1958设计--安徽 徽创.芬芳四季营销中心
Life is always a dialogue with self, hometown and future, in order to answer the natural search for the grand proposition of life. We integrate these thoughts into the space to pay homage to this northern city with thousands of years of history by calmness, bravery and warmth. For this project, we create a brand-new attraction rooted in the context of the city and a humanistic work rich in the spirit of the times.
鸟鸣且住绿园水景Birds singing and living, green garden Waterscape
物与景是相互成就的搭档,因为有了彼此,才使得这块的氛围更加生动活泼。Things and scenery are partners of mutual achievement, because of each other, it makes the atmosphere more lively.
随着清溪的指引。近身访察。体味大地。消弭室内外的界限,四季四时的变化被看见,万物的景致和情趣被感知。由外至内,绿意与木质,水系与山景,营造出温和自然、舒适豁达的归心节奏,于小别尺度里收获另一种自由放空。With the guidance of Qingxi. Close inspection. Appreciate the earth. Eliminate the boundaries between indoor and outdoor, the changes of four seasons are seen, and the scenery and taste of all things are perceived. From the outside to the inside, green and wood, water system and mountain scenery create a gentle, natural, comfortable and open-minded rhythm, and harvest another kind of freedom and emptiness in the small scale.
项目由一座老旧办公楼改造而来,临街的一层有着较好的视野,改造时强化这一空间优势。以水平尺度拓展空间,利用室内的平阔空间,弱化结构中的原始柱体。通过抬高、下沉的方式分割原始空间,自然形成洽谈、休闲、VIP 室等功能分区。The project comes from the reconstruction of an old office building. The first floor near the street has a better vision, and this space advantage is strengthened during the reconstruction. Expand the space with horizontal scale, use the indoor flat space, weaken the original column in the structure. Through the way of raising and sinking, the original space is divided, and negotiation, leisure and VIP are naturally formed It is divided into four functional areas.
The bar area is composed of two overlapping surfaces, forming a light floating sense of the future.
空间的序列感能传递肃穆感,帮助人在进入这个空间时情绪平和,提高观者对内部空间的注意力和体验感。The sense of sequence of space can convey the sense of solemnity, help people calm down when they enter the space, and improve the viewer's attention and sense of experience to the internal space.
设计中摒弃繁复的符号,利用线条的曲直、交叠完成空间的多重构筑,线条与体块融合穿插,形成纯粹的,朴真的温暖情感。设计语言的简洁,让渡出更丰富的感性表达空间。犹如河流在这片平原土地上留下的温婉曲线,步行景异,处处带来惊喜。In the design, the complex symbols are abandoned, and the multiple construction of space is completed by using the straight and overlapping lines. The lines and the body are integrated and interspersed to form a pure and sincere warm emotion. The simplicity of the design language gives way to a richer space for perceptual expression. Just like the gentle curve left by the river in this plain land, the walking scenery is different and brings surprises everywhere.
体块咬合的沙盘区与空间所体现的体块感相呼应,使整体呈现更加和谐。The sand table area of body block occlusion echoes with the sense of body block reflected in the space, making the overall presentation more harmonious.
水吧区将冷灰的基调与暖金的灯光结合,凸显优雅怡然,幽静沉稳的气质。The water bar area combines the cold gray tone with the warm gold light, highlighting the elegant and quiet temperament.
交叠的体块为大空间构造出流利简约又有着细致光影变化的顶面系统,沿着线性伸展的空间,视线被拉至远处的阶梯式阅读区,不断攀升的形态,构筑起水平室内的第二层次与流线,顶面作为墙面的延伸,实现了空间视角从平远到高远的双向切换。The overlapping blocks construct a fluent and simple top system with detailed light and shadow changes for the large space. Along the linear extension of the space, the line of sight is pulled to the ladder reading area in the distance. The rising shape constructs the second level and streamline of the horizontal room. The top surface is the extension of the wall, realizing the bidirectional switching of the spatial perspective from horizontal to high.
交流、陪伴、分享,这座人文精神砌筑的“山”,带来了人性尺度下的理想活动场所。透过长段连续的玻璃立面,室内外场域的对话被重新构筑。人在此间互动,犹如观景游园,体会游走的多重乐趣。Exchange, accompany and share, this "mountain" built by humanistic spirit, has brought an ideal activity place under the scale of human nature. Through the long continuous glass facade, the dialogue between indoor and outdoor fields is reconstructed. People's interaction here is like sightseeing in a garden, experiencing the multiple pleasures of traveling.
一片叶,一滴水,感受自然的静美。A leaf, a drop of water, feel the quiet beauty of nature.
选用简单的材质和素净的米色、木色呈现室内的主色调,只通过细微的灰度变化,完成空间功能的平缓过度。瑞士超存在主义大师阿尔贝托·贾科梅蒂曾说,复制一个栩栩如生的形象对我后来已不再是个难题,关键是要能创造有生命力的形象,制作曾感动过我,或我真正需要的东西。Choose simple materials and plain beige, wood color to present the main color of the room, only through subtle gray changes, complete the smooth transition of space function. Swiss Super existentialist master Alberto Giacometti once said that copying a vivid image is no longer a problem for me. The key is to create a living image and make things that have touched me or I really need.
花元素的装置摆件突出了“四季如春”的设计理念,使空间更加温暖充满生机。The decoration of flower elements highlights the design concept of "four seasons like spring", making the space more warm and full of vitality.
丰富的软装肌理 构建多重视角下的复合感官属性。Rich texture of soft clothes to construct compound sensory attributes from multiple perspectives.
Concise and modern furniture echoes with the intersection of curves, the temperature sense of fabric and wood, the rich texture of stone and metal, and the blending and collision of materials compose the rhythm of space in the still sound.
在环形多媒体展示区,动态影像被环形展示,空间的回旋带来了向心性,而安静沉敛的外表之下,探求更多未来的可能。In the circular multimedia display area, dynamic images are displayed in a circular way. The rotation of space brings centripetality. Under the quiet and restrained appearance, more possibilities for the future are explored.
The upward human body vows to explore itself and seek inner balance in a broader realm of life.
Turn the complex into the simple, calm and calm, find the extraordinary in the ordinary, and take care of your heart here.
平面图floor plan一层平面
A layer of flat二层平面
A layer of flat
项目地址|安徽.临泉材 质|木饰面,大理石,艺术涂料,磨砂不锈钢,艺术玻璃室内设计|合肥一九五八设计咨询有限公司主创设计|张犇 韩旵中 业主开发|安徽徽创地产集团有限公司建筑设计|地平线建筑设计景观设计|未芽景观设计陈设设计|千舍陈设设计空间面积|约 1500 ㎡项目摄影|山人文化 支持达人室内设计网
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