In life, those who have experienced ups and downs have their own life pursuit, style and attitude towards life. The big size and fine view meet these urban elites’ expectations for their living environment. North Star China Mansion is in Renshou County, Meishan City, located in the bustling downtown, enjoying the natural oxygen bar. Hand in hand with Nine Dimension Design, it presents the future model of human dwellings to the upper class in Renshou.
“艺术来源于生活,却又高于生活。在汇聚城市成熟配套与优质自然资源的同时,以人性化、现代化的设计,实现生活美学、居住品味、空间个性的相辅相成。”九度设计团队提出这一设计思考,并将高雅品味链接格调生活,碰撞出新的城市温度。 “Art is from life, but higher than life. Mature urban facilities and high-quality natural resources, plus humanized modern design, make life aesthetics, residential taste, and space personality complement each other.” Nine Dimension Design team proposed this design thinking, linking elegant taste to stylish life to generate a new urban temperature.
B2户型:深邃蓝调摩登派 Model B2: Deep Blue Modern Style
B2户型以利落明快的设计语言,以带有宝石光泽的蓝色调渲染空间格调,横厅大平层开放式空间布局,延伸空间尺度,结合大面积落地窗,打造出一个契合都市菁英的时尚空间。 Model B2 adopts a crisp design language. The sapphire blue brings out the space’s style. The flat’s open layout with the horizontal living room+ dining room extends the space. Large French windows create a fashionable space suitable for urban elites.
在设计上,充分利用户型特点,以现代简约风格,搭配精致软装饰品,诠释现代人居生活品质。借助大理石、木材、黄古铜金属等材质,构建空间层次。 The design makes full use of the flat’s features. A modern and simple style, coupled with the fine soft outfit, interprets the life quality in a modern residence. Marble, wood, brass and other materials create layers in the space.
方正格局及超长进深,结合专属独立衣帽间,匹配城市塔尖人群独特的处事原则、生活理念及价值标准,呈现洒脱、舒缓、丰富的生活状态。 The square layout is very deep, coupled with an exclusive independent walk-in closet. It is in line with the unique principles, ideas about life and values of the urban upper class, presenting an easy, slow, and rich life state.
墙面几何艺术装置增加空间视觉层次,木饰面及少量黄古铜金属,引领空间秩序与意趣,呈现沉稳、内敛的气韵。 Geometric art installations on the walls add visual layers to the space. Wood veneer and a small amount of bronze lead the order and interest of the space, presenting a calm, reserved charm.
延续宝石蓝的光泽感,搭配红色与灰色,以及少量黄色跳色,打造丰富的童趣空间;床与书架的布局,巧妙利用空间,为儿童留出一片玩乐天地,极具艺术审美与实用价值。 The luster of sapphire blue, plus red and gray, and a little yellow, create a colorful bedroom for children. The layout of the bed and bookshelf makes clever use of space, leaving some space for children to play. This is of great artistic, aesthetic and practical value.
秉承现代意式的简约,以洗练线条、规整橱柜塑造空间,让都市简洁的低奢气息与居家烟火气的温馨,在此空间徐徐弥漫。 Modern Italian simplicity shapes the space with clean lines and neat cabinets, making the simple low-key luxury atmosphere of the city and the warmth of home slowly permeate this space.
Model B1: Low-key Brownish Yellow Living Space
玄关以抽象的艺术形态,赋予空间禅意之美,木材等自然元素的融入,链接空间与自然环境,形成多元的艺术表达。 In the hallway, abstract art endows the space the beauty of Zen. The use of natural elements, such as wood, links the space with the natural environment and forms a diversified artistic expression.
横厅设计延伸空间尺度,形成宽敞开阔的视觉效果,大面积落地窗提升空间气场;搭配低调而富有内涵的棕黄色调,具有一定包容性,却不失居住者独特个性。 The horizontal living room+ dining room design extends the space, forming a spacious and open visual effect. Large French windows enhance the space’s taste. The low-key brownish yellow with rich connotations is inclusive, but without losing the residents’ personalities.
会客厅在方正格局中,融入曲线软装设计,刚柔并济中展示出城市塔尖人士审时度势、进退有度的处事风格。 The living room is in the center of the square layout, and the curved soft outfit blends in with it. The combination of firmness and softness shows the urban higher class’s prudent and proper style of doing things.
纯净的浅色调,与现代意式的简约线条结合,通过错落有致的吊灯,诠释优雅的都市生活格调。 The pure light colors and modern Italian simple lines interpret the elegant style of urban life through the well-proportioned chandelier.
Brownish yellow is the predominant color. Artistic sculptures and abstract paintings are integrated into the continuous space, forming the finishing touch in the space. The symmetrical background wall endows the space with a neat and orderly texture, completing the artistic expression in details.
延续蓝天白云的色彩,以温暖的黄色调点缀其间,理智而洁净的氛围中,用汽车简笔画打破空间的宁静,唤醒跃动的生命力。 Blue and white are tinted with warm yellow. In the rational and neat atmosphere, the simple drawing of a car breaks the tranquility in the space and awakens the exciting vitality.
多功能场所与储藏间的存在,能够容纳居住者所有的爱好与喜悦,人性化空间打造,足以存放生活的琐碎,获得内心的愉悦与自由。 The multifunctional space and storage room can accommodate all the interests and pleasures of the occupants. Humanized spaces are created to store the triviality in life and provide inner pleasure and freedom.
利落线条与合理布局,在石材与木饰面的装点中呈现出现代时尚的居家氛围,运用石材、实木、金属等工艺形态,细致勾勒、融粹表达,在明亮的光线下感受岁月静好的生活之美。 Neat lines and the reasonable layout adorned with stone and wood veneer present a modern and fashionable home atmosphere. The use of stone, solid wood, metal and other crafts outline the space in detail with a fine expression. The occupants can feel the beauty of a quiet life in bright light.
Project Name: North Star China Mansion Party A: North Star Group Project Type: Model House Completion time: Oct. 2020 Hard outfit design: Nine Dimension Design Party A team: Preliminary Design Department, Chengdu Urban Design Research Center Photographer: 404NF STUDIO
九度装饰设计有限公司成立于2011年,十年来专注地产领域,凭借一流的研发和创新能力为客户提供全流程、一体化的室内空间解决方案。业务范围涵盖地产(售楼部、样板间、精装房、公区)、商业办公、酒店、文教、软装等多个领域。 公司总部位于成都,且已进驻重庆、西安、昆明等城市。公司拥有逾200位具足国际视野并深谙本地市场的专业人士,与客户倾力合作,创造了一个又一个具有行业标杆影响力的室内空间作品,因此屡获殊荣。 秉承“让生活更美”的使命,从传统与现代多元文化中获得灵感,用严谨和智慧实现空间想象力的艺术表达。提倡设计以空间使用者为本,功能与美学兼备,从而实现空间与自然、环境、人文的可持续发展。