zhangziqi008 发表于 2022-4-14 15:33:11

Light Chaser | 追光

“氛围生于光,空间成于光,建筑诉诸于光。”"Atmosphere comes from light, space comes from light, architecture appeals to light."———柯布西耶

客厅 Living room
目之所及,以低调而明朗的灰色为基调,似时光荏苒后安静又内敛的沉淀之美。Of eye reach, with low-key and anacreontic gray is fundamental key, be like time elapses hind quiet the beauty of the precipitation of collect inside again.红色的单椅增加空间层次,赋予一种都市生活的精致和年轻的调性。整体不用款款出彩,只需一笔点睛。
Gules single chair increases dimensional administrative levels, gift of a kind of city life delicate and young tonality. The whole does not need to be colorful, only a point.白色大理石茶几从灰黑色的空间中脱颖而出,丰盈整体层次,让空间简洁有力,干净细腻。The white marble coffee table stands out from the gray and black space, which is full of overall levels, making the space simple, powerful, clean and exquisite.空间绕光而行,自然通透,光与影的对话将空间的柔性点亮,驻足停留之处任由光线透过,远近高低间,变换着点、线、面的形态。窗外庭院景色尽收眼底,阳光倾斜而入,增加了空间温度。The space moves around the light, which is natural and transparent. The dialogue between light and shadow lights up the flexibility of the space, allowing light to penetrate where it stops, and changing the form of points, lines and planes between distances and heights. The window offers a panoramic view of the courtyard, and sunlight tilts in, increasing the temperature of the space.
餐厅 Restaurant
我们在每个空间最大限度地开窗,召唤光线的参与,还原生活本真,任凭感官在空间里沉浸游走,亦在自然中感受到精神的自由。We maximally open Windows in each space to call for the participation of light and restore the true nature of life, allowing our senses to immerse themselves in the space and feel the freedom of spirit in nature.
开放式的西厨简洁凝练,白色的中岛岩板台面与灰色的橱柜冷暖交替。横向长条拉伸了空间视觉。The western kitchen of open type is concise and concise, the mesa of white island rock board and gray ambry are warm and cold alternately. The horizontal strip stretches the spatial vision.在中国人的文化中,用餐就是烟火人间,一张圆桌是最温馨的团圆之意。一盏纯白极简吊灯融入这温馨与雅致间,金属包裹的桌脚增加时尚感,落地窗将庭院里的景观引入室内,一枝绿意带来的生机,缓缓流淌出空间的活力,景色怡人,树影婆娑颇具雅趣。In Chinese culture, dining is like fireworks, and a round table is the warmest reunion. A pure white minimalist chandelier blends into this warm and elegant space, metal wrapped table feet add fashion sense, French Windows bring the landscape of the courtyard into the room, a green brings vitality, slowly flowing out of the space, the scenery is pleasant, and the tree shadows are graceful.
厨房 Kitchen厨房改变原来封闭式的状态以一个U型的操作台展开,黑与白永远是最经典的搭配,空间利用发挥到极致。The kitchen changes so enclosed state to spread out with a U work station, black and white are the most classic collocation forever, the space is used develop acme.
楼梯 The stairs
在空间的塑造上,去其形,取其意,纯粹的点线面,石材与金属的辉映,克制而平衡。In the shaping of the space, the shape is removed and the meaning is taken. The pure point, line and surface, the reflection of stone and metal, is restrained and balanced.
旋转的楼梯,扭转整个空间的维度,让空间更加灵动。白色的基调,金色作为点缀,优雅及时尚感十足,营造出现代风格的独特美感。The rotating staircase twists the dimension of the whole space and makes the space more dynamic.White keynote, golden as an ornament, elegant and timely still feeling is very, build a modern style of unique aesthetic feeling.
主卧 Master bedroom墙面色彩用深灰木饰面,白色凹槽进行上下分割,增添细节感,卧室色调偏暗形成独有的空间调性,移门的白色反而成为了该空间最珍贵的补充色,多种材质的组合加强了空间氛围。Metope colour is decorated with deep grey wood, white groove is divided up and down, add detail feeling, bedroom tonal slant dark form unique space tonality, move the white of the door instead became the most precious complementary color of this space, the combination of a variety of materials strengthened space atmosphere.
主卧卫生间 Master bathroom
儿子房 Son room
男孩房以不同明度的灰色彰显空间的气质,床头吊灯和书椅彰显个性。灰色的书柜和低饱和度的人字铺地板又让空间更显灵动。Boy room reveals the temperament of the space with the gray of different lightness, droplight of the head of a bed and book chair reveal individual character. The gray bookcase and the herringbone floor with low saturation make the space more clever.

平面图 The floor plan




设计师介绍 About designer
项目信息 Project information
项目名称 | 紫金墅项目地址 | 浙江金华设计面积 | 460㎡摄 影 师| TS-王律

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