达人网eric 发表于 2022-6-2 16:12:37



项目名称:融苑餐厅Project Name: Rong Restaurant项目地址:中国·深圳Location: Shenzhen, China设计单位:境容设计Design Company: Tolerant Design主案设计师:易云飞、张怀臣Chief Designer: Yunfei Yi, Huaichen Zhang辅助设计师:张宇、王飞 Assistant Designer: Yu Zhang, Fei Wang灯光设计:李冰、徐闯Lighting Design: Bing Li, Chuang Xu项目面积:620平米Area: 620㎡项目造价:360万Cost: 3.6 million设计起止日期:2021.8-2021.10Design Cycle: August 2021 - October 2021完工时间:2022.3Completion time: March 2022主要材料:岩板、石材、木纹瓷砖、实木复合地板、壁布、金属、艺术涂料、艺术玻璃 Main Materials: rock board, stone, wood grain ceramic tile, solid wood composite floor, wall cloth, metal, art coating, art glass业主名称:广东省融苑餐饮管理有限公司Client Name: Guangdong Rongyuan Catering Management Co., Ltd项目摄影:彦铭工作室Photographer: Yanming Chen

此间融万象:深圳融苑Visual Feast - Rong
国学大师费孝通先生曾以“各美其美,美人之美,美美与共,天下大同”来诠释美的最高境界:“大同之美”应当是融会贯通的——既要保持个体的自身特色,也要让不同形色的美流动起来催生嬗变。顺应这一理念,深圳融苑项目的设计灵感应运而生。Mr. Fei Xiaotong, a master of Chinese culture, once explained the highest status of beauty by saying, "Achieving one's own goal yields gratification; Lending a hand to consummate others' goal doubles satisfaction.” A harmonious world is unified but with its own characteristics. In this connection, the designer’s inspiration of the design of Shenzhen Rong comes into being.

项目位于中国首个经济特区深圳。作为一座朝气蓬勃的移民城市,其自身便汇集了厚重的港粤文化、崭新的移民文化和交流中不断加深的异国文化,文化肌理与脉络的交织融合,激发了城市的创造力与生命力。项目设计正是以复合文化为肇基,设计团队以传统中式为基底,用年轻新颖的表现手法呈现出年轻人喜闻乐见的中国设计。This project is located in Shenzhen, China’s first special economic zone. Thanks to the profound cultures of Hong Kong and Guangdong, the deepening foreign culture evolved from immigrant culture and exchanges, as well as culture shocks over the past time, Shenzhen, a vibrant immigrant metropolis, is filled with creativity and vitality. Based on the compound culture and traditional Chinese style, the design team create a popular design work favored by young people with novel techniques.

穿过电梯厅循步而入,便可通过半包围的弧面背景墙感受餐厅开敞襟怀的包容之姿。入口处以直棂与横棂交错分明的朱漆网格纹为空间造势,令整体空间不事赘饰,却能让食客与雅然古意不期而遇。右侧是仿庭院回廊式的转角水果展示架设计,陈列其中的融亭果礼不仅为空间平添的自然烟火气,更将“汉苑收名果,如君满玉盘”的在地迎客之道具象表达出来。Walking through the elevator hall, we come to the restaurant in which the semi-enclosed curved background wall is highly memorable. There’s a vermillion grid at the entrance, making the whole space imposing but intimate. Customers should and must have a deep impression on such an elegant atmosphere. On the right side, there’s a courtyard-like fruit display rack at the corner, which shows the way of hospitality on the one hand, and make the space alive and active, thus perfectly interpreting the saying that the hustle and bustle of the city life is always comforting.

寻廊折转,即步入散台区域。融苑餐厅主打高级融合粤菜,人均餐标1000元的定价不仅要求菜品造诣上的精益求精,更考验设计师的对散台餐位与包间构造的谋篇布局。高端餐饮设计并不止步于艺术主张的单纯表达,更是将一次缜密的商业策划蕴于其中,在技法与灵感的融汇中保证餐厅的投入与回报比例。Turning around, we come to the scattered seat area. Rong Restaurant specialized in Guangdong cuisine with an average consumption price of RMB 1000 per person. To that end, whether the quality of dishes or designers’ design scheme on the scattered area and private rooms should meet high standard. The design of high-end restaurants should not only pay attention to the artistic expression, but consider the commercial planning. How to achieve high return after spending so much efforts and money on the restaurant is worthy of consideration.

设计师秉持“形散而神聚”的艺术理念,在散台的布局上,尤为强调“私享”这一概念。朱漆镂雕木架构与墙体完美衔接,设计师巧妙利用木架构自身的通透性,在阻隔视线的同时赋予光影丰足的变幻空间,既保证就餐环境清幽私密,又给予食客无限延伸的雅然意境,在相似的空间中藉由光线与位置的不同创造出独特的景致与韵味,塑造出“朦胧淡月云来去”的悠然氛围。To highlight the privacy of the space, first we should return to the artistic concept - shape dispersing but spirit concentrating. The red hollowed-out work echoes with the wall. The designer takes use of the transparency of wooden architecture to endow the space with changing light and shadow. Therefore, the a quiet and private dining environment is guaranteed on the one hand, and customers are fond of this elegant dining experience on the other. Different lights and locations can provide customers with varied experience even in the similar space, thus creating a kind of leisure atmosphere

不同于大众餐饮设计,高端餐厅务求融情入景,令食客更能全情投入到餐食的品鉴之中。故此,包间的设计不能仅仅局限于基本功能的满足以及配套装饰的配置,而更需要隔绝性与场景感的塑造:将食客的行止坐卧纳入场域的气息流动之中,构筑出安逸独立的欢聚场景,给食客脱离时间与秩序概念的片刻自由,让人能够摒弃五感的芜杂,专注于食材与制作本身,感受味觉触动带来的奇妙体验。Different from the design of popular restaurant, the design of high-end restaurants emphasize more on the environment which customers can indulge themselves in. Therefore, the design of the private room should not only focus on the basic functions and decorations, but on the privacy and the sense of scene. In detail, we aim to allow diners enjoy a moment of freedom while eating food, focus on the delicacies and enjoy the wonderful experience brought by the touch of taste.

沿着走廊踏至尽头,则一目“曲径通幽”的风光。竹编与木石相结合的景观装置将四季山色融合于一体,顺着竹片绵延的弧线前行,宛如穿越落英缤纷、硕果盈盈的层层花木,让食客逐步将外部的嘈杂与叨扰阻隔于身后,循序渐进地沉浸入包间所营造的情绪氛围之中。Walking towards the end along the corridor, a secluded quiet space comes into our sight. The landscape installation, made of bamboo weaving with wood and stone, seems to be characterized with seasonal beauty. Stepping forward, there are flowers and trees with fruits. Here, diners are far away from chaos and annoyance, and hopefully enjoy moments of quietness whole-heartedly.

空间的塑造不仅是艺术理念的具象展示,更是以其内蕴情感改变人们生活方式的有效手段。自具意韵的空间设计正如一个精彩的故事叙述,不单是辞藻与要素的平铺直叙,更是对元素特性的把控以及对全局发展筹谋。The shaping of space is not only the concrete display of artistic philosophy, but an effective way to change people's way of life with its inner emotion. An appealing space is like a vivid story, which demand the designer should have a good mastery of the whole space rather than merely care about the superficial decorations.

融苑项目的设计正是发想于此,并不满足于文化要素的简单堆砌与叠加,而是以含蓄与张扬、传统与现代、功能与意韵的矛盾碰撞创造质变,丰富了设计的人文底蕴与故事性,令食客不止可以悠享一段景宜情长的就餐时光,更能体味到设计本身所传递的兼蓄万千气象的包容态度。For this reason, the design of Rong is not simple superposition of cultural elements, but a visual feast where implication and creation, traditional and modern, as well as function and rhythm meet and trigger a ”chemical reaction”. Overall, the design of Rong has both of humanistic connotations and enjoyment so that diners seem to have consonance with the design team, thus they can fully appreciate the taste of design.

W青山 发表于 2022-6-2 18:00:40


狗蛋 发表于 2022-6-3 09:00:48


xiongxiaochuan 发表于 2022-6-4 08:39:38


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少侠别走 发表于 2022-6-4 16:21:13


wzw15965023282 发表于 2022-6-4 16:38:48


叶小丹叽 发表于 2022-6-5 09:24:35


张发瑞 发表于 2022-6-5 14:14:52


狗蛋 发表于 2022-6-5 17:09:10

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