都会喧嚣,讯息数据快速而短暂很难有机会可以安静下来思考。向往中的慢生活承载了我们很多愿望,而威海却正是一座这样城市,山水画卷,很是宜居; 千里山海,最是自在。Surrounded by the contemporary context, we live a busy life and the information and data are fast and transitory, so seldom do we have a chance to be in a peaceful mind and contemplate. Therefore, the longing for slow-paced life carries lots of our wishes. Luckily, Weihai is such a city, whose breathtakingly beautiful scenery is suitable to live and thousands of miles of mountains and sea make you feel extremely comfortable.
在设计构思中我们希望创造一种宁静致简的美,用“形”,“色”,“质”铺陈转换,将不同介质融合在一个共同的单元位面中,简约的表达展现事物本质。In terms of design concept, we hope to create the beauty of tranquility and simplicity, using “shape”, “color” and “material” to lay out and transform, integrating different mediums into one common unit plane to simply express the essence of objects.
空间的构成遵循的是美学法则的视觉效果,以理性和逻辑来推敲形象,解构线与面,面与形之间的排列方法。 The composition of space complies with the visual effects of the aesthetic laws, which use the reason and logic to scrutinize the images and deconstruct the arrangement methods between lines and surfaces and surfaces and shapes.
“线”本身具有很强的概括性和表现力,常作为空间艺术的最基本语言,与不同形状、虚实、大小、肌理的“面”构成出丰富的层次关系,同时也赋予了空间更深刻的物象表情。Because “Line” itself has very strong generality and expressive force, it is often used as the most basic language of the space art, forming a rich hierarchical relationship with “surfaces” of different shapes, virtuality and reality, sizes and textures. At the same time, the line also gives the space a deeper expression of objects.
色 - 流动COLOR - FLOW
空间是贯通流动的,隔而不离,色彩亦然如此,在不同区域相互延伸,渗透。Space is connected, isolated but not separated. The same is true of colors, extending and penetrating each other in different areas.
对于色彩,尤其是鲜亮的那种,最能传递出空间的情绪与个性,不同色彩相互作用于空间中,和谐与对立是最根本的关系,恰如其分的处理这种关系,正是创造良好空间氛围的关键。 Colors, especially bright ones, interacting in the space, can best express the emotion and personality of space. Because harmony and opposition are the most fundamental relationship, if this can be properly handled, it is the key to creating a good space atmosphere.
线条、色彩、光影是空间主要构成元素,而材质更像一个容器,是展现空间形态的物质基础与载体。对质感的深刻解读,也为设计创新提供了更多可能。Lines, colors and lights and shadows are the main elements of space. However, the material is pretty much like a container, which is the basis and carrier to show the special forms. The profound understanding of different materials can provide more possibilities in design innovations.
材料语言已经成为重要表现元素,空间摒弃冗余堆砌转换为简明精巧,这样才能表达出纯粹和宁静。 The material language has already become an integral element of expression.The space transforms redundancy into simplicity in order to convey purity and peacefulness.
显然材料不只是形成了围合空间的表象,更是携带并传达着设计的思想,有些东西不太引人注意却影响着人们精神世界,也诠释材质作为空间映像独特的魅力所在。 Obviously, the material not only forms the appearance of the enclosed space, but also carries and conveys the design philosophy. Although some objects are less noticeable, they can affect people’s spiritual world, which perfectly explains the unique charm of the materials as spatial images.
项目名称丨中海 ∙ 威海金线鼎销售中心 Project Name | Zhonghai • WeihaiJinxianding Sales Centre 项目地点丨威海 Project Address | Weihai 设计面积丨400㎡ Design Area | 400 Square Meters 竣工时间丨2021年02月 Completion Time | Feb., 2021 开发单位丨中海地产 Developer | ZhonghaiRealEstate 硬装设计丨深圳共向设计 Hard Decoration Design | Shenzhen CO-DIRECTION INTERIOR DESIGN 软装设计丨深圳共向美学 Soft Decoration Design | Shenzhen CO-DIRECTION SPATIAI AESTHETICS 项目摄影丨麒文摄影 Project Photography | Qiwen Photography
共向设计2015年在深圳创立,强调研究、重视方法,形成了在高端地产、精品度假酒店、商业空间等多个设计领域的综合实践。不断追求创新,始终用心于设计,潜心于项目的实践,是一支经验丰富国际化视野的设计团队,具有对前沿市场的敏锐洞察力,擅长整合各类资源,为业主提供完整并直接有效的室内设计顾问服务和软装解决方案。共向设计多次被国际知名杂志、书籍和网络媒体报道,包括Wallpaper、ELLE DéCOR、INTERIOR、DESIGN、德国室内设计、环球设计等,在业内受到广泛关注。