故事从一棵桃树开始The story begins with a peach tree改造前现场Site before reconstruction
关于思考 About thinking
关于表达 About expression
定义平面 Define plane
表达手法 Expression technique
项目呈现Project presentation
建筑学必须前进,否则就要枯死。建筑没有终极,只有不断变革。——弗兰克·劳伦德·赖特Architecture must advance, or it will wither. Architecture has no ultimate, only constant change—— Frank laurend Wright
通过构造起伏的隔断,弧形独特的橱柜布局,整个空间呈现一种至简的流畅。By constructing undulating partitions and arc-shaped unique cabinet layout, the whole space presents a simple and smooth.
桃喜作为在原文物保护单位进行的再创作,需要做出新意让老宅焕发新的生机以及创造更多的商业。As a re creation in the original material protection unit, Taoxi needs to make new ideas to make the old house glow with new vitality and create more business.
本着无畏的态度,放弃原本空间的方正性,在空间材质上设计师强调单纯性与纯粹性的圆弧设计,色调上使用白色为主调的新材料运用拉出空间层次。Based on the fearless attitude, the designer gave up the squareness of the original space. In terms of space materials, the designer emphasized the arc design of simplicity and purity, and used new materials with white as the main tone to pull out the space level.
内部温暖柔和的色彩让公共区域区域的氛围浑然一体、安静亲切,相对于方正的建筑而言,运用较多的弧面对空间进行有序切割从而创造出新旧的对比。The warm and soft colors in the interior make the atmosphere of the public area integrated, quiet and friendly like a womb. Compared with square buildings, more curved surfaces are used to cut the space orderly, so as to create a contrast between the old and the new.
项目地点:江苏 / 常州
设计公司:DEMO DESIGN ( 初品 )
项目时间:2021 / 08
材料选择 :涂料,织物地毯,金属
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