本项目坐落于巴西圣保罗州包鲁市,场地原状可以说是这座城市的缩影:杂乱的空间分层、材料的破损与堆砌、废弃的设施、时间与使用的痕迹,以及大片的空白。在通常的设计概念中,这样的情况一般都被认为是糟糕的、需要在设计中改变或避免的。The property summarized what we find in our city every day: layers, various materials, deletions and additions, pieces of deactivated installations, marks of use and time, and a wide void. All that, in the general conception of professional routine, is usually admitted as bad, avoidable, changeable in design.
▼餐厅外观,appearance of the restaurant ©Marquinhos dos Reis
All this is present in the six faces of the parallelepipedal volume of its interior’s seemingly nothing. As a result, we have constructive elements that permeate between the popular and the erudite, between preexistence and conception, neutrality and protagonism, grounding and suspension.
▼餐厅室内概览,overall of interior ©Marquinhos dos Reis
与其对空间做出大规模的干预,设计师决定以极简的手法将改造后的空间与建筑原有的部分联系起来,空间平面的重新规划导致了正交的视觉语言,同时形成了空间的主题 —— 留白。
Instead of intervening, the proposal of organization – in the sense of accepting too little and imposing itself in relation to the pre-existent in the building – of these orthogonal visual plans resulted in what would be the party of the project: absence.
▼由座位区看厨房岛台,viewing the work station-island from the seating area ©Marquinhos dos Reis
▼规整的厨房设备与线性灯光定义了空间基调,Regular kitchen fixtures and linear lighting define the tone of the space ©Marquinhos dos Reis
A box with a ubiquitous void was as if it conforms the space. Being that the program destined for this space is the attendance to the public, a station of work – island – was positioned, in an isolated and central way, for the finalization of the dishes. We have, therefore, the minimum element flexion. The textures and features, like visible composition of the landscape, were balanced by the chromatic control, the punctuality of furniture and the lightness / suspension of the structures.
▼厨房中岛/服务台以一种“孤立”的方式伫立在餐厅的中央,a station of work – island – was positioned, in an isolated and central way ©Marquinhos dos Reis
▼厨房岛台内部,inside of the work station-island ©Marquinhos dos Reis
In other words, the agency – visual and physical – of this massive absence is what makes us think that this is an architecture project of the invisible. A parallel between the Archigram’s on-off, abstract and concrete, the binary polar combination in which one reinforces the other. Thus, conceptually, the project is placed among the most diverse dialectics – tensions – such as the non-separation of the bathroom for clients, which is just one, ‘gender’.
▼空间的大面积留白,visual and physical absence of the project ©Marquinhos dos Reis
▼座位区,seating area ©Marquinhos dos Reis
An action that is discussed with the everyday materials of the craft, which touches the popular construction, which develops from the pottery and metal – would not these be the materialities of the ordinary image of a barbecue? – in a poetical thesis and antithesis between the industrial and technological equipment of service and the personal handling in the operations of preparation, in addition to being called for a spectacle of the forms. Or, as Peter Cook would say, maybe ‘we did seemingly nothing’.
▼金属网与陶粒制成的座椅/坐凳,Seats/benches made of metal mesh and ceramsite ©Marquinhos dos Reis
▼材料细部,details of material ©Marquinhos dos Reis
▼平面图,plan ©Aalva
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