潜木设计 发表于 2022-10-10 10:51:23



项目名称:椿楸·SPAProject Name: CHUNQIU·SPA项目地址:浙江·嘉兴Project Location: Zhejiang-Jiaxing设计时间:2021年10月Design time: October 2021设计面积:390M2Design area: 390M2设计团队:潜木室内设计Design Team: Materialize Design空间摄影:鑫空视觉艺术机构pace photography: Xinkong Visual Art Agency主要材料:老榆木、亚克力导光板、玻璃砖、芝麻石、微水泥、水磨石砖Materials: old elm wood, acrylic light guide, glass tiles, sesame stone, micro cement, terrazzo tiles
01场地记忆Site Memory
椿楸SPA是由嘉兴民居改造而成,嘉兴地处京杭运河南端,位于吴越交界地。素有 "吴根越角"和"丝绸之府"的美称。传统的嘉兴民居为廊棚建造,第一层架空,铺设靠椅,为来往的人提供方便;第二层与建筑一起共用。CHUNQIU SPA is transformed from a residential house in Jiaxing, which is located at the southern end of the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal and at the junction of Wu and Yue. It is known as "the root of Wu and the corner of Yue" and "the capital of silk". Traditionally, Jiaxing houses are built as porch sheds, with the second floor elevated and paved with reclining chairs for the convenience of people coming and going; the second floor is shared with the building.

初见之时,老建筑的传统质朴与美丽让人惊叹不已,年久失修与破败也令人不禁唏嘘。如何保留原始民居的古朴风貌,又能满足现代生活所需?是本次改造亟待解决的问题。At first sight, the traditional simplicity and beauty of the old buildings are astonishing, but the age-old disrepair and decay also make people sigh. How to retain the ancient appearance of the original houses, but also to meet the needs of modern life? It is the urgent problem to be solved in this renovation.

椿楸,四季流转,万物更迭,寻找传承与创新的平衡点。CHUNQIU, the flow of the seasons, the change of everything, looking for the balance of heritage and innovation.

02时光记忆Time Memory “一迳抱幽山,居然城市间”,与时间的对话这是自然,也是历史。解构重塑传统民居,最大程度保存旧建筑的筋骨气质:青砖黛瓦马头墙、天井、回廊…引用富有地域文化特色的材料,赋予其独特的场域氛围,三进之间,我们在尝试改造和重塑之间的权衡,这是生长,亦是张扬也是克制。"The dialogue with time is both natural and historical. Deconstruction and remodeling of traditional dwellings, the maximum preservation of the old architecture of the sinew and bone temperament: green brick and tile, horse head wall, patio, corridor ... the use of materials rich in regional cultural characteristics, to give it a unique field atmosphere, between the three, we are trying to reform and remodeling trade-off, this is growth, but also open and restrained.

过多的造型添加对于古建筑空间来说是多余的,我们的思考是如何给空间做适当的减法,把那些深层次的历史挖掘出来。在设计上选择保留原有建筑的基本风貌,以现代性的功能考虑驱动内部转化。白色的墙体加固建筑形体结构的同时,与深木色木质结构相得映彰,不同的表皮肌理,组成不同的微差美。以古建筑为骨,洗净铅华,运用新材料将其打造成为空间的肌肤。Excessive styling additions are superfluous to the ancient architectural space, and our thinking is how to make appropriate subtractions to the space to unearth those deeper layers of history. In the design, we chose to preserve the basic appearance of the original building and drive the internal transformation with modern functional considerations. The white wall reinforces the structure of the building form while reflecting the dark wood structure, and the different skin texture makes up different nuances of beauty. Using the ancient architecture as the bones, the building is washed and cleaned, and new materials are used to make it the skin of the space.

空间中保留经过修缮的原有木柱、横梁,用灯光和亚克力来表达新的关系,使原本空间焕然一新,衰朽的气息不复存在。The space retains the restored original wooden columns and beams, and uses light and acrylic to express the new relationship, so that the original space is renewed and the decaying atmosphere no longer exists.

03捕捉灵感Capturing Inspiration 在重力传递上,采用鱼骨梁,完成了对双坡屋顶的支撑;主空间以自然肌理为主色调回归淳朴本质,保留老木结构,从而在老建筑内形成材料新与旧对话,也掩映出传统空间与现代生活的融合,实现传承与创新的精妙权衡。在室内中制造多种氛围光源,通过和建筑结构的融合,表达空间层次和递进的关系。In terms of gravity transmission, herringbone beams are used to complete the support of the double-sloped roof; the main space returns to the simple essence with natural texture as the main color, and preserves the old wooden structure, thus forming a dialogue between old and new materials in the old building, and also concealing the integration of traditional space and modern life, realizing the delicate trade-off between inheritance and innovation. We create a variety of ambient light sources in the interior, and express the relationship between spatial levels and progression through the integration with the building structure.

传统韵味的院落式布局,空间层层递进,在纵轴形成了三进两廊的多层次布局。The traditional rhythmic courtyard layout, with layers of space, forms a multi-level layout of three entries and two corridors in the vertical axis.

入门即能感受到历史和现代的融合,我们使用原建筑中废弃的木头来打造入户区,并在上面嵌入了亚克力灯箱,灯光和顶地面形成柔和的氛围,在这里感受到的不是陈旧古老之感,而是舒适放松。The fusion of history and modernity can be felt at the entrance. We used the discarded wood from the original building to create the entrance area and embedded acrylic light boxes on it, the light and the top ground form a soft atmosphere, and what you feel here is not old and ancient, but comfortable and relaxing.

对称和序列的灯光,赋予空间新的活力又不失庄重之感。The symmetrical and sequential lighting gives the space a new vitality without losing the sense of solemnity.

此刻的古建筑仿佛是进入空间的我们的旧友,早早等候我们的到来,有一个又一个的故事娓娓道来。At this moment, the ancient buildings seem to be our old friends who entered the space, waiting for our arrival early, with one story after another unfolding.
04打破界限Breaking Boundaries 室内保留了部分粗矿的老木质结构,于静谧之中,感受木香中渗透的岁月味道。新老碰撞,历史和现代在此交叠,形成时空对话。The interior retains part of the old rough and mineral wood structure, and in the quietness, you can feel the flavor of the years permeating through the wood fragrance. The old and the new collide, history and modernity overlap here, forming a dialogue between time and space.

以天然材料营造温暖的氛围,一砖一瓦如同时光胶囊,让不同的故事、场景,以相同的语言在同一空间共存,触发碎片化的岁月记忆。Natural materials are used to create a warm atmosphere, and each brick and tile is like a time capsule, allowing different stories and scenes to coexist in the same space with the same language, triggering fragmented memories of the years.

让不同的材质碰撞,带来空间独有的新旧交融感,干净利落,沉稳有力。新旧交融,彼此拥抱,共同诉说一段新的篇章。Let different materials collide to bring a unique sense of old and new in the space, clean, calm and powerful. The old and the new mingle and embrace each other, telling a new chapter together.

顶面设计宛如室内游廊,精巧别致,层层递进,引人入胜。The design of the top is like an indoor corridor, exquisite and chic, and the layers are progressive and fascinating.

房间内部和公共空间相呼应,用自然材质和灯光组合,温暖质朴又不失新意。旧材新用,让空间既有老建筑陈旧肌理,又不失新态度。The interior of the room echoes the public space, using a combination of natural materials and lighting, warm and rustic without losing new ideas. The new use of old materials allows the space to have the old texture of the old building without losing the new attitude.

木窗给空间内增加层次和间隔,光影从窗中透过,窗内灯光摇曳,窗外绿意盎然。Wooden windows add layers and intervals in the space, and light and shadow shine through the windows, with light swaying inside and greenery outside.

光影对话,斑驳陆离,展现时间与空间的线性叙述。拾级而上,感受自然万物生生不息。The dialogue of light and shadow, dappled and drifted, shows the linear narrative of time and space. Pick up the steps and feel the natural life of everything.

05延续记忆Continuing the memory层楼叠院,高墙封闭,马头翘角,墙面和马头高低进退、错落有致。Tiered courtyard, high walls closed, horse-headed, walls and horse-headed high and low into the retreat, staggered.绿叶白墙交相辉映,处处是景,步步入画。
The green leaves and white walls reflect each other, everywhere is a scene, and every step is a painting.敞开式的天井布局,柔和的自然光线照亮暗色调的内部构造,增强室内的通透度与呼吸感。
The open patio layout, with soft natural light illuminating the dark interior, enhances the permeability and breathability of the interior.庭院内部别有洞天,浅细的白砂石铺满地面,莳花弄草,享时光静好。人在景中亦为景,只此一色便生秋意。Inside the courtyard, there is a special place, where light white sandstone paves the ground, and you can enjoy the quiet time by planting flowers and grass. People in the scenery are also the scenery, just this one color will give birth to autumn.

仰而视之,阴处檐下昏暗潮湿,风雨留下的痕迹在岁月中成为了历史的一部分。Looking up, the shaded eaves are dim and damp, and the traces left by the wind and rain have become part of history over the years.

弱围合的庭院预告着下一空间的开始,在建筑外、呼吸中聆听自然之音。The weakly enclosed courtyard foretells the beginning of the next space, listening to the sound of nature outside the building, in the breath.

佳木茏葱,光影之间,香炉升起阵阵袅袅的香烟,卷裹着纱帘,弥漫着整间茶室。The wood is lush and green, between the light and shadow, the incense burner rises a curl of smoke, wrapped in gauze curtains, permeating the entire tea room.

屋顶的瓦片压得密如鱼鳞,木质窗格提供了景观视野,推窗而视,即见清晰的建筑轮廓和朦胧的微光,透过木窗,四时之景,便可窥一二。The roof tiles are pressed as densely as fish scales, and the wooden window panes provide a view of the landscape. When you push the windows, you can see the clear outline of the building and the hazy shimmering light, and through the wooden windows, you can get a glimpse of the four seasons. The roof tiles are pressed as densely as fish scales, and the wooden window panes provide a view of the landscape, and when you push the windows, you can see the clear outline of the building and the hazy light, and through the wooden windows, you can get a glimpse of the four seasons.

出砖入石,让人们在古与今中穿梭,在新旧交融中,链接时空,体验历史的更迭。Out of the brick and into the stone, let people in the ancient and modern shuttle, in the old and new blend, link time and space, experience the change of history.

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