项目位于智利Los Rios大区Valdivia市的Calle-Calle河畔,是Arce & Westermeier事务所为一位大学教授设计的河滨小屋。小屋的场地就坐落在智利南方大学西侧附近。
The commission consisted basically of a shelter for a university professor on the banks of the Calle-Calle river, in Valdivia, Región de Los Ríos. The site is located within the vicinity of the Universidad Austral de Chile, specifically in a west corner of the campus.
▼项目概览,overall of the project ©Nicolás Saieh
The limited size led us to a compact form and the harsh southern climate induced us to think of architecture more focused on itself, one that would try to generate exchanges with the outside. On the other hand, the requirement of not interrupting the view of other buildings suggested a layout perpendicular to the river, this requirement was linked to our initial question: What kind of relationship with the river do we want: a traditional one, which seeks that each program enclosure manages to please itself with this unique geographical element? Or rather, one that selects where and how this visual pleasure is obtained?
▼航拍顶视图,aerial top view of the project ©Felipe Westermeier
The selected one was the latter; the top of the short cabin’s path is the only visual leakage of the volume and where the most interesting space of the proposal is located.
▼轴测图,axonometric drawing ©Arce & Westermeier
The existence of an additional forced foot; that of creating a covered space to shelter some objects and nautical artifacts, led us to a key idea, that of elevating a sector of this elongated volume creating a space of greater height in the interior.
▼细长体量的一端从地面上抬起,elevating a sector of this elongated volume ©Nicolás Saieh
▼小屋翘起一端近景,closer look of the project ©Nicolás Saieh
▼小屋的顶部作为整个建筑中唯一的视觉窗口,the top of the short cabin’s path is the only visual leakage of the volume ©Nicolás Saieh
通过这种方式,小屋紧凑的内部空间形成了一定的节奏,同时创造出本项目的核心设计元素 —— 观景台,具有高差的组合式观景台地板,相对于传统的地面形式来说,虽然限制了人在同一平面上的行动空间,但是却具有巨大的灵活性与功能潜力,除了作为过渡空间外,不同层次的台阶还形成了客厅和餐桌的座位区。
In this way, the open plan of the cabin (chosen to provide a certain amplitude to the tight program) is reformulated by a key central element: the stands, a component that, although it limits the traditional free floor, is linked to it by its great flexibility and its wide range of possibilities. Thus, these different levels become both the living room and the seating for the dining table, in addition to functioning as a transitional space.
▼不同层次的台阶形成了客厅和餐桌的座位区,different levels become both the living room and the seating for the dining table ©Nicolás Saieh
The culmination and final point, where the visual escape of the volume appears, is achieved through a large curtain wall, this is where the desk and bed are located. This space faces directly to the river in a singular way: its elevated condition shortens the range between the river and the cabin, making the distance to the river visually disappear, as well as generating a different visual horizon and a particular perception for the user.
▼卧室的大型玻璃幕墙成为整个空间序列中的高潮,the visual escape of the volume is achieved through a large curtain wall ©Nicolás Saieh
▼由书桌一侧看室外景观,viewing the exterior landscape from the desk ©Nicolás Saieh
▼夜景,night view ©Felipe Westermeier
▼模型,model ©Felipe Westermeier
▼总平面图,site plan ©Arce & Westermeier
▼平面图,plan ©Arce & Westermeier
▼立面图,elevations ©Arce & Westermeier
▼剖面图,section ©Arce & Westermeier