锦霖设计 | 200㎡现代风格
作品名称:有依之地设计单位:锦霖设计项目地址:中国 成都 半岛城邦项目面积:200㎡关键词:现代简约美学
无论在黑夜,无论在白天,一切我们的所见所见,仅仅是一个梦中梦关于家的想象很多,但是此刻,我心有归属这是我可以依靠的地方,这是有依之地There are many imaginations about home but at this moment I have a home in my heartThis is where I can rely, this is where I can rely.No matter in the night, no matter in the dayEverything we see and seeJust a dream in a dream
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