川汀设计作品 丨 昆明波动电竞酒店
▌▎项 目 名 称 ▕昆明波动电竞酒店▌▎项 目 位 置 ▕昆明▌▎项 目 面 积 ▕700平方▌▎设 计 单 位 ▕川汀空间设计事务所▌▎主 案 设 计 ▕赵佳蒙▌▎项 目 时 间 ▕2020年9月[*]设计理念 Design concept:
不同于固有印象中的电竞酒店,波动电竞酒店期望在电竞的基础上使顾客享受到更美妙的视觉效果、更高端的设施和更优质的环境。无论男性或是女性都能在这里找到属于自己的电竞体验。 Different from the inherent impression of esports hotel, Fluctuant Esports Hotel expects to enable customers to enjoy more beautiful visual effects, more high-end facilities and better environment on the basis of esports. Both men and women can find their own esports experience here.
[*]设计主材 Design advocate material:
昆明波动电竞酒店整体的色调以深蓝色为主,部分配以亮橙达到撞色的效果,黄色、灰色为辅助配色。主材为大理石砖、钛金不锈钢、木纹砖等等。 The overall color of Kunming Fluctuant esports Hotel is mainly dark blue, with bright orange to achieve the effect of color collision, and yellow and gray as auxiliary colors. The main material is marble brick, titanium stainless steel, wooden floor and so on.
[*]大厅 The hall:
The lobby is a display board highlighting the decoration style of the e-sports hotel. The combination of metal and wood materials, deep blue gloom and yellow light gives the hotel a quiet and cold feeling. Gray marble floor tiles and the same texture of the leather seat echo, the whole to achieve a harmonious unity.
[*]过道 The corridor:
The hallways continue the main color of the hotel, and the boundary between the wall and the door frame is decorated with bright metal strips, highlighting the high-end style of the hotel. Blue is a quiet color, where customers can have a sense of away from the noise and confusion, and find their own secret space.
[*]豪华电竞大床房 Deluxe Esports big bed room:
The rooms carry out the design style of the hotel, reflecting the standardization of the hotel brand image.
[*]多人间 Many people room:
The multi-person room is more open, equipped with other entertainment facilities in addition to esports equipment, and the open space also provides a place for friends and relatives to eat, drink and gather. Orange FURNITURE AND DECORATIVE painting AND INTEGRAL TONAL FORM a contrast, MAKE MANY PEOPLE compared with other rooms much a lively feeling.
[*]网红电竞大床房 Bestie esports double bed room:
This is a room for girls. Who says esports must be for boys? Different from the overall dark color of the hotel, such a room is more bright and warm. Instead of worrying about study and work, customers can find their own happiness in this pink dream home.
[*]其他要点 Other points:
Esports is a modern term. Customers want an immersive esports experience. In addition to working on computer equipment, the basic equipment of the hotel also needs to be more high-end and intelligent.
南京川汀空间设计事务所Nanjing Chuanting Architectural Design Office地址:南京市雨花台区创新街绿地之窗E1栋12FTel:17372797555项目合作微信:17372797555
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