隹聿设计 发表于 2021-12-4 10:34:52

隹聿设计丨隐向 山东淄博175㎡私宅

Concealed Direction 隐向 / residential design / 2021
Project Information
Co-creative designer/ lance 兰斯
Participate in the design/ wly 王利勇
Location/ Zibo, Shandong
Project area/ 175㎡

Design Organization/ atelier zhui yu

The space interacts with the scene created by the user. Try to redefine the function of one-way location to make it more communicative and interactive, as well as better to feel the space giving a different way of everyday experience.

To explore the interaction gap between daily life and space, so as to promote the emotional resonance of private house.

There is a combination of external way to comb, and accompanied by the balance of space to convey the value of experience, while thinking about the rationality of its existence.


In the contradiction to seek the order of the media, and accompanied by the corresponding through logic, to convey a more multi-level spiritual demands.There is a greater emphasis on continuous reverse thinking in the process.


The way to reorganize the adjacent public areas corresponding to the experience of feeling, so that after its two-way independence, but also to try another day-to-day possibility.


Combining the actual work needs to strengthen the use of the opposite, accompanied by a reflective mentality to verify the space of practical Operability, so that the experience is more normal.

In the non-ordered space to reflect a hidden order, so that the seemingly related, non-related things through a medium to achieve its inherent necessity.

While retaining and improving its own structure, to capture people and things and place space associated with the normal.


In the precipitation to consider its actual degree of fit, to the space and lifestyle of the combined thinking, and external expression of its two-way presentation.

Due to the true nature of space, are less quantitative, highlighted is the discussion of life style, with absolutely superfluous everything, but the heart of an inch of blank, to highlight for life. Spatial Correspondence.
主创设计师兰斯/ 隹聿设计工作室创办人 / 设计总监
成立于2021年的隹聿设计工作室 ‘atelier_zyu’,涉足室内建筑及商业空间等领域类型,致力于探索事物于不同角度的发散认知,以相对述平化的方式来阐述其内在诸多的复杂可能性,借此来挖掘更多维度的设计思考和探讨。
相关理念/ Related Concept于通过室内建筑的方式来梳理内络和结构,再对其界限进行重组和再打破,借助既定的格局来强化对相关设计语言的引导性叙述,也意在为项目注入更多的可对外传输点,以此来更有效的反馈到对自身空间的操作性思考。
151 5874 2772
联系邮箱atelier_zyu@163.com / 2894402846@qq.com浙江省温州市瑞安市东山街道毓蒙路688-6号添加请注明相关事由。

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查看完整版本: 隹聿设计丨隐向 山东淄博175㎡私宅