达人网eric 发表于 2022-9-17 10:46:31

Seniman Ruang--印度尼西亚This Earth 1.0甜品店

新兴甜品品牌This Earth在雅加达的Kelapa Gading商场开设了首家分店,以新颖的空间重新定义了传统甜品店体验的理念。项目由印尼建筑和室内工作室Seniman Ruang设计,该店不仅将向大众展示出太空实验的概念,同时还将搜罗世界各地各种类型的冰甜点产品。

This Earth redefines the idea of conventional dessert shop experience with its first branch in Kelapa Gading Mall, Jakarta, designed by Indonesian architectural and interior studio, Seniman Ruang. The vision encompasses more than a space experimentation, but also bringing various types of icy dessert products that exist around the world.

▼店铺外观,exterior view ©Jo Christian


With a key concept to take inspiration from natural wonders of the world, the interior design brings iconic and organic shapes of natural forms on earth into a built environment in a contemporary way, creating a dynamic configuration of seats, ceiling, and façade.

▼吧台区,the bar area ©Jo Christian

▼吧台细部,details the bar area ©Jo Christian


Swallow’s bird nest, which is their signature ingredient, has influenced the main attraction of the shop in the form of towering drinking pods located at the center of the room. It offers a different drinking experience in a high-level seat through climbing a spiral staircase covered with organic and interlocking spiral iron patterns as interpretation of natural bird nest form. This arrangement allows the space to reach maximum seat capacity in a very limited space through verticality, with a minimal construction footprint and a wide view towards the mall’s window façade.

▼位于中央的旋转楼梯,the spiral staircase in the center ©Jo Christian

▼楼梯上点缀着一系列饮料舱,the stairs are dotted with a series of drinking pods ©Jo Christian


The pods tower embodied several layers of construction; the steel core of spiral stairs as the main structure, the tubular iron sheath, and 12 attached drinking pods. In addition to the function as a safety barrier, the tubular sheath is also a medium for interactive and colorful wishing papers that are filled and bound by visiting customers.

▼铁管制成的围护结构包裹在楼梯外,an envelope of iron pipes wraps around the staircase ©Jo Christian

▼楼梯也是一座互动媒介装置,the staircase is also an interactive media installation ©Jo Christian

▼楼梯细部,details of the spiral staircase ©Jo Christian


The layering form of seats and ceiling is designed as an embodiment of the physical changes of glaciers in the world which has been the most important indicator of the global issue, climate change. The gradation of layers is an abstraction of the shrinking glacier, highlighted with warm LED lights designed by ErreLuce. Cups and merchandise are displayed on zigzagging illuminated acrylic shelves, layered and hung on the wall, illustrating the ice break phenomenon.

▼座位区,the seating area ©Jo Christian

▼发光的丙烯酸货架,illuminated acrylic shelves ©Jo Christian

This Earth 1.0甜品店的室内环境以及产品包装的设计灵感源自地球,并唤起了人们对于地球生态的联想。设计旨在激发出人们对自然馈赠的感恩之情,同时这里也是一扇供人体验形式之美的窗口。以自然为灵感的实验设计元素展示了大自然母亲给我们生活的地方带来的欢乐和魅力,同时呼吁了人们应当更好地保护我们的环境。

This Earth is a reminiscent and celebration of what is formed and comes from earth, wrapped through a collaboration of designed environment and beverages products. The design is a statement of appreciation to how nature has already given us, as well as the window to experience the beauty of its form. The experimental nature-inspired design elements demonstrate how our mother nature can bring joy and charm to the place we live in and bring awareness so that we can take better care of our environment.

▼窗边座位区,the seating area by the facade ©Jo Christian

▼平面图,plan ©Seniman Ruang

▼天花板平面图,ceiling plan ©Seniman Ruang

▼剖面图,section ©Seniman Ruang

▼楼梯塔图纸,drawings of the tree pods ©Seniman Ruang

▼饮料舱图纸,details of the seating pods ©Seniman Ruang

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15601686186 发表于 2023-8-10 14:29:32

这个旋转楼梯有点儿帅 感谢分享~
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