达人网tony 发表于 2022-11-2 17:39:34


宁波江北,东南沿海的一方秘境。Ningbo Jiangbei, southeast coast of a secret environment.
深入宁波的历史文化氛围里,璞辉设计将将城市文化进行解构,用摩登精致的风潮向空间美学进阶,将宁波的在地文化与潮乐风尚结合,构成了宁波亚朵酒店的独特魅力。Deep into the historical and cultural atmosphere of Ningbo, PHE Design will deconstruct the urban culture, advance the space aesthetics with modern and exquisite trend, combine the local culture of Ningbo with the trend of music, constituting the unique charm of Ningbo Atuo Hotel.

01音之疗愈-「繁花乐动的时代」Healing of Sound - "The Age of Flowers and Music"

如果声音有形状?——是小约翰·施特劳斯的《花之节日波尔卡》,What if sound had a shape? -- "Flower Festival Polka" by Johann Strauss Jr.,
共赴一场花朵游园会,谱写美的声乐舞曲。Go to a flower garden meeting altogether, compose the most beautiful vocal music dance.

△Pietro Costatini 座椅Ello Furniture \ 意大利 \ 1970
爱德华·塔夫特作为声音数据可视化的先驱,将音乐、图像与色彩优雅地融合在一起,“花朵”与“音乐”,原本属于完全不同维度的元素将迎来一场关于声、色、形与空间艺术的奇遇。As a pioneer of sound data visualization, Edward Taft gracefully integrates music, image and color. "Flowers" and "music", elements originally belonging to completely different dimensions, will usher in an adventure of sound, color, shape and space art.

繁花中的音律则取意于宁波人的“白月光”——甬剧,来自当地的老式留声机经过重新设计,底座表面绘制甬剧的形象,一种马赛克质感的画面,似江南绵长而又朦胧的韵味,配合以浓烈的配乐色彩烘托剧情,在现代摩登的氛围里重塑宁波人的记忆,达到了完美的情绪氛围。Melody is take meaning in ningbo of flowers are "white moonlight" -- YongJu, from local gramophones redesigned, base YongJu surface rendering image, a kind of Mosaic texture images, like jiangnan long and hazy lasting appeal, cooperate with span background color foil plot, in the atmosphere of modern fashionable restore ningbo sole memory, It's the perfect mood.

△Afra e Tobia Scarpa Artona扶手椅Maxalto \ 意大利 \ 1975
这些多样性的融合将被一个优雅的设计联系起来。This fusion of diversity will be linked by an elegant design.

对于建筑来说,不是声音赋予了它新的意义,而是声音带来的感受和不同的思考方式让它成为了与众不同的空间。For architecture, it is not the sound that gives it new meaning, but the feelings and different ways of thinking that the sound brings make it a different space.

空间的艺术装置以金属球为介,架子鼓为支撑,似是将欢笑、悲伤、热情、冷却和自如、束缚等一系列音乐情绪都融入球体中,随着金属根茎的方向肆意生长,比拟着花朵昂扬向上的动态感,终展现出盛放的姿态。The art installation in the space takes the metal ball as the medium and drum as the support. It seems to integrate a series of musical emotions, such as laughter, sadness, enthusiasm, cooling, freedom and restraint, into the ball. It grows arbitrarily along with the direction of the metal root, which compares with the dynamic feeling of flowers rising high and upward, and finally shows a blooming posture.

空间另一侧的明朗场域则是专用于接待的空间,规则形状的巨大方块构成了趣意盎然的空间样貌,选取全世界内知名音乐家的画像漫布于隔墙之上,是致敬音乐艺术深的情结。The clear field on the other side of the space is dedicated to the reception space. The huge square with regular shape constitutes an interesting space appearance. The portraits of famous musicians around the world are scattered on the partition wall, which is the deepest complex of music art.

与之相契合的是中央的“倒悬”装置。形成半弧状的金属声波,高频为山,低频为水,让音乐真正在艺术表现上实现了可视化,装置与灯光相映幻化,余音袅袅,构建山水。In conjunction with this is the central "overhang" device. Forming metal sound waves in the shape of half arc, the high frequency is the mountain, the low frequency is the water, so that the music really realizes the visualization in the artistic expression. The installation and the light are reflected in each other, and the lingering sound is curling, constructing the landscape.

通过特色的乐器元素和新兴音乐结合,借鉴尤其里里、萨克斯、小提琴等的形体进行抽象与弯曲,通过鲜明的主题色与解构艺术的大胆对比,构成活力的空间。Through the combination of characteristic instrument elements and emerging music, drawing on the shapes of Lili, saxophone, violin and so on for abstraction and bending, through the bold contrast of bright theme color and deconstructive art, a dynamic space is formed.

有趣的探索之旅从未间断,望见满墙的书籍让人的心灵也得到了平静,仰首,是特质的灯具近在咫尺,豁然宽阔的桌椅都在讲述一部自然史。The interesting journey of exploration never stops, the sight of books on the wall calms people's minds, looks up, is the characteristic lamp close at hand, and the wide table and chairs are telling a natural history.

02爱乐之城-音符的浪漫折叠La La Land - romantic folding of musical notes

这一场视觉与听觉的旅行穿越古今,罗马的拱结构,当地的古老工艺品,视觉变化的音效大量地回响充斥反弹于音乐餐吧的沉浸式空间中,将观众带进一个超越感官极限的新维度空间——花朵音乐节也同时步入高潮。This visual and auditory journey through ancient and modern, Roman arches, local ancient crafts, visual changes and sound effects reverberate in the immersive space of the music bar, taking the audience into a new dimension beyond the limits of the senses - the Flower Music Festival also enters the climax.

空间用拱形的序列形成一个优雅古典的空间,每个不同的区域展现着新概念酒店的多面性,并将新潮的音乐式餐吧融入到整体概念中,也同时保有原始的文化历史,让一系列感官同时触发,带来意想不到的惊喜体验。The space forms an elegant and classical space with arched sequences, each of which showcases the multifaceted nature of the new concept hotel, and integrates the trendy music-style restaurant into the overall concept, while preserving the original cultural history, allowing a series of senses to be triggered at the same time for unexpected and surprising experiences.

其间使用复古英伦的红绿色与极繁主义的装饰点缀窗外四季轮回的优美景色,无数可能的旋律正在谱写。In the meantime, the red and green of retro England and the minimalist decoration are used to decorate the beautiful scenery of the four seasons outside the window, and countless possible melodies are composing.

奢华沉稳的设计,绚烂的霓虹锋芒毕露与潮流音乐碰撞出的火花,是对于现代精致主义的提炼与重组。The luxurious and calm design, the brilliant neon edge and the spark of the collision of trendy music are the refinement and reorganization of modern refinement.

宁波是一个美丽的水城,而水在不同的天气、不同的光线下会呈现不同的色彩,空间正是巧妙利用了这一点,将意料之外的色彩都容纳进窗外的接天水色之中,让美食、美景、音乐相得益彰。Ningbo is a beautiful water city, and water will show different colors in different weather and different lights, and the space is cleverly used to accommodate unexpected colors into the water color outside the window, so that food, beauty and music complement each other.

音乐餐吧就像是一封写给城市的情书,饱含了浓情蜜意,却又不乏含蓄的美感。The music bar is like a love letter to the city, full of love and sweetness, but also subtle beauty.

夕阳渐落,照应着饰物的掠影,遗憾也成为一种艺术,浪漫的波尔多舞曲带着如诗如画的慰藉继续生活……As the sun sets, it mirrors the ornaments, regret becomes an art, and romantic Bordeaux dances continue to live with picturesque solace...

花之节日波尔卡——讲述着关于花朵与音乐的舞曲,用超越普世价值的酒店空间设计让人有机会真正思考艺术的生命与活力。Flower Festival Polka – a dance music about flowers and music, the design of hotel spaces that transcend universal values gives people the opportunity to truly think about the life and vitality of art.

项目名称丨宁波万科滨江奥体中心亚朵S酒店项目地点丨中国·宁波完工时间丨2022年9月甲方信息丨宁波万科、宁波开投、亚朵集团甲方团队丨杨耀阳 、王雯软装设计丨上海璞辉空间设计有限公司创意总监丨彭驿乔设计总监丨尹志超设计团队丨李文静、张欣硬装设计丨上海弥境室内设计有限公司项目摄影丨十观建筑空间摄影


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