达人网eric 发表于 2021-12-7 15:37:43

之一设计--回游 · 广州200㎡住宅


“We are not isolated from the world, we live in ideas ,conversations and in the center of the world.In another land,there is no clear distinction between most people and us, we just see the world in different eye. Our task is to build an island in the world, to launch another possibility of existence.” — Herman Hesse

▼空间概况,Space Overview ©翱翔

1. 灰|静谧


▼轴测图,Axonometric ©之一(香港)设计

In contemporary society, people should care about not only efficiency and decency, but also retain the transient “quietness”. We did not decorate the top surface of the entrance, but kept the non-mechanical and natural texture of the reinforced concrete of the original building. The cement gray tone can give people a sense of depression; a proper sense of depression will give people a sense of isolation and silence.

▼入口,Entrance ©翱翔

▼玄关,Foyer ©翱翔


This project is a post-90s dinky couple who want to create a place for the mind to transition from the hustle and bustle of the city in the space of 200㎡. A space that only belongs to the couple , a spiritual residence where they can control their own lives and establish an order to combat external pressure. Escape the hustle and bustle of the city, the complexity of relationships, the stress of the job, and enjoy the quiet of home. Home is not only a harbor, but also a place to escape from society, to indulge yourself, to open yourself, to embrace yourself.

▼从城市喧嚣过渡到安静勿扰的心灵之所,A place for the mind to transition from the hustle and bustle of the city ©翱翔

2. 游|自由


▼动线分析图,Kinetic analysis chart ©之一(香港)设计

We wanted to create a flowing, coherent, not separated space. We wanted to give the homeowner a sense of freedom to move easily from one space to another, to dissolve the traditional sense of closure of a private house, to blur the definition between different spaces, and to make the transition natural. We do not regard space as a negative static existence, but as a flowing force.

▼玄关与餐厅,Foyer and dining room ©翱翔

▼餐厅,Dining Room ©翱翔

▼储物柜与书桌空间,Storage cabinet with desk space ©翱翔


“If there is nothing on an empty table – it is precisely because it is empty that there is an infinite possibility of filling it, a state of wealth and freedom.” –Kenya Hara

▼书桌,Desk ©翱翔

▼桌椅细部,Details ©翱翔


Daily life is described as a public stage, where individuals are playing certain roles, consciously or unconsciously, and outputting specific role signals outside. Returning to a room that only belongs to you at night is like retreating to the backstage where you are the only one after the curtain falls, without the glare and light projection.

▼衣帽间,Checkroom ©翱翔

▼衣帽间与化妆间,Checkroom and dressing room ©翱翔

▼化妆间,Powder Room ©翱翔

3. 穿|探索


The exploration and dialogue is carried out with a more transparent and open surface. Inside and outside, straight line and curve, light and shadow, wandering and staying, are presented at the same time. It is hoped that there will be no clear dividing line between spaces. The aim is to create a sense of openness with few walls and doors, while allowing separation and privacy from one space to another.

▼走廊,Corridor ©翱翔


In the economic development and the influx of a large number of people into the city, it is difficult to stop the trend that people seem to be more and more dispersed. For the construction of private houses , it is more important to create the concept of space with a strong personal will, so that private return to free will and spiritual resonance, which can lead the occupants to explore the traces of life step by step.

▼空间之间的穿透,Space to space penetration ©翱翔

4. 光|指引


The light not only balances the relationship between darkness, but also guides a direction of inner yearning to better pursue the realization of un-self-worth.

▼光平衡了黑暗之间的关系 ©翱翔
The light balances the relationship between darkness


By interspersing the blocks of the building, a light belt is created. Every night when go home, the light goes from dark to light, which is a dynamic change process.

▼体块穿插,Interspersed blocks ©翱翔

▼灯带设置,Light belt ©翱翔

▼主卧,Master bedroom ©翱翔

▼主卫,Master Bath ©翱翔

▼平面图,Floor plan ©之一(香港)设计

项目名称 | 回游中探寻心灵的岛屿
项目地点 | 中国·广州
设计机构 | 之一(香港)设计
设计主创 | 凌英麒 卓煜
项目摄影 | 视方摄影-翱翔
项目面积 | 200㎡
设计时间 | 2019年10月
完工时间 | 2021年04月
项目施工 | 一宅一物施工/邹高巧
灯光顾问 | DZ照明
品牌支持 | 梵己定制FAN JI , 砼泥TONG MUD ▏砼馆

18681108917 发表于 2021-12-7 16:13:44


szqmma 发表于 2021-12-8 09:30:40


花笙 发表于 2021-12-8 09:55:09


yc786067112 发表于 2021-12-8 10:59:46


gbabbsgb 发表于 2021-12-8 13:20:16


刘111 发表于 2021-12-8 16:36:36


张雪梅 发表于 2021-12-8 17:19:15


lzl099 发表于 2021-12-9 09:58:53


李腾飞 发表于 2021-12-9 10:11:57

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