Transit Branding Studio™--Uonuma Jozo Koji Saryo米酒咖啡馆
项目坐落于日本三重县的某豪华度假村与购物中心内,是一家由米酒酿造商Uonuma Jozo经营的咖啡馆,主营甜发酵米酒和其他米酒产品。室内的材料、色调与形式的设计灵感来自于酒曲发酵过程以及鱼沼市的传统建筑。鱼沼市是Jozo品牌的发源地,位于日本北部,那里冬天的积雪可以超过3米高。▼从外部看店内,viewing the cafe interior from outside ©Hitomi Matsuno / Transit Branding Studio™
▼室内概览,overall of interior ©Hitomi Matsuno / Transit Branding Studio™
▼中央红色固定装置被一圈长凳围合,the flushed red fixture surrounded by benches in the center ©Hitomi Matsuno / Transit Branding Studio™
▼由中央空间看街道,viewing the street from the center area ©Hitomi Matsuno / Transit Branding Studio™
▼大面积的玻璃将室外绿色景观引入室内,Large areas of glazing bring green views from the outside into the interior ©Hitomi Matsuno / Transit Branding Studio™
▼红色的色调与温暖的灯光代表了发酵时的温度,The red hue and warm light represent the temperature of fermentation ©Hitomi Matsuno / Transit Branding Studio™
▼室内空间细部,spatial details ©Hitomi Matsuno / Transit Branding Studio™
▼红色装置细部,detail of the red fixture ©Hitomi Matsuno / Transit Branding Studio™
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