木,与泥土一同呼吸,听树叶婆娑,与昆虫低语,给嫩草荫蔽;木,始于自然,归于自然。 Wood, breathes with the soil, listens to the leaves whirling, whispers with insects, shades the tender grass; wood starts with nature and returns to nature.
项目概况 Project overview
木,本质的温润性,应和了文雅从容,含而不露;木材的独特纹理,应和了沉敛大气,华而不奢,故中国 人的居家生活对木也有不一般的情感。 Wood, the essence of warmth, should be gentle and calm, contained but not exposed; the unique texture of wood should be calm and elegant, luxurious but not extravagant, so Chinese people also have unusual feelings for wood in their home life.
随着科技与木艺的碰撞,精工锻造与手工细琢的相遇,赋予了木材本身更多的表现形式,作为专注于居家 空间的木作高定品牌“蜂鸟木坊”,因追问木材本质而起,倡导功能主义的理性美学,希望通过严谨建构 逻辑,打造一间与众不同木作展厅。
With the collision of technology and wood art, the encounter of precision forging and hand-crafted fine-cutting has given more forms of expression to wood itself. As a wood-made high-definition brand "Hummingbird Mufang" focusing on home space, it is Since then, he advocates the rational aesthetics of functionalism, and hopes to create a unique wooden exhibition hall through rigorous construction logic。
01门厅 / LOBBY
There is a deep corridor at the entrance. We unify the materials of the color system, introduce the line of sight to the wooden devices through the light, and name the space theme.
我们采用砖墙和灰色水泥材质,让入口空间变得朴素,利用拼接的木材做的偏轴门,营造出材质之间的对比和反差,强调木材的运用与表现。 We use brick walls and gray cement materials to make the entrance space simple. The off-axis door made of spliced wood creates a contrast and contrast between materials, emphasizing the use and performance of wood.
空间不是一个传统的材料展厅,不是平铺直叙的陈列和展示产品,我们更希望营造出一个用心体验的空间, 产品既是构成空间的材料本身,也是玩味与探索的试验场,所以连品牌也是在弱化的。
Space is not a traditional exhibition hall of materials, nor a flat display and display of products. We prefer to create a space for careful experience. Products are not only the materials that make up the space itself, but also a testing ground for pondering and exploring, so even the brand is weakening.
The cabinet vacated by the I-shaped steel frame shows the combination of woodwork and modern technology, and generates two moving lines respectively to meet different browsing experience ways.
空间之中,随处可见踏步的老原木。它们并不精致,但摆放在这样的空间并不围合,同时摆放的位置却经 过深思熟虑的。 In the space, old logs can be seen everywhere. They are not delicate, but they are not enclosed in such a space. At the same time, the location is carefully considered.
Overhead cabinets do not exist to show off technology, and the logic behind them is based on functions.
基于场地的限制,我们将汇报区与洽谈区设置在一起,通过雕琢石材片墙隔断,划分两个功能,同时又衔 接一起,稳住空间气场。 Based on the limitations of the site, we set up the reporting area and the negotiation area together, which are separated by carved stone walls, divided into two functions, and connected together at the same time to stabilize the space aura.
“斯卡帕展示的方式使展品成为空间的一部分,无法重组、移动,甚至虚无的光,都是艺术空间的细部, 而它们本身也是富含细部的艺术品。这些细部都是浑然一体的,部分与整体用同一种语言在对话。” -- 布 鲁诺·塞维 “The way Scarpa displays makes the exhibits become a part of the space, which cannot be reorganized, moved, or even nihilistic light. They are all details of the art space, and they are also works of art rich in details. These details are integrated, and the part and the whole are talking in the same language." -- Bruno SEVI
我们将后厚重的石材通过比例的切割,所有的高差与片段形式,通过明确的等级、模数,形成固有秩序与 对位关系,从而表达现代技术的力量感。 We cut the post heavy stone through proportion, all the height differences and fragment forms, and form the inherent order and counterpoint relationship through clear grades and modulus, so as to express the sense of power of modern technology.
美将来自美的形式和整体与局部的呼应、局部与局部之间的呼应;我们希望通过局部的细节之美,表达背 后的精工技法和五金品质。 Beauty will come from the form of beauty, the echo between the whole and the part, and the echo between the part and the part; We hope to express the craftsmanship and hardware quality behind through the beauty of local details
西方古典雕塑的黄金比例的结构美,流畅的线条美,克制的美与我们空间想表达的理性美学理念契合。 The structural beauty of the golden ratio of Western classical sculpture, the beauty of smooth lines, and the beauty of restraint coincide with the rational aesthetic concept that we want to express in space.
△左:柯布西耶朗香教堂 右:光线图
教堂的开窗形状和图案并不是随机任意的,基于黄金分割的比例系统以不同的角度让光线进入,它引导着 人类的心灵深处的思索,从抽象的感触到对信仰的渴望。 The shape and pattern of the windows of the church are not random. The proportion system based on the golden section allows light to enter from different angles. It guides the deep thinking of human hearts, from abstract feelings to the desire for faith.
光塑造了空间,营造了氛围,也传递了空间表达的理念。 Light shapes space, creates atmosphere, and also conveys the concept of space expression.
水是灵动的,无处不在,从一而终,周而复始,在理性硬朗的空间流淌着温柔的感性。 Water is smart, everywhere, from beginning to end, cycle, flowing with gentle sensibility in the rational and strong space.
柱体比例,对称的形式,秩序的样板展示,自然光线与模拟的自然的光,营造木作材质源于自然,归于自 然感。 The proportion of columns, the symmetrical form, the model display of order, the natural light and the simulated natural light, create a woodwork material derived from nature and attributed to the sense of nature.
一致性的主题延伸,成为贯穿空间的隐藏线索,让缘起“伐木场”追问木作本源意义的空间得以叙事完整。 The theme extension of consistency has become a hidden clue through the space, which makes the space that originated from the "logging ground" to inquire about the original meaning of woodwork complete.
项目名称:蜂鸟木坊 • HUMMINGBIRD WOOD WORKSHOP 建筑面积:190m² 项目坐标:安徽 •合肥 设计总监:夏承龙 设计机构:1890 DESIGN STUDIO 施工单位:筑梦施工 项目年份:2022.05
1890设计 创始人 / 设计总监
夏承龙,合肥一八九零设计有限公司创始人兼设计总监。从业十年,秉着“为年轻筑梦”的使命,带领团队服务于合肥本地及全国的年轻客户群体。擅长简约设计手法,融合不同文化属性,打造出属于当下及未来的生活方式。 关于1890设计1890设计,专注于为年轻一代解决家装设计,施工,软装等高端订制化服务,从2014年底创办至今,秉承着“为年轻筑梦”的使命,服务着合肥及全国各个城市的年轻群体;2017年为更好的落地设计效果,更有效的把控整个设计流程,我们成立了1890设计旗下施工品牌“筑梦施工”。秉着“精于设计,强于施工”的理念,用更好的工艺体系、管控标准、售后保障,为年轻用户构筑安心品质的高端住宅空间。2018年,为了更好完善全案设计系统,我们成立了“1890软装”。秉着“敢于不同,坚持不同”的理念,为每一户提供更全方位,更高品质的居家空间设计。