诰丰建筑设计--成都Serve & Share鸡尾酒吧
随性的成都人造就了中国享乐主义的新乐土,多元审美在蜀地并存,也催生了鸡尾酒吧文化的百家争鸣。在这片兼容并蓄的土地上, Pronounced Design诰丰建筑设计联手成都的餐饮主理人Ace萌生了突破传统的愿景,共同打造一家充满律动性、呼吸感的新式鸡尾酒吧——Serve & Share。With its multiple coexisting aesthetics, Chengdu deserves the name of China’s hedonist paradise. Serve & Share was born to redefine cocktail bar culture on this blissful land. Pronounced Design, along with Ace, F&B veteran from Chengdu, have a joint vision to break through tradition, and create an experimental cocktail bar full of rhythm and respiration.
▼门店外观概览,the exterior ©李浚文
Serve & Share像是一节驶向未知的车厢,两扇折叠的金属窗勾勒着“车厢”内外的风云变幻,窗外是前一秒安静、下一秒熙攘的街景,而窗内的世界也无时不刻在发酵酝酿着,多媒体墙的内容和天花板上的吊灯随着音乐的节奏而呼吸、变幻,用未知的表情迎接下一位走进的客人。建筑外立面所用的透明玻璃砖如同一层轻薄的皮肤包裹着酒吧的机体,内部迷人的光线从这里渗透而出,引人入胜的同时又保持了一些神秘感。
Resembling a train carriage heading into the unknown, Serve & Share features two windows that bridge the gap between the inside and outside of the contained space. As if alive, the content of the digital wall and the colors of the hanging light constantly breathe and change with the rhythm of the music, welcoming every guest with a different expression. The semi-transparent glass bricks used in the building’s façade wrap around the body of the bar and let the mysterious lights and colors from inside pass through, piquing the irresistible curiosity of passersby.
▼门店外观夜景,night view of the exterior ©李浚文
▼门店外观灯光变化效果,lightening effect of the exterior ©李浚文
▼由窗口看向室内,a view from the window to the interior ©李浚文
Inside the bar, the designer wanted to simulate the interactive relationship of an immersive theatrical experience. The center of the interior space features a large marble counter in the shape of an “I”, with the bartender’s work area at one end. Contrasting with the traditional closed-off round bar style, this spatial design allows the bartender and the guest to move freely around each other, while also eliminating the feeling of the bartender being the actor at the center of the “stage”. Surrounded by the changing background of lights and shadows, the passengers on this “Orient Express” are not only watching a performance, but become a part of one.
▼大理石吧台,the large marble counter ©李浚文
▼吧台近景,close shot of the counter ©李浚文
氛围是迷幻的,但建筑是自律的,空间内的材质、灯光、动线仍然紧紧跟随功能的需求。对于Pronounced Design诰丰建筑设计而言,在给画卷着色晕染之前,扎实的轮廓和线条是出品的保证。高光的面板和金属的包边让有限面积内的空间看上去更精致紧凑;窄条的金属边桌给匆匆过客一个快速“上车”的立足点,也令人联想到车厢的环境;黑色的镜面在夜晚营造窗外旅途的深邃感,也进一步模糊了空间实际尺度和距离;透如绿玉的吊顶玻璃自带复古的味道,与颇有未来感的光线互相平衡,让人走进一部没有明确时代线索的电影场景中,充满了不确定性。登上Serve & Share这辆驶向未知的东方快车,让它带你着你的夜晚到下一站吧。
While the atmosphere is psychedelic, the building itself, including the materials, lighting, and use of space is grounded in functionality. For Pronounced Design, solid contours and lines are the hallmark of our design style. High-gloss panels and metal edging create a refined look while also giving off larger sense of space in compact areas. The narrow metal side table provides something to hold onto as the carriage gets more and more crowded with passengers as the night progresses. The black mirrored surfaces distort space and time, allowing guests to enjoy the journey, letting go of the real world. Finally, the green jade-like ceiling glass has a retro feel which balances perfectly with the futuristic lights. Embark on an adventure on the Orient Express, where mysterious excitement awaits.
▼座椅近景,close shot of the seatings ©李浚文
▼黑色镜面材质近景,close shot of the black mirrored surface ©李浚文
▼轴侧分析图,axonometric drawing ©上海诰丰建筑设计
项目地点: 中国,成都
设计总监: 林天皓 Andy Lin
项目团队: 韩艺Yi Han ,王思雨 CiCi Wang
家具: Cocon
视觉VI: 盒子先生 BOX + XXX
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