紫馬奔騰辦公項目位於孫中山先生的故鄉:廣東省中山市。室內面積2700平方米。九唐設計師以「創新、轉型、突破」為基準點進行空間規劃,整體打造出的一個極富趣味性以及科技感的辦公空間。該項目設計曾榮獲2018意大利A'DESIGN AWARD室內設計大獎。 ZMBT office is located in the hometown of Dr.Sun Yat-sen: Zhongshan city, Guangdong Province. It has 2700m²interior area. Jiutang designers made perfect space planning through concept innovation to create an interesting office space with full of technology feeling. It also had owned Italian A’DESIGN Award 2018. 一層辦公大堂結合建築的情況,通過層級的人造石, 配合吊飾,用多媒體投影的方式,打造出一個動態的流動空間。牆面用 LED 屏讓人與空間發生互動,使得空間充滿活力。大堂中心處一條以「莫比斯環」為概念的舞動飄帶連接接待台與整個前台。體現思想在此自由飄揚,帶來無限思考與創意。用人造石打造背景高低錯落不一的整體牆面造型,配以層層燈光,將原本無序的立面連成一體貫穿整個空間。 Based on the architectural features of level one office lobby,through the curved lines of corian with the combination of lighting projection, designers creates a fluent space. Meanwhile, the LED on wall makes a perfect interaction among people and space. There is a “Mobius Strip”to be a part of reception counter in the lobby to represent free thinking and boundless innovation. The lights are recessed into the circus of corain core wall structure to make a certain order of the lobby space. 一層大堂設計概念:曲線,交互,莫比斯環 Concept on level one lobby: curve lines, interaction & mobius strip 一層大堂 Level one lobby 二十層辦公大堂地鋪採用青灰色石材,與通體石材的接待前台融為一體。大堂前方的旋轉樓梯側面採用亮光香檳金金屬飾面,結合背景牆上燈光讓整個辦公大堂顯得尊典豪華。同時大堂石材與香檳金金屬元素的搭配也暗合了廣東本地文化中「金玉滿堂」的美好寓意。旋轉樓梯曲線飽滿,與莫比斯環的概念主題遙相呼應。 The floor finish of level 20 lobby is gray stone which looks as same as reception counter.the balustrades of spiral stair is champagne gold metal finish and looks very luxury and gorgeous. Meanwhile, the fundamental elements of gold finish and stone material are showing good hopes and very popular in Guandong traditional culture. The curve of spiral stair is so elegant that give a perfect echo of Mobius Strip. 二十層辦公大堂 Level 20 Lobby 旋轉樓梯 Spiral Stair 在辦公空間內部,設計師通過數面半透光玻璃隔斷將其劃分成半開放式的辦公空間。即保護了一定的視覺私密性,讓辦公人員有一種安全感,又兼顧的辦公的開放性和空間的通透感。 Designers designs several half transparent glass partitions to fence up a half open office space. This design could protect certain visual privacy meanwhile to give certain openness of the space. 二十層辦公卡座 Level 22 Work Station 老闆辦公室古色古香,自然質地的木質傢具帶來了返璞歸真的哲思。擺放著瓷器的鏤空櫥櫃別具禪意,極具廣東本地特色的茶位為空間注入了儀式感,烘托了辦公室主人的不凡品味。 The CEO office is traditional Chinese style. The natural wood furniture brings the philosophy of original simplicity. The traditional porcelains on the cupboard shows the feeling of Zen. The tea table shows strong local culture and ritual. People will easy to feel the unique taste from the office master. 二十層老闆辦公室 Level 20 CEO 0ffice 金碧輝煌的酒櫃,極具質感的地毯,沈穩經典的軟裝家俬,綠植點綴的半通透隔斷,濃墨重彩的渲染出大堂吧的高端奢華。 The golden wine cabinet, textured carpet, classical furniture, green plant transparent partition, The combination of all these elements reflected the high end and luxury of lobby bar. 二十層大堂吧 Level 20 Lobby Bar 二十一層多功能廳的格柵牆面造型飽滿而富有張力。金屬質感的飾面烘托出引人入勝的科技感與未來感。展示空間的通高玻璃展櫃兼顧了展示功能的開放性和儀式感。科技與未來的元素共築起了紫馬奔騰的現代主題。 The multi-function room on level 21 is ball shaped with grille wall. It is so plumped and strained . the metal finish gives the sense of technology and futuristic.The full height glass showcases on display space are functional satisfaction and aesthetic beauty with sense of openness and ritual.These elements of technology and futuristic are telling a modern story of ZMBT office. 二十一層多功能廳 Level 21 Muilti-Function Room 二十一層展示空間 Level 21 Display Space