设计师以摩登的视角,充满张力的设计语言,引发“城中一隅”的话题,演绎多元璀璨的生活场景。In the designer’s modern point of view, with the strentching design language, on the topic of “A corner in the city “, a sense of harmony of space is triggered. Diverse and splendid way of life is showcased.各种材质交替,为这套住宅增加了深邃而隽永观感。从玄关到房间,每一个细节都透析出内敛而丰盛的空间精神,一股历久弥新的高级感,油然而生。A sequence of different kinds of materials are used. It gives a mighty impression of the house. The humble but abundant spirit of space conquers every detail from the hallway to the rooms, with its luxury sense of duration.
金属铆钉透光水磨石、丰富的木元素,以及皮革单椅、深灰棕沙发等家具摆设的搭配,均彰显着工业美学的复刻还原,营造出低调且张扬的独特视觉效果。Industrial esthetic “copy and paste “ creates the unique humble but showy vision. All and all, they are furniture and decorations, including transparent terrazzo with metal rivets, woody element and leather chairs, dark grey palm sofas.
与客厅相通的空间是舒适的用餐区。无论是和家人共享美味,还是朋友聚会,落地窗边的长餐椅是制造快乐回忆的理想一隅。The sitting room leads to the cozy dining area. The oversized long dining table by the window will always satisfy happy hour and good memory, no matter dining with family or gathering with friends.
“材”与“质”之间的交织与分层,带动了空间情绪的流转。夜幕下,吧台前,是享受独自微醺的惬意放松一隅。Material and quality-tangling and layering-pushes the emotion of space. A touch of drink will always relax oneself at the bar in the corner when evening draws.
从色彩到家具延伸至材质,设计师始终追求细节与条理的考究,平衡空间的灵动情绪和静谧质感。The designer is always strict about details and orders, from the color to the furniture, and even the material, and with the beauty of balance between the waving emoticon and the solid sense.
自然材料邂逅阳光,碰撞出岁月静好的质感。Natural material encounters Sunlight, sparks the happiness of life.
卧室是一个安静的地方。温柔舒适的材质与色调的搭配,安抚了浮躁的情绪。给人一种远离城市喧嚣的感觉。The bedroom is a quiet place. The conversation between the materials and colors wakes up the spatial emotion. The sofe and comfortable lighting let anyone leave the hustle and bustle of the city behind.
线条笔直而有秩序、块面干净利落、结合光点深浅变化,增添空间的纵深感。设计师以现代的设计手法打造空间,沉淀出浓郁的工业空间美学底蕴。The straight and well-organized lines, the simple block structure and the changeable lights give the sensation of depth. The modern design style creates the rich culture and industrial space aesthetics.
原生触感的砖墙,坚硬不羁的金属,温润细腻的灯光,既各自保有个性,又相互渗透,形成一个风格独特的空间整体,值得让人细细回味。The wild touch of the bricks, the hard and uninhibited metal and the warm delicate lighting not only has their own individual but also immerse each other. The material build a complete space style. It is really memorable.平面图DESIGN PLAN
项目信息ABOUT THE PROJECT项目全名:城中一隅 硬装设计:GGC韦格斯杨竣工时间:2021.05空间面积:290㎡主创设计:林智伟设计团队:G3团队关于设计师ABOUT DESIGNERS
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