达人网eric 发表于 2022-3-21 10:51:38

TJIP STUDIO--纯粹安然,素简治愈 作品集

来自比利时TJIP设计工作室,创立于2012年,他们秉承“少即是多”的现代主义设计美学,从室内装饰到家具,都要精简到不能再精简的绝对境界,在他们看来,最好的空间设计应当基于对建筑与环境条件的尊重。From Belgium TJIP design studio, founded in 2012, they are adhering to the "less is more" modernism design aesthetics, from interior decoration to furniture, can't have to lean to streamline the absolute state, in their view, the best space design should be based on respect for the architectural and environmental conditions.
01.Elisabeth Attic清透优雅顶层复式

TJIP STUDIO新作,Elisabeth是一处位于比利时克诺克市顶层复式公寓,木地板与天然石材作为主基调。主要区域采用开放布局,厨房巧妙利用靠窗处空间进行并排布局。厨房柜台由饰面的Bicci石头,象征光洁纯粹的审美语言。螺旋楼梯上去,上层是卧室和浴室套间。TJIP STUDIO, Elisabeth is a Knoll city penthouse located in Belgium, wood floor with natural stone material as the main tone. Main area with an open layout, ingenious use of kitchen door on both sides of the corridor space layout. The kitchen counter by the decorative surface Bicci stone, symbol of aesthetic language of bright and clean and pure. Spiral stairs, the upper including bedroom and bathroom suite.

TJIP STUDIO的设计最能体现比利时式细节美,大到一个墙面分缝,小到一个收口,他们对木饰面纹理都会做出精确要求,以确保视觉的连续性。
TJIP STUDIO design can reflect Belgian details most beautiful, big to a wall, small to a convergent, their demands for wood veneer texture will make precise, in order to ensure the continuity of the visual.

Only on the second floor bedroom suites, illicit close sex, to fully ensure all attributes of the pure white is the owner of hope, can let a person thoroughly to give heart to quiet down here, bed is tasted and concise, texture is very fastidious.

02.PAARDEVISSERS Residence慵懒纯粹的北欧生活

Paardevissers位于比利时的东代恩凯尔克 。设计师大量使用橡木色,追求材料与光线的互动关系,仿佛是在一个准备好的“茧”中编织出一个纯洁而优雅的空间。East generation, kyle Paardevissers in Belgium. Designers use a lot of oak, the pursuit of material and interactive relationship of light, as if in a ready "cocoon" weave a pure and elegant space.

整体色调以温暖柔和为主,大型落地滑动玻璃窗,将自然光充分引入。家具选型方面,设计师强调随意与舒适,营造慵懒惬意的居住氛围。The overall tone is given priority to with warm and soft, large ground sliding window, will be fully introduce natural light. Furniture selection, stylist emphasizes the casual and comfortable, languid is lazy cozy living atmosphere.

In the living room sofa area, near the window area is also equipped with an arc large booths rest area: custom bending rest stool can hold many people, for the home stretch of space.

基于整体性的考虑,设计师特地设计了隐藏式的厨柜,以遮蔽繁杂的电器与收纳。Based on considerations of wholeness, stylist specially designed hidden hutch ark, to cover the multifarious appliances and receive.

Bedroom and kitchen only of one wall lie between, so they form a dark bright contrast. Full bath natural light, it is a static beauty, also should have life.

03.Polderbeek Residence一方空间,一隅宁静

Polderbeek Residence如同暖冬里的阳光,投射进平凡的日常生活里。设计师对空间、光线和线条的处理显得游刃有余,利落的线条,清晰的空间构造,连同洒落在室内的光线都变得理性起来。在这个家中,不只是油盐酱醋,似乎在探寻家的本质。
Polderbeek Residence like sunshine in the winter, the projection into the ordinary daily life. Designer's handling of space and light and line appears, agile line, clear space structure, along with sprinkled in indoor light became more rational. In this home, not only have no the vinegar, soy sauce and nature seems to be in search of a home.

空间的静谧感来自于柔和的色调和简约的家具,材料自然朴质,布局气质极简。烹饪区与用餐区处于一个纵向的动线中,二者一丝不苟地对齐,使其产生一种对话感。Quiet feeling of the space from the soft tones and contracted furniture, materials, natural modest temperament minimalist layout. Cooking area and dining area is in a vertical line, aligned both meticulously, make its produce a feeling of dialogue.

开放用餐区在阳光的映衬下,栩栩如生,仿佛一幅油画呈现于眼前。木色与白调的融合,赋予空间无限的想象。阳光斑斓,时光斑驳,静谧而美好,让人感受到家的温暖,真正体验舒适的生活氛围。Open dining area in the set off of sunshine, lifelike, as if a painting show in sight. Fusion of color and white attune, gift infinite imaginary space. Mellow, sunshine time, quiet and beautiful, let a person feel the warmth of home, real experience comfortable life atmosphere.

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