谢秉恒设计 | 独居里的对话关系——Dialogue in solitude
正如柯布西耶所说:”住宅是居住的机器”,是一个使用品,更是一个实用品。无论是几人居住,本质上是轻松的、方便的、实用的存在,在居住过程不需要费心费力的去讨好它,而是让它为你提供服务。A house, as Le Corbusier characterized as a “machine for living in”, is not only a device we use to live but also a utilitarian product. In essence, it is a restful, convenient, and useful existence that accommodates any number of people. Ingratiating yourself with it during the process is not necessary; instead, just enjoy the services it provides.
项目名:Scenery项目地址:四川·成都项目设计:谢秉恒项目摄影:【季光】、【形在空间摄影 HereSpace 贺川】项目面积:120㎡室内+56㎡户外整体造价:65万施工落地:成都造梦家施工 Dreamer+地板:感物地板 UganConcept全屋定制:简集定制 JANGE家具:Ligne Roset、TomDixon木作木饰面:倾木逸家乳胶漆:佐敦Jotun卫浴:雅生Axor、唯宝Villeroy&Boch、高仪Grohe配件:柯井Kon、雷井Nomona、多丽Dural户外地材:竹元竹钢照明支持:Vike
特别鸣谢:【成都新创意家居】及品牌【写意空间(Ligne Roset)】为项目拍摄提供家具支持。【感物地板(Ugan Concept)】为项目地板提供支持。
This is a privateapartment in Chengdu, Sichuan owned by a girl who leads a solitary life. She iskeen on baking, coffee, and dancing, and has a lot of clothes and shoes. Thehouse thus includes a large storage room and a fully functional cloakroom. As ateleworker, she hopes to keep dancing as her hobby and exercise at the habit athome.She cooks occasionallyand prefer Chinese cuisine. She likes to make coffee for guests, and oftenholds parties at home, so the dining room is an important social space. Sheprefers to live in a simple, relaxing, and natural environment where she canhave comfortable get-togethers with friends, grow flowers and plants on theterrace for appreciation and uplifting the spirit.In the summer, she wouldlike to have smoke-free barbecues on the balcony and a private bathtub toreflect on life in the bath. She also needs cabinets and bookshelves with highstorage capacity and an absolutely open public space to ensure that she canread a book over a great coffee time anywhere in the house. An extremely quietbedroom is also indispensable so that she can sleep well without lighting afterbusy work despite her insomnia.
The original layout of the apartment is a commonslab-type two-bedroom house, which can meet the basic living conditions butcannot satisfy the housing needs of the homeowner.The house is ill-lighted with blocked views, thefunctional areas arranged in a straight line, and the kitchen area too smalland occluded to interact with visitors.Under the single layout, a series of requirements of thehomeowner including dancing, roasting, drinking coffee, working, socializingcannot be met, nor can it meet the functional needs of storing books andclothing.The master bedroom islocated outside the main area, facing the street outdoors, with the noisyenvironment, traffic at night, and various lighting, which are negative factorsfor the owner who has trouble falling asleep. At the same time, sleeping facingthe street has an adverse effect on her sense of security.The bathroom is too pokyand located in the inner part of the house, so it is naturally impossible forthe girl to take a bath in an extremely comfortable, safe, and freshenvironment.
房屋自带了一个大露台(左图蓝框范围),这个露台的存在看似可以满足客户对于植物、户外聚会休闲的需求,但是整个露台区域事实上是和室内空间完全剥离的,没有做到室内外的有机结合。右图红框范围为物业允许扩展区域。The house has a largeterrace (within the blue frame in the left figure) that seems to meet the needsof customers for growing plants, outdoor gatherings, and leisure, but theentire terrace area is actually completely separated from the indoor space, letalone the organic combination of indoor and outdoor. The area within the redframe on the right figure is allowed for expansion by the property company.
Transform the originallyclosed commercial apartment with two bedrooms and one living room into arecreational residence with wide-open space, abundant lighting, and diversifiedlandscape for singles.Open the master bedroomas a multifunctional room and incorporate it into the public area to make thespace open and well-ventilated.The original living roomis changed into a social kitchen, meeting the owner’s needs for drinking coffeeand throwing parties, as well as dancing and working in the multifunctionalroom.The space of theoriginal toilet is reduced, with only the functions of washing and excretionsretained, so as to form an independent toilet room.Expand the originalsecond bedroom, move the sleeping area to the inner side, away from the streetoutside, in ways to create a quieter and more secure sleeping environment.
扩大原始建筑边界,将起居室、浴室、衣帽间等设施拓展到露台并同室内结合,释放室内空间,补充原始户型的功能格局。Broaden the originalbuilding boundary, extend the living room, bathroom, cloakroom, and otherfacilities to the terrace and link it with the interior, so as to free up theinterior space, and make the original functions more complete.
分别在房屋的东侧和南侧设置景观区。将浴室、多功能区、卧室、衣帽间围绕南侧景观区展开;起居室、多功能区、浴室围绕东侧景观区展开。原本的单朝向格局变为了双朝向,让室内室外有机结合、互相产生对话关系,视线丰富。Set up landscape areason the east and south sides of the house respectively. Place the bathroom,multifunctional area, bedroom, and cloakroom around the south landscape area;the living room, multifunctional area, and bathroom around the east landscapearea. In this way, the original one-way pattern is changed to two-way, enablingthe indoor and outdoor to be organically combined to strike an echoingrelationship. The field of vision is also wide.
01 公共区域 Public area
摄影:形在空间摄影 Here Space贺川
Designed By XieBingheng/Photo ViaHere Space
从玄关进入房屋,原本的客厅改作为西厨+餐厅,在这个区域实现多场景的对话关系。餐厅一边连接起居室,一边连接集工作、舞蹈、休息一体的多功能区,向外延伸则是观景台。Entering the house fromthe entryway, one can find that the original living room is changed to awestern-style kitchen + dining room, making echoing possible in multiplescenes. The dining room is connected to the living room on one side, and themultifunctional area where the owner can work, dance, and rest on the otherside, and extends outward to the viewing deck.
摄影:形在空间摄影 Here Space贺川Designed By XieBingheng/Photo ViaHere Space
从餐厅回看入户,玄关与中厨分列两侧,餐厅同时也连接着中厨,以保证餐厨间的直线距离;餐厅与西厨的结合,是满足业主烘焙、咖啡等爱好的场所,同时也承担社交厨房的功能;Looking back at theentrance from the dining room, it is observed that the entryway and theChinese-style kitchen are located on both sides, and meanwhile connected tofacilitate walking straightly; the combination of the dining room and thewestern-style kitchen is to satisfy the owners’ hobbies such as baking andmaking coffee, and also function as a social kitchen;
摄影:形在空间摄影 Here Space贺川Designed By XieBingheng/Photo ViaHere Space
厨房前的储物柜是对储物空间的补充,柜后隐藏一扇移门,拉出后可以封闭整个厨房,屋主爱好做川味菜,所以单独设置了一个隔间,重油重烟都被隔绝在内。The storage cabinet infront of the kitchen is a supplement to the storage space. A sliding door,concealed behind the cabinet, can close the whole kitchen after being pulledout. The owner favors cooking Sichuan dishes, so a separate compartment is setup to keep oil and smoke within the kitchen.
摄影:形在空间摄影 Here Space贺川Designed By XieBingheng/Photo ViaHere Space
餐厅视线开阔,东侧看向起居室与露台,可以令屋主在和朋友聚餐的时候一边准备茶点一边同朋友们进行交流;The dining room has abroad view, facing east the living room and terrace, which allows the owner tocommunicate with friends while preparing refreshments during parties;
摄影:形在空间摄影 Here Space贺川Designed By XieBingheng/Photo ViaHere Space
正前方直直看向南侧景观区,正前方的窗户形成了南向景观区的取景框,独自一人在家使用餐厨,可以一边喝着自己做好的咖啡一边看向远处的景观,不再是一个人闷在封闭空间中自顾自的做事。多功能区内部格局呈双排布置,左侧为工作台,右侧为书架,既满足业主办公的需要,也满足业主大量藏书的诉求,中间位置开敞出来,用于业主运动、舞蹈。Directly in front of thedining room is the south landscape area, so the windows ahead form theviewfinder of the south landscape area. When using the kitchen at home alone,the owner can look at the distant landscape while drinking coffee rather thanfeeling alone by herself in a closed space.The internal layout of the multifunctional area is arranged in double rows, with a workbench on the left and a bookshelf on the right, which meets the needs of both working and huge volume of book storage. The middle position is set aside for doing workouts and dancing.
摄影:形在空间摄影 Here Space贺川Designed By XieBingheng/Photo ViaHere Space
多功能区与餐厅产生对话,远端瞥见入户玄关, 书架与玄关形成两个”木盒子”,构成结构的张力。With echoingrelationships set up between the multifunctional area and the dining room, andthe entryway glimpsed from the far end, the bookshelf and the entryway presentas two “Wood Boxes”, thus constituting a structural tensile force.
摄影:季光Designed By XieBingheng/Photo ViaJiGuang
书架采用横纵板咬合的制作方式,横宽纵窄,突出力量感。The bookshelf adopts ahorizontal and vertical plate occlusal production method, which is widehorizontally and narrows vertically to highlight the sense of strength.
摄影:形在空间摄影 Here Space贺川Designed By XieBingheng/Photo ViaHere Space
在多功能室摆上一把单人沙发,这里也可以是一个人休憩阅读的角落。Puttinga single sofa in the multifunctional room, the owner can take a rest and enjoythe reading time.
摄影:形在空间摄影 Here Space贺川Designed By XieBingheng/Photo ViaHere Space
无论是工作加班、休息阅读还是跳舞运动,都能被两侧的景观包围,增添了一丝轻松休闲。多功能室后面设置的转换区通往马桶间和主卧室。Whether it is workingovertime, resting, reading, or dancing, the owner can always be surrounded bythe landscape on both sides, gaining a touch of relaxation and zest. Theconversion area set behind the multifunctional room leads to the toilet roomand the master bedroom.
摄影:形在空间摄影 Here Space贺川Designed By XieBingheng/Photo ViaHere Space
悬挑书桌前的窗户控制比例,让光线进入室内变得秩序。The window in front ofthe wall-mounted desk has an appropriate proportion, allowing a proper amountof light to be cast into the room.
摄影:季光Designed By XieBingheng/Photo ViaJiGuang
窗户前方正对东侧景观区,让窗户形成第二个取景框,坐在椅子上视线刚好可以透过取景框看向户外。光线的进入需要得到控制,视线的散发也同样需要控制,压缩视线的范围反而可以聚焦更丰富的场景。The front of the windowis facing the east landscape area directly so that the window forms a secondviewfinder. Sitting on a chair, one can just look outdoors through theviewfinder. With the amount of light and the size of sight controlled, therange of sight line is compressed while allowing the eyes to focus on a morediverse scene.
摄影:形在空间摄影 Here Space贺川Designed By XieBingheng/Photo ViaHere Space
暗藏了两扇内嵌式拉门,平时隐藏在柜体背后,拉出来可以将区域作为一个隔间使用, 移门的正面是木饰面,背后设置了镜面,一个独立的舞蹈室应运而生。There are two built-insliding doors hidden, usually behind the cabinet, and the area can be used as acompartment when pulled out. The front of the sliding door is wood veneer, andthe back a mirror, thereby forming an independent dance studio.
摄影:季光Designed By XieBingheng/Photo ViaJiGuang
为移门定制的G形拉手,相比门内反弹器、反弹拉手,G形执手保证移门的使用一步完成,不需要多余的动作。The G-shaped handle is customizedfor the sliding door. Compared with the rebounder and rebound handle in thedoor, the G-shaped handle ensures that the sliding door can be pulled in onestep without extra actions.
02 餐厅 Dining摄影:形在空间摄影 Here Space贺川Designed By XieBingheng/Photo ViaHere Space
餐厅的设置是整个房屋的核心,是心脏一般的位置,空间开阔,视野丰富;东侧临起居室,正前方对景南侧景观区;烤箱上浮现出对面景观区的植被;透明的亚克力桌腿搭配一整条的原木,简单又特别,营造出神秘的悬浮感。The arrangement of thedining room is the core of the whole house, like a heart to a body, with widespace and broad vision; it faces east the living room, and ahead of the southlandscape area; the vegetation of the opposite landscape area can be observedover the oven; the transparent acrylic table legs are matched with a whole log,a simple and special scene with a mysterious sense of suspension.
摄影:形在空间摄影 Here Space贺川Designed By XieBingheng/Photo ViaHere Space
餐厅西侧与入户转换区相邻,正前方与多功能区对话。The west side of thedining room is adjacent to the entrance conversion area, and themultifunctional area is in front of it for echoing.
摄影:形在空间摄影 Here Space贺川Designed By XieBingheng/Photo ViaHere Space
背后有功能强大的西厨做支撑,满足业主烘焙、咖啡的需求。There is a versatilewestern-style kitchen behind it to meet the needs of the owners for baking andmaking coffee.
摄影:形在空间摄影 Here Space贺川Designed By XieBingheng/Photo ViaHere Space
摄影:季光Designed By XieBingheng/Photo ViaJiGuang
In the styling, concavesare used instead of convexes, the lines in interior space made clean and tidyas much as possible, unnecessary protrusions and material conversion arereduced. Only under the premise of ensuring a tidy and relaxed interior can thespatial echoing between the interior and the exterior be highlighted.
03 玄关&厨房Entry&Kitchen
摄影:季光Designed By XieBingheng/Photo ViaJiGuang
整个玄关采用木盒子的做法,与西厨厨柜相交,玄关左侧为一排通顶储物柜。The whole entryway ismade of wooden boxes and intersects with the cabinets of the western-stylekitchen. The left side of the entryway is a row of storage cabinets with oneroof.
摄影:形在空间摄影 Here Space贺川Designed By XieBingheng/Photo ViaHere Space
玄关右侧设置换鞋凳,换鞋凳上方开出一扇小窗,让玄关与厨房发生对话关系,玄关厨房互相借视,也给昏暗的玄关引入一点点厨房的光亮,互相支撑和成就。There is a shoe-changingstool on the right side of the entryway, above which a small window opens to allowthe entryway to echo with the kitchen. The entryway and the kitchen are seatedside by side so that the light from the kitchen can be projected into the dimentryway, as the two support and accomplish each other.
摄影:形在空间摄影 Here Space贺川Designed By XieBingheng/Photo ViaHere Space
中厨趋于简单、易用、满足功能性。The Chinese-stylekitchen is designed to be simple, easy to use, and functional.
04 起居室 Living Room摄影:形在空间摄影 Here Space贺川Designed By XieBingheng/Photo ViaHere Space
摄影:季光Designed By XieBingheng/Photo ViaJiGuang
利用原本室内外的落差为起居室设置两级台阶,为进入起居室营造一种”拾阶而上”的仪式感。沙发侧旁的木盒子内藏有大量的储物空间,同时墙根也采用脱缝的做法,用内凹代替外凸,保持线条的一致性。Taking advantage of theoriginal gap between indoor and outdoor, two steps are set up for the livingroom to create a sense of ritual for “stepping up”. The wooden box on the sideof the sofa has high storage capacity, and the root of the wall adopts themethod of seam slippage, with the concave replaced by the convex to maintainthe consistency of the lines.
05 马桶间 Toilet摄影:季光Designed By XieBingheng/Photo ViaJiGuang
原来的卫生间缩小,只保留盥洗和便溺功能,形成一个独立的马桶间,相较于传统干湿混合的一体浴室,马桶单独分离更加满足业主的诉求,也方便客人的使用。马桶背后的墙体开出一扇小窗,可以让昏暗的马桶间引入一点点来自生活阳台的光线, 侧旁的开放格方便存取物品。
The space of theoriginal toilet is reduced, with only the functions of washing and excretionsretained, so as to form an independent toilet room. Compared with thetraditional integrated wet and dry bathroom, an independent toilet satisfiesthe owner’s demand and is more convenient for guests to use.A small window is openedon the wall behind the toilet, which allows lights from the living balcony, andthe open compartment on the side facilitates access to items.
摄影:季光Designed By XieBingheng/Photo ViaJiGuang
使用人造石一体台盆和墙出水龙头,保持整体的干净与秩序;同时为墙面设置功能强大的镜柜。Artificial stoneintegrated basin and wall-mounted faucet are used to keep the whole space cleanand orderly; at the same time, a powerful mirror cabinet is installed on thewall.
摄影:季光Designed By XieBingheng/Photo Via JiGuang
马桶间地材和户外过道地板的分缝线藏在门中线下,地材拼接采用1mm分隔条。The seams between theflooring of the toilet room and the outdoor aisle floor are hidden under thecenterline of the door, and the flooring is spliced with 1mm dividers.
06 卧室 Bedroom摄影:季光Designed By XieBingheng/Photo ViaJiGuang
将原来临街的卧室移到了更靠内的区域,保证卧室的静音与避光,尽可能令屋主可以安稳睡眠,为女性业主保障休息时的安全感;同时为卧室配套功能强大的衣帽间与面积充裕的浴室。从床尾的台阶分别走向通往浴室的通道和衣帽间。The bedroom facing thestreet is moved to a more inner area to ensure that the bedroom is protectedfrom noises and light so that the owner can sleep well with psychologicalsecurity; meanwhile, the bedroom is equipped with a versatile cloakroom and aspacious bathroom. The steps at the end of the bed lead to the passage to thebathroom and the cloakroom respectively.
摄影:形在空间摄影 Here Space贺川Designed By XieBingheng/Photo ViaHere Space
拾阶而上,一处是储物量丰富的衣帽间,一处是通往浴室的走道。Stepping up is acloakroom with ample storage on one side, and a walkway leading to the bathroomon the other side.
07 走廊 Corridor摄影:形在空间摄影 Here Space贺川Designed By XieBingheng/Photo ViaHere Space
主卧与走廊间使用一扇隐藏式拉门作为隔断,当需要安静睡眠、不想光线渗入的时候,只需关上拉门、拉起衣帽间的窗帘,即可在黑暗包裹的安全感中入眠。A hidden sliding door isused as a partition between the master bedroom and the corridor. A peaceful andsafe sleep in darkness can be ensured by merely closing the sliding door andthe curtains in the cloakroom.
摄影:形在空间摄影 Here Space贺川Designed By XieBingheng/Photo ViaHere Space
打开隔断门,走廊映入眼帘,远处是一个隐秘的浴室。躺在床上,视线也可以到达此处,透过走廊或者衣帽间的窗户,瞥见户外的景观,视线开阔且丰富。Open the partition door,the corridor is in sight, and in the distance is a hidden bathroom. Lying onthe bed, one can also see the sight, and catch a glimpse of the outdoorlandscape through the corridor or the window of the cloakroom. The vision iswide and abundant.
摄影:形在空间摄影 Here Space贺川Designed By XieBingheng/Photo ViaHere Space
移门采用线形导轨,保持顶面的干净利落。The sliding door adoptsa linear rail to keep the top surface clean and smooth.
摄影:季光Designed By XieBingheng/Photo ViaJiGuang
走廊正对浴室浴缸,两侧均为玻璃隔断,左侧可以看到室内休闲厅,右侧可以看到景观,仿佛就是园林的景观走廊。The corridor is facingthe bathtub in the bathroom, with glass partitions on both sides. The indoorlounge can be seen on the left and the landscape on the right as if it is alandscape corridor in the garden.
摄影:形在空间摄影 Here Space贺川Designed By XieBingheng/Photo Via HereSpace
08 浴室 RestRoom摄影:形在空间摄影 Here Space贺川Designed By XieBingheng/Photo ViaHere Space
摄影:季光Designed By XieBingheng/Photo ViaJiGuang
泡澡这么享受的事情当然要视线舒适,强调浴室与景观的对话,把浴缸的区域放置在两个景观区的连接处,浴缸背后为户外的走道,紧邻东侧景观区和南向景观区,一扫沉闷的感觉。A fine view is essentialfor guaranteeing the pleasure of taking a bath. That’s why the echoing betweenthe bathroom and the landscape is emphasized. The bathtub area is placed at thejunction of the two landscape areas. Behind the bathtub is an outdoor walkway,which is adjacent to the east and south landscape areas. Such a layout can liftone’s mood and dissolve any depression.
摄影:形在空间摄影 Here Space贺川Designed By XieBingheng/Photo ViaHere Space
浴缸与淋浴地材采用抗污亚克力制成,抗菌抗污、易于打扫。The bathtub and showerflooring are made of anti-fouling acrylic, which is anti-bacterial and easy tobe cleaned.
摄影:季光Designed By XieBingheng/Photo ViaJiGuang
在浴室放松万身心后,再经走廊折回,在景观环绕的走廊慢慢走回到卧室。After relaxing in thebathroom, one can turn back through the corridor and walk slowly back to thebedroom in the corridor surrounded by the landscape.
09 户外 OutDoor摄影:形在空间摄影 Here Space贺川Designed By XieBingheng/Photo ViaHere Space
从客厅走到户外,户外墙面全部采用古柚木制作,耐腐蚀、有时间感;地材使用竹钢,这是一种四川本土材料,既有竹的韧性又有钢的刚性。有一条通往南侧景观区的小径,小径临着书桌的窗户,走在小径,走过东景观区、路过浴室。From the living room tothe outdoors, the outdoor walls are all made of ancient teak wood, which iscorrosion-resistant and delivers a historical feeling. The floor material ismade of bamboo steel, a native material of Sichuan, which has both thetoughness of bamboo and the rigidity of steel. There is a path leading to thesouth landscape area. The path is adjacent to the window of the desk. Walkingon the path will pass through the east landscape area and the bathroom.
摄影:季光Designed By XieBingheng/Photo ViaJiGuang
转径走到南侧景观区,隔壁邻居的柚子树伸出了一点枝丫,阳光透过树枝洒在地面上,形成一些斑驳的光影;于是,完成了室内外的对话串联,也满足了业主对于植物的热爱。Turning around is thesouth landscape area. Branches of the grapefruit tree of the neighbor next doorgrow, and cracks of light filter through the branches on the ground, creatingmottled light and shade effects; thus, the indoor and outdoor are connected inan echoing relationship, meanwhilesatisfying the owner’s love for plants. 支持达人室内设计网 支持达人室内设计网 感谢分享,很舒适的空间 支持达人设计网
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