菲拉设计--浙江杭州 ·新湖菲林山120㎡住宅
罗列空间模块再组合,80%白+15%灰+5%黑,体块与色调所持有的比例,在诉说适度是个温柔而又曼妙的词语,体块化后的空间新角度再定义,它在挽留生命中的诗意。Listing the space module recombination, 80% white +15% gray +5% black, the proportion of the volume and tone, in telling moderate is a gentle and graceful word, the space of the new Angle after the volume, it is to retain the poetry in life.
Living room / 客厅
The curved and arch elements are matched to display the moving door. The coherent exhibition frame is black, and the corner colors are integrated to accept the ductility of the space. The smooth curve on the top surface will be gathered again by the block space, echoing the expression of softness and beauty.
The combination of color and block is accompanied by orderly placement of Angle and shape. The top horizontal column is gray to restrain the drift of large white area, which is comfortable and carefree but also calm and controllable.
Restaurant / 餐厅
The bite method of the wall and cabinet to the beam is used to weaken the impact of the top beam on the dining room space with the help of the functional room.
The arc shape at the corner optimizes the spatial moving line, and builds the aesthetic feeling of staggered lines and structures.
The restaurant located in the center of the house is more open, with round tables and transparent dining chairs, which are integrated into the show from an aesthetic perspective and have its own regional aesthetic feeling.
Master bedroom / 主卧
顶部波浪式延伸造型,为温润柔和的睡眠空间平添几分灵动。The wavy extended shape at the top adds a little flexibility to the warm and soft sleep space.
The curved surface connects the corner space, and the natural and smooth surface shows the tenderness from the details.
Toilet / 卫生间
House type&Plane design / 原始结构&平面设计图
设计机构 I Designer Department:菲拉设计
项目地址 I Project address:浙江杭州 ·新湖菲林山项目类型 I Project type:硬装设计,软装宅配
面积 I Square Meters:120㎡户型 I Door Model:三室两厅摄影师 I Photography:林峰
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