达人网eric 发表于 2022-10-19 11:01:01



The project is located in an old-timey ordnance factory park, where the heritage building blocks and youth culture attracted the founder of ALUMNI to choose one of the high-ceilinged spaces as the brand’s first brick-and-mortar store in China.


Chengdu owns extremely dynamic consumer groups and continuously growing cultural output. However, this brick-and-mortar store of ALUMNI is not only designed to offer a traditional sense of clothing sales. We and the ALUMNI team want it to be an open reception space with multiple possibilities. So, a moderate design language is adopted for organising a testing ground of old& new combinations.

▼门店入口概览,Overview of the exterior ©未来以北工作室


Tracing back to the site visit in late 2021, we were drawn to its old industrial feel at the first sight. The intimate space scale, the facade with rusted steel frame, the orderly wooden roof structure, etc., all of these formed a unique time stamp, which is exactly what the space design should respect and try to explore more. At the same time, as a brand grown in the United States, ALUMNI also bring its understanding of fashion culture and hope to have interesting stories with this space and friends who come here.

▼入口空间,The entrance ©未来以北工作室


In the design strategy, we tried to combine the building entrance with the existing rusty steel plate as much as possible, using simple space blocks to introduce the guests into the internal space.

▼由入口空间看向店铺内部,A view from the entrance to the interior ©未来以北工作室

▼由店铺内部看向入口,A view from the interior of the store to the entrance ©未来以北工作室


The whole space is divided into three parts which have their atmosphere but still connect tightly and functionally. These modular display steps we created for the core space are basic components to organise the space. And it deserves to be mentioned that this idea is from the stand on the campus, this specific item represents a form of language that comes with memories. It is free and simple, at the same time, it is appropriately echoed by the brand traceability of ALUMNI.

▼由入口处看向核心展陈区,A view from the entrance to the modular display space ©未来以北工作室

▼核心展陈及活动区,The modular display space ©未来以北工作室

▼模块化的台阶,The modular display steps ©未来以北工作室


For the materials we choose for the steps, the industrial metal skeleton and the warm birch wood constitute a relaxing shape design. We imagine that these modules are in different application scenarios, with different combinations of forms to respond to a series of requirements, like retail, cinema, performance, exhibition, etc.

▼台阶近景,Close shot of the modular display steps ©未来以北工作室

The metal structure can be seen from the back of the steps ©未来以北工作室

▼核心展示区及靠墙展示区, The main display area and the display area close to the wall ©未来以北工作室


The rising area on the southwest side of the space is also the original foundation of this building, we designed a set of long tables and benches here, but also put some modular steps with metal structures and cork layers to continue the core concept of this space. The rising area surrounds the long tables, is more suitable for workshops, and relaxed discussions, and can also be used as a supplementary space for exhibitions or retails.

▼由核心展示区看向店铺西南角, A view from the main display area to the southwest corner ©未来以北工作室

The display block in-between the main display area and the southwest corner ©未来以北工作室

▼店铺西南角设置的长桌, The long table at the southwest corner ©未来以北工作室

The modular steps were extended to the southwest corner ©未来以北工作室


The mezzanine area on the southeast side is more compact and exquisite due to the original architectural scale. This design also responds to the flexible space use demand and has the possibility of longitudinal extension.

▼东南侧的夹层下方展示区, The mezzanine area at the southeast side ©未来以北工作室

▼由夹层下方看向核心展陈区, A view from the mezzanine area to the main display area ©未来以北工作室

▼楼梯近景,Close shot of the stairs ©未来以北工作室

▼夹层上方,The mezzanine area ©未来以北工作室


Going back to the initial impression of this space, we are always keen on the subtle connection between the original sense of time of the building and these newly organised space blocks, and this connection is exactly the background of the space story of ALUMNI, we are expecting the continuous explosion and growth of curiosity and creativity in this open “living room”.

▼轴测图,Axonometric drawing ©未来以北工作室

▼平面图,Plan ©未来以北工作室

设计团队:金波安,李泓臻,罗霜华,张敬一 ,李烨莹,陆亦奇
设计时间:2021.12 – 2022.03
项目面积: 220平米
视频:C-Blast (ALUMNI)
主要材料: 桦木多层板、水磨石、火山石、乱纹不锈钢

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