior view of the Hair Bar © 田方方
▼天花板细节,details of the ceiling © 田方方
在这里,前台和后勤区域的界限变得模糊,设计师更加关注就诊、等候与休息等重要空间节点的连贯性,以构建出强体验旅程。这种模糊边界的设计手法从长宁诊所延续到郑州诊所,并从功能边界的模糊进一步拓展到领域边界的消融。如果说上海虹桥诊所为访客带来如酒店般欢迎体验,那么郑州诊所则叠合了“疗”和 “愈”双场景,让就诊人员犹如进入水疗吧般感到舒适放松。
The design language and philosophy continue to Zhengzhou clinic but are tailored to each unique quality of its location.
▼疗愈的空间,a space for healing © 田方方
走进这个共两层约 2,100 平方米的空间内,迎面而来的是造型大胆简洁的岩洞型前台,柔和的颜色、细腻的质地和大胆的拱形壁龛、坚固的门槛和米色石材上柔和照明,充满禅意和现代美。
Customers will be embraced through a bold yet simple form of a grotto upon entering this 2,100 sqm space across two floors. Softness is felt through muted colour, fine texture, and bold forms of arched niches, robust thresholds, and indirect lighting. Beautiful materials come together to create a serene and modern space.
▼充满禅意和现代美的空间,a serene and modern space © 田方方
A featured ceremonial walk was designed to take clients to the private clinic rooms and spa-like service spaces, enhancing the circulation experience and giving back the best natural attributes to its guests while initiating a calming and entrusting environment. Special lights are required for patient procedures, so clinic rooms are planned inboard along the original façade.
▼长走廊,the circulation © 田方方
▼注射室,the injection room © 田方方
进入二层的 VIP 空间,藤条、剑麻等可持续环保材料打造出高品质且温暖舒适的就诊休息区。项目十分注重提升环境空气质量,木饰面和零甲醛涂料被广泛运用在诊所室内空间,用以保持高水平空气质量,为用户营造健康就诊体验。
A major proportion of the finish selections and furniture manufacturing were kept local whenever applicable. Eco-friendly materials like rattan and sisal were chosen for their sustainable qualities and warmth and texture. The air quality of the environment in China is incredibly important for its occupants. The use of wood veneers and zero VOC paints were ensured to maintain a high level of air purity and continue the philosophy of a holistic health experience for its clients.
▼环境友好的休息区,the eco-friendly lounge area © 田方方
Space planning is the key. The use of neutrals, solids and transparency all became the strategy to create holistic physical and emotional experiences built on consistent respect for health, while bringing a sense of warmth and a friendlier, calmer user-centric experience.
▼私密、安全且舒适的疗愈体验,a friendlier, calmer user-centric experience © 田方方
项目主要负责人: 黄馨谚-伍兹贝格高级董事合伙人,上海工作室负责人
郑州诊所-2,100 平方米;
上海长宁诊所-1,190 平方米;
上海虹桥诊所-1,415 平方米
服务内容: 室内设计、品牌策划、标识设计
竣工时间: 2020-2021 年
2021 美国 IIDA 亚太设计奖 “最佳医疗项目”
2022《WIN 世界室内新闻网》大奖,医疗健康类金奖 摄影师:田方方
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