以下作品图文由派克齐空间设计授权发布!属于现代都市人的居所,是诗意的。 极简的生活是业主精神上的至高追求,任何一个由设计师主导的软装饰可能都是多余的,这里只有业主对于生活的自我解读——精神上的完整,承载意识形态的升华,不随波逐流,始终保持自我个性。 The residence of modern urbanites is poetic. Minimalist life is the supreme pursuit of the owner's spirit. Any soft decoration is redundant. The owner needs not to drift with the tide and always maintain his own personality.
设计的主旨是以空间语言和线条美学调动空间独有的韵律。The theme of the design is to mobilize the rhythm of space with lines.
极简从来不是空,而是每次表达都恰到好处。大面积的留白让空间简练而明朗。装饰与色彩以其极尽克制的方式呈现,给予空间对话、交流、思考的可能。Minimalism is never empty, but every expression is just right. A large area of white space, decoration and color are extremely restrained, giving space the possibility of dialogue, communication and thinking.
摒弃了过多形体结构的穿插和设计思维炫技般的叠加,用最简单甚至有些枯燥的线条去勾勒出满足功能的形体,去呈现一种与当今大众审美完全不同的视觉效果,呈现一种先锋的建筑表达。Abandon too many interspersed forms and structures, outline the functional forms with the simplest lines, and present an effect completely different from the public aesthetics, a pioneer architectural expression.
设计师将空间原有动线逆转,重新推敲了室内布局,将入户门处闭塞的楼梯,改到空间中心位置。艺术楼梯的出现,相比追求更好的采光,贯通上下,挖掘日常生活的品质与层次,才是真正要传达的丰富感知。The designer reversed the original moving line of the space and changed the blocked stairs at the entrance door to the center of the space.The emergence of art stairs, compared with the pursuit of better daylighting, through up and down, is the rich perception that we really want to convey.
开放式岛台与L型操作台自然穿插,呈现出奇妙的结构之美,加强了人、物、空间之间的互动与交流,厨房也因此多了一重社交属性。The open island platform and L-shaped console are naturally interspersed, showing a wonderful structural beauty, so the kitchen has a heavy social attribute.
▽ 厨房 Kitchen
收纳方式都在“极简主义”的外壳下,给每一个物品归属之地。开放式厨房的柜体设计,则采用了“隐藏”的手法,将灶具和厨具全部“藏”进橱柜和中岛。The storage methods are under the shell of "Minimalism", giving each item a place to belong. The cabinet design of the open kitchen adopts the technique of "hiding", which "hides" all the stoves and kitchenware into the cabinet.
黑白基调的线条,增加了空间的视觉高度,极简也不失生动。The lines with black-and-white tone increase the visual height of the space, which is simple and vivid.
外观看世界,内观看自己。如果说公共空间是对外的展示,那么居住空间则是自我的投射,诠释出简约、静谧、舒适的生活情趣。不同明度的灰白色材质相互叠加、映衬,在耐人寻味的细微差别之中,似一幅单色素描。 Look at the world from the outside and yourself from the inside.If the public space is an external display, then the living space is a self projection, interpreting the simple, quiet and comfortable life interest.The grayish white materials with different lightness are superimposed and set off each other, which looks like a sketch among the intriguing nuances.
▽餐厅Dining Room
负一、二层是业主面对自我独处空间,更重要的是构筑精神世界。以艺术楼梯为核心,健身区、书房、会客厅、水吧区、环绕排布,建立空间秩序,实现顶级酒店般的居住体验。 旋转楼梯形成类似DNA螺旋的造型,获得一种盘旋感,联通了本身分离的一层二层,强化了整体视觉张力。The first and second floors are the space for the owner to be alone, and more importantly, to build a spiritual world. With the art staircase as the core, the fitness area, study, reception hall, water bar area are arranged around to establish a spatial order and realize the living experience of a top hotel.
▽艺术楼梯Art Stairs
地下空间既有艺术馆的冷静理性,又有剧场的场景情节。“空”在当下无法简单地理解成“无用”,相反“空”作为个性化空间,很好地迎合了业主极致释放与多元表达的内心需求。The underground space has both the calmness and rationality of the art museum and the scenes and plots of the theater. It well caters to the owners' inner needs of extreme release and diversified expression.
▽负二层Underground Second Floor
去掉所有表层的装饰,优雅自由的曲线,自然肌理的大理石材质,传达出舒适的、艺术的、自由的空间气息。洒下的光,是扣人心扉的音符。Remove all surface decoration, elegant and free curve and natural texture marble material to convey a comfortable, artistic and free space atmosphere.Light is a note that touches people's hearts.
光调节着卫生间的情绪感知,暖色温润的质感靠近需要放松接触的表面,冷色留给大块面墙体。既有身体上的放松和安全感,又有视觉的清爽和通达感。Light regulates the emotional perception of the bathroom, which not only has a sense of physical relaxation and security, but also has a sense of visual freshness and accessibility.
项目名称Project Name:金地名悦|私宅 项目地点Location:中国 沈阳设计公司Design Company:派克齐(PKQ)空间设计机构创意设计Creative Designer:齐权主案设计Cheif Designer:林大然项目执行Project Execution:李杰武设计时间Start Time:2018年6月完工时间Completion Time:2021年6月项目面积Area:400平方米项目摄影Photography:毛鸿依视频拍摄Video team:斑马视觉
乔治.派克先生(George S.PARKER)于1888年创立了派克公司,并一直致力于以“拔萃之作,智者之选”的理念制造“更好的笔”。
2005年,齐权先生秉承乔治先生的精神创立派克齐设计机构,旨在运笔于指尖构建“设计之桥”(Design's Bridge),置美学于生活空间之中,另把现代科技融入设计,使“人、场所、环境”之间更为和谐共生。设计之桥(The Design's Bridge)——虽因“碍”而生,便越“障”而行。PKQ(派克齐)设计——无界设计商业设计部,承接商业相关的建筑设计、室内设计、环境设计,近年曾多次获国内一线设计大奖,商业项目还原度90%以上,运营良。 派克齐(PKQ)空间设计机构殊荣
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