该项目位于中国成都富森美家居南门2号馆, 商场的二层中庭,店铺位置有较强的招识性,这次的设计是此前店铺的全新升级,业主希望通过这次的更新带给更多用户全新的感受。Located at Hall 2 in the second-floor atrium of the Fusen Mall, Chengdu, China, the store has an outstanding and recognizable location. The renovation aims to bring a brand new experience for more users.
品牌故事Brand Story
倍世BWT,200年前诞生于海德堡市的一个美丽小镇,德国施里斯海姆(Schriesheim)。倍世BWT,取意“Best” “Water”“ Technology”三个英文单词的首字母。这三个字母,旗帜鲜明地表达了倍世BWT专注净水事业的决心和伟大梦想。在长达200年的时间旅程里,倍世BWT始终致力于人类的福祉,以饱满的激情和活力,不断向更广泛、复杂的净水领域发起挑战,为全球居民带来健康用水保障和生活品质提升。
The roots of BWT can be traced back to 200 years ago in a beautiful town in Schriesheim, Germany. As an acronym for the three words "Best", "Water" and "Technology", BWT clearly expresses its mission and ambition in water purification technology. During its 200-year development, BWT has been dedicated to the well-being of human beings. With full passion and vitality, BWT has continuously challenged the wider and more complex water purification field to ensure healthy water and to improve life quality for global residents.
倍世BWT与房车赛事/BWT and Motor Racing倍世BWT与滑雪赛/BWT and Ski Racing星级主厨食谱/Star Chef Recipes名人计划/Celebrity Program
环保慈善/Environmental Charity
中外水哲学Water philosophy in the East and the West
水是世界的本源,这是东西方对水的一致认识。Water is the source of the world, which is the consensus of the East and the West.
The Greek philosopher Thales determines that “water is the first principle of everything”. And water is spiritual, permeating everything in the universe. Thus he believes that "all things are full of gods and god is that mind which shaped and created all things from water; it is through the fundamental water that the movement of the universe is directed by the divine power."
水具有灵动性和韵律感,将其空间融入水元素,带出万物皆从水生,万物终归于水。The flexibility and rhythm of water are integrated into the space, conveying that everything comes from water and, finally, that everything goes back to water.
在中国古代哲学观念中,水也是本质性的存在。老子在《道德经》中写道:“上善若水。水,善利万物而不争,处众人之所恶,故几于道。”In ancient Chinese philosophy, water is also an essential existence. Lao Tzu wrote in the Laws Divine and Human (Tao Te Ching): "The highest good is like water. It benefits everything without taking or contending. Water likes the places where men dislike, so it follows closely the divine law.”
从水的哲学中,提炼出水的灵性及利万物的特性,赋予空间不同的功能变化和视觉感观,呈现出极具创意的差异化场景。Inspired by the philosophy of water, the spirituality of water and its character of benefiting all things are extracted to bring different space functional changes and visual perceptions, presenting highly creative and differentiated scenes.
水,净化万物,将蓝色与白色结合作为空间主题色,蓝色水纹的出现使极具现代感的空间多了一分柔性。Water can purify all things. Blue and white are used as the theme color of the space, where the blue water pattern makes the modern space soft and flexible.
BWT的净水哲学BWT's water purification philosophy
Water, the source of life, is a limited resource. BWT is committed to the sustainability of water resources and has cutting-edge expertise, innovative manufacturing technology, and high-quality products.
空间中这个形似胶囊的物体,灵感来源于BWT独有专利技术中的镁离子,四周的黑色环形面将其包裹,当他们整体出现在人的视线中,黑色则自然的消隐,将人视线的主角落在形似胶囊的物体上,成为空间的主体物。Inspired by the magnesium ions in BWT's unique patented technology, the exhibition installation has a shape similar to a capsule, which is surrounded by black annular surfaces. When it appears as a whole, the black color fades away naturally, so that people's sight falls on the capsule-like object, becoming the visual focus of the space.
多镜面的使用,让行走的人能够多维度多角度的去探索空间,线性灯条的运用不仅体现了现代科技感,更是在引导所有人的视线,水纹隔断的出现不仅区分各个区域的功能,同时赋予整个空间灵性与生机。The multi-mirrors allow customers to explore the space from multiple dimensions and angles. The application of light bars creates a sense of modern technology and guides the visiting sight. Besides, the water patterned partition divides the different function areas while adding spirituality and vitality to the entire space.
设计反思Design Thoughts
事物在不同的状态下呈现出不同的形态,水的多态给了空间更多的创造可能性,在塑造空间的过程中,元素的提取和材质的表达直接影响空间的呈现。而创作的过程中如何与自然产物的结合是自然给与我们的挑战。Things appear in different shapes in different states. The polymorphism of water gives the space more possibilities for creativity. In the process of building the space, the extraction of design elements and the expression of materials directly influence the completion of the space. So, the challenge given by nature is how to combine natural products in the process of creation.
项目名称 | BWT德国倍世净水体验中心
Project name | BWT Showroom项目地址 | 四川·成都富森美家居Project address | Fusen Mall, Chengdu,China项目面积 | 120m²Project area | 120 m²设计单位 | 度合一衡Design team | DHB DESIGN主案设计 | 孙康 轶菡The main designer | Mark Sun, Yihan参与设计 | 彭婷婷 刘伟Participate in design | Tingting Peng, Wei Liu项目摄影 | 404NF STUDIOPhotography| 404NF STUDIO
国内提出“弹性主义美学“ 设计理念的弹性空间设计领军机构。由孙康先生和轶菡女士于2018年共同创立的度合一衡,是一家针对空间设计的高级室内定制机构。
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