达人设计 发表于 2022-11-12 18:40:09


GOMA Taller de Arquitectura是一家总部位于墨西哥的建筑事务所,有不同年龄段的成员组成,所有人在团队中都有着无可替代的作用。该事务所在建筑项目的设计和执行方面有着丰富的设计实践经验,并且仍在不断的探索新的发展道路和创意理念。

GOMA Taller de Arquitectura, a Mexico-based architecture firm, has Taller de Arquitectura with members of different ages, all of whom have an irreplaceable role in the team. The firm has a wealth of practical experience in the design and execution of architectural projects, and is still exploring new development paths and creative ideas.


They advocate a design approach that ADAPTS to the site and understands the impact the home will have on the family. At the same time, they are adept at coming up with innovative ideas and concepts based on the client's vision, coordinating the opinions and suggestions provided by the final decision maker, and driving the implementation of the project with the passionate co-creation of each collaborator.


In order to fully integrate the building into its natural environment, architects often use natural earth colors to match their projects. Simple design forms and the use of natural materials allow the building to become more profound and meaningful over time.


GOMA's design has always had a strong sense of geometric beauty, and they believe it is important to find the right feeling in each project. Therefore, everything involving geometric aesthetics, functional layout, etc. is carefully arranged, and light is introduced into the space, forming a natural light. It's like a mathematical equation that solves everything, including the atmosphere and feel of the space.

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查看完整版本: GOMA--建筑的几何美学