Robot 3工作室--北京半山隐宿
院子位于北京市房山区国家AAA风景区十渡,原是一户农舍,一半改造一半新建用作民宿。院子的西南角新建了一幢两层建筑,依山而建,融于自然,视野开阔。This courtyard is located in Shidu of Fangshan. It was originally a farmhouse, which was slightly modified to be used as a homestay, and a new two-story house was built in the southwest corner, which is built against the hill and has a wide view.
▼入口路径,Access © Robot 3工作室
There are rivers across Shidu, which meander endlessly, and because of the strong mountain shape of North China, there is a dignified and beautiful unique to the North no matter see from any way, because of the mountains, the courtyard is simple and full of life.
▼建筑依山而建,视野开阔,The accommodation is built against the hill and has a wide view © Robot 3工作室
▼鸟瞰,Aerial view © Robot 3工作室
The newly built house is located in the southwest corner of the yard, which covers an area of 26㎡, it is divided into two layers, the entrance of one layer is in the north side of the house, there are stairs and toilet on the left, and big windows on the south, there is no need for view borrowing, the view is in the house, and the walnut tree outside the window provides perfect shade.
▼设计手绘,Sketch © Robot 3工作室
▼建筑外观,Exterior view © Robot 3工作室
▼望向庭院,View to the courtyard © Robot 3工作室
▼室内空间,Interior view © Robot 3工作室
There are long windows on the east and south sides of the second floor. When the wind passes through the hall, it can take away the dampness of summer in the mountains. In the afternoon, the sun can pass through the west side window directly to the end of the house.
▼老宅大屋,The large room of the old house © Robot 3工作室
On the north side of the courtyard, there is a large room of the old house, which has three rooms, each with its entrance oriented towards the mountains on the southeast side.
▼房间的入口朝向群山,The entrances to the rooms are oriented towards the mountains © Robot 3工作室
▼建筑与远处的山景,The building and the mountain in the distance © Robot 3工作室
At the same time, the original wall on the south side was demolished and a pool was built. Early in the morning, while the sun is still rising in the east, it is comfortable to walk around the yard and saw all the mountains in a leisurely manner.
▼水池和庭院,The pool in the courtyard © Robot 3工作室
▼庭院光影,The courtyard bathed in sunlight © Robot 3工作室
The courtyard was built with the use of cinder bricks, which are commonly used to build houses in the village, and which will give off some earthen color over time. Because of the curved surface and irregular shape, the construction has been discussing with the local craftsman master, through this work, it can really feel the “weight” of each brick.
▼建筑外墙,Exterior walls © Robot 3工作室
▼立面,Facade © Robot 3工作室
▼模型,Model © Robot 3工作室
▼平面图,Plan © Robot 3工作室
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