Práctica arquitectura--墨西哥El Aguacate度假别墅
天光从屋顶洒向4.5米高的中央空间,在这里,居民可以从两侧庭院之间的大片窗户或通过植被平台延伸至土地的大露台,来欣赏房屋周围的景观。房间和服务空间位于围绕中央空间的三个单元中,它们享有房屋周围及远处的景色,并且布局紧凑,对基地影响甚小。Under the zenithal light that enters through the roof of the 4.5 meter high central space of the house, its inhabitants can enjoy the surrounding landscape through the large windows that end in two of its perimeter patios and a large terrace that extends into the terrain by means of vegetated platforms. The rooms and services located in three cells that are articulated around the central space replicate the visual experience of closeness to the environment and distant views while maintaining a compact footprint of the building and a discreet presence on the site.
▼项目远观,distant view ©Cesar Bejar Studio
▼项目近景,closer view ©Cesar Bejar Studio
▼延伸至土地的大露台,the large terrace that extends into the terrain ©Cesar Bejar Studio
▼半室外生活空间,semi-outdoor living space ©Cesar Bejar Studio
“El Aguacate” seeks to be the interface between its inhabitants and the place in which it is deployed; a welcoming space for rest and coexistence whose composition made up of interconnected courtyards and volumes allows the free flow of wind, natural light and circulations.
▼住宅成为居民和场所之间的接合点,”El Aguacate” becomes the interface between its inhabitants and the place ©Cesar Bejar Studio
▼植被平台,vegetated platforms ©Cesar Bejar Studio
▼入口,entrance ©Cesar Bejar Studio
From an initial scheme of concentric squares, the design of the house develops by defining a geometric, programmatic and structural order that was later subverted to increase the size of the terrace and thus improve its comfort. All the elements work. The public and private spaces around the living room and central dining room support the large roof with its gray block walls protected by a rustic polished finish. The sobriety and solidity of the exterior together with the landscape design in apparent stone accentuate the stony and monolithic appearance of the house, dialoguing through color and textures with the intense green color of the garden and the extensive character of the site.
▼室内一瞥,a glance to interior ©Cesar Bejar Studio
▼客厅,living room ©Cesar Bejar Studio
▼由餐厅望向客厅,view to dining room from living room ©Cesar Bejar Studio
▼餐厅,dining room ©Cesar Bejar Studio
▼灰色砌块墙采用朴素且光滑的饰面,支撑着巨大的屋顶,the gray block walls protected by a rustic polished finish support the large roof ©Cesar Bejar Studio
▼卧室,bedroom ©Cesar Bejar Studio
To the extent that the differences between the experience of “city” and “country” are blurred by means of transportation and the operational flexibility provided by digital connectivity, we felt it was important to rethink the idea of a weekend house from the environmental, social, economic and aesthetic commitment to provide only what is necessary. We seek to show that the good approach and execution of an idea, regardless of the scale and budget, allows us to say a lot with little.
▼场地俯瞰,top view of the site ©Cesar Bejar Studio
▼平面图,plan ©Práctica arquitectura
▼横向立面图,transversal elevation ©Práctica arquitectura
▼纵向立面图,longitudinal elevation ©Práctica arquitectura
▼横向剖面图,transversal section ©Práctica arquitectura
▼纵向剖面图,longitudinal section ©Práctica arquitectura
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