达人网eric 发表于 2022-1-17 10:44:58


你来,它听闻你的脚步,以呼吸相应,轻轻舞动。你感受它的召唤,寻径一探究竟。因它的包裹,外界的繁乱不再入耳入心。于是你用心倾听它的渴求。你拾阶而上,步步生莲。它翘首以盼。你点燃光,看见花和藻,一个无限可能的世界。 When you come, it hears your steps, breathes and dances.You feel its call, you find your way.Because of its shroud, the chaos no longer enters.So you listen to it with your heart.As you ascend the steps, lotus grows. It waited.You light up and see flowers and algae, a world of endless possibilities.

本案占地六个门店,但由于视觉不统一,无法凸显。商场中人来人往,喧嚣嘈杂,如何强调它的存在感和统一性?The project covers an area of six stores, but it cannot be highlighted due to the inconsistent images. How to emphasize its existence and unity in the hustle and bustle of the shopping mall?
这片有着轻奢神秘感的紫由是出现。强烈的存在感,又带着沉静的气息,吸引着好奇本能。This light luxury mysterious purple screen appeared. A strong sense of presence, with a calm atmosphere, attracts curiosity instinct.
因为这片紫色的屏风,软装馆得以在商场中有了相对的“私密性”,其中的沟通、创意、会谈,有了不被打扰的可能。Because of this purple screen, the soft outfit shop can have "privacy" in the shopping mall, where the communication, creativity and talks have the possibility of not being disturbed.

色彩是运动独立的态度,运动是色彩保持清醒的自知。伴随着音乐律动,也可以感应人流变换舞动的节奏和频率。当二者互为联系,即刻产生新的派系,形成自由呼吸的新有机体。Color is the independent attitude of the movement; the movement is the color to keep awake. It moves to the music, and it can change its rhythm and frequency by sensing the flow of people. When the two are connected, new factions arise, forming new organisms that breathe freely.

一层的入口处,我们希望映入眼帘的是一个艺术馆,而非传统销售展厅,左侧作为设计部,右侧则是洽谈区和出库、入库的场所。At the entrance of the first floor, we hope to see an art gallery instead of a traditional sales exhibition hall. On the left side is the design department, and on the right side are the chatting area and the storage space.

因它有独立的生命,它想要的是彼此双向的奔赴。被它的舞动吸引而来的人们,可以看到它的专业性。动线的设计使顾客可以观看到完整的制作流程再回到洽谈区域。Because it has an independent life, it wants to interact with each other. People who are attracted by its dancing can see its professionalism. The design of the circulation enables customers to watch the complete production process and then return to the chatting area.

当空间大且至简时,每一处陈设细节,都成为率性的魅力点与视线停留的关键点,呼唤你继续探索的欲望。When the space is large and simple, each display detail becomes the key point of spontaneous charm and sight, calling you to continue to explore.

以阶段引导动线,交错的线条产生即视的立体层次效果。视野与光线随步延伸,创造出独特的光效果与神秘的纵深度,顺势探秘新的互动体验。Guided by stages, the staggered lines produce a visual three-dimensional hierarchical effect. The vision and light extend with each step, creating a unique light effect and mysterious depth, and exploring new interactive experience.
二楼的展陈区,我们想要突出的是 “生态”相互赋予的可能性。传统展厅的陈设除了可能造成库存的囤积,同时对人和物都形成了限定。我们希望这里的展陈有着与人、物交互的未来。In the exhibition area on the second floor, we want to highlight the mutual possibilities of "ecology". The display of the traditional exhibition hall not only may cause the hoarding of inventory, but also limits people and things. We hope that the exhibition here has a future of interaction with people and objects.

于是留白给了来者。我们将功能区区隔成多个独立结构,每个盒子都可以任意移动,深度挖掘空间的可能性、灵活性与趣味性,满足了多样化的移动空间个性需求。So the blank was left to the newcomer. We divided the function into multiple independent boxes, each box can be moved arbitrarily, deeply explore the possibility of space, flexibility and fun, to meet the diverse space needs.
我们希望每个盒子给展厅留下更多的可能性,链接更多有趣的灵魂,在不同的时节呈现更丰富的交互体感。We hope that each box leaves more possibilities for the exhibition hall, links more interesting souls, and presents a richer interactive feeling in different seasons.

封闭性的设计在完工当下便已宣告它限定的可能性,开放性的设计等着来者点燃它的呼吸,令它绵绵不息。这种颠覆性的理念,是希望与甲方共同进行商业模式的思考,并将商业策划融入设计之中。 When the traditional design is done, it's set, while the open design is waiting for the comer to ignite its breath and make it continue to iterate. This subversive idea is to think about the business model together with the client, and integrate the business plan into the design.

设计落地并非完结,未来刚刚开始。Landing the design is not the end, the future has just begun.
项目信息Project Information项目名称:格尚软装馆Project Name: Gosom Soft Outfit项目地点:福建石狮Project location: Shishi, Fujian委托方:Wendy CaiClient:Wendy Cai项目面积:628m²roject area: 628m²设计机构:新得建筑Design Institute: SENDAY ARCHITECTURE主设计师:张建武Chief Designer: Jianwu Zhang设计团队:许振良/李德娟Design Team: Zhenliang Xu、Dejuan Li深化设计:王威霖/郭奇凡/徐佳莹/许小燕Deepening Design: Weilin Wang/Qifan Guo/Jiaying Xu/Xiaoyan Xu软装设计: 物色软装Soft Decoration Design Team: WUSOO SOFT灯光设计:赖章灿Lighting Designer: Sam Lai摄影师:阿奇/徐义稳Photographer:A Qi/ Yiwen Xu

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