大研设计 |常州中海·翠语江南售楼处
This project is located in Changzhou, which is an ancient city of culture with a history of more than 3,000 years. It is a city of dual experience of vision and perception, one side landscape, one kind of culture, these concepts unrelated to material, sometimes abstract, sometimes concrete, but can give life the best vision. The beautiful dragon city changzhou, has a breathtaking beauty.
常州被称作龙城,因而以龙城特殊文化作为空间发源点,到赛龙舟的习俗,最终落脚到空间主题——“舟”这个意向中。以泛舟湖上四大境界作为空间主线,对空间进行阐释。Changzhou is known as the Dragon City, so the special culture of the Dragon City is taken as the origin point of space, and the custom of dragon boat racing finally settles into the space theme -- "boat". The four realms on the rafting lake are taken as the main line of space to explain the space.
柔软、轻盈的曲线让生硬而理性建筑极富动感灵动体块延伸多重空间韵律Soft and light curves make the rigid and rational building very dynamic
The flexible volume extends multiple spatial rhythms
第一境/FIRST ROUND泛舟-逐流/Rafting. - Currents
售楼处坐落在水边,宛若居于湖上扁舟一叶。The sales office is located at the water's edge, like a boat on the lake.
进入大厅,流畅的弧形顶就如飞流之下的潮水,细细拼接构成的蓝色背景墙构成湖水波光粼粼的意向,对步入展厅的人带来强烈的视觉冲击,金色接待台就像漂浮在湖面随着波涛涌动的小舟。Entering the hall, the smooth curved top is like the tide under the flying current, and the blue background wall formed by fine splicing is the intention of the sparkling lake, which brings a strong visual impact to those entering the exhibition hall. The golden reception desk is like a boat floating in the lake with the waves.
抽象的龙形艺术雕塑与常州龙城形象遥相呼应。The abstract dragon art sculpture echoes the image of changzhou Dragon City.
旁侧弧形内置区,将泛舟的形态化作抽象雕塑在空间展陈,抛出泛舟湖上的主题。悬在壁上的水波纹饰装置,在不同平面用不同意识层面传述着泛舟逐流的景象。Side-curved built-in area, the shape of rafting into abstract sculpture in the space display, throw out the theme of rafting on the lake.
第二境/SECOND ROUND观舟-无垠/Boat view - boundless
观舟和居舟是整体空间内两大核心区域,功能布局上注重轴线关系——沙盘与景观楼梯,沙盘与户模,沙盘与洽谈区,浅谈区与水吧台。空间营造上则注重人的体感——视觉的穿透性,空间的尺度感,家具的舒适度。Zhouzhou-viewing and zhou-living are the two core areas in the overall space. The functional layout pays attention to the axis relationship -- sand table and landscape staircase, sand table and household model, sand table and negotiation area, talking area and water bar table. Space construction is focused on the sense of human body - visual penetration, spatial sense of scale, furniture comfort.
拾级而上,双层的折线楼梯通往二层样板间,沙盘区与景观楼梯形成一条轴线交相辉映,相对独立而又有互动。Up the steps, the double tiered tiered staircase leads to the second floor model room. The sand table area and the landscape staircase form an axis to reflect each other, which is relatively independent but interactive.
随着不断追逐的漂游,进入至“观舟”之境。空间弧面趋向缓和,沙盘以一种漂浮在平静湖面的姿态停泊在沙盘区。此时心境也随之舒缓,慢慢进入观察四周的状态。With the constant chase of the drift, into the "boat". The space arc tends to ease, and the sand table is moored in the sand table area as if floating on a calm lake. At this time the mood also subsequently slow, slowly into the observation of the state around.
沙盘区连接未来与梦的憧憬,舟形的沙盘犹如承载的梦想。悬在沙盘上肆意绽放、缠绕的顶面装饰,寓指着观舟中发散着的千丝万缕的思绪。通过左侧的圆洞,缓缓驶入那片桃花源。The sand table area connects the future with the vision of the dream, and the boat shaped sand table is like a dream bearing. Hanging on the sand table, the winding top decoration blooms wantonly, pointing to the endless strands of thoughts emanating from the boat. Through the round hole on the left, slowly into that piece of peach blossom.
第三境/THIRD CONDITION居舟-惬意/Living in a boat - comfortable
步入浅谈区,四散排布的开放式空间,带来随性惬意的流线。此时进入“居舟”境界,通过“泛舟”追逐,“观舟”思索,到想要留下感受难得闲情雅致的人生体验。Enter the shallow talk area, scattered open space, bring along with the comfortable flow line. At this point into the "boat" state, through the "boat" chase, "boat" thinking, to want to leave to feel the rare leisure and elegant life experience.
与沙盘区相同的顶部造型,雅致柔和,有意拔高的洽谈空间给客户一种尊贵的心理感受,等距的灯光条除了使空间更具现代感,还表达了空间的秩序感。The same top shape as the sand table area is elegant and soft. The intentionally elevated negotiation space gives customers a noble psychological feeling. The equidistant lighting bar not only makes the space more modern, but also expresses the sense of order of the space.
艺术赋予了空间灵魂,水吧台悬挂的灯光艺术装置把泛舟湖上,水波涟漪的状态固化为永恒,蜿蜒灵动的线条与金属质地形成鲜明的反差,给空间增添了视觉聚焦点。Art gives the space soul. The light art installation hanging on the water bar solidifies the state of water ripples on the lake into eternity. The sinuous and flexible lines form a sharp contrast with the metal texture, adding a visual focus to the space.
第四境/ FOURTH ROUND虚舟-逍遥/False boat - free
自在长谈之后,得到生活真谛的感悟,萌发以此为家的愿望,逍遥自在。After a long talk, get the true meaning of life, germination of the desire to home, free and easy.
于闹与静、精致与随性之间,建筑、室内与自然仿若一体。舟行的轨迹穿梭在深洽区,顶面流波传动的装饰顶、舟行水面的雕塑装置、水面涟漪的家具,还有宁静无波的封闭式深谈空间。Between noisy and quiet, delicate and spontaneous, architecture, interior and nature are like one. The trajectory of the boat shuttles in the deep zone. The decorative roof with the top surface wave drive, the sculpture device of the boat on the water surface, the furniture with ripples on the water surface, and the quiet and waveless enclosed space for deep discussion.
空间内的金属艺术摆件有着显明的体块感和前卫的颜色,更为整个区域锦上添花。The metal art ornaments in the space have a clear sense of volume and avant-garde color, more the icing on the cake of the whole area.
儿童区曲面的空间延续了整体视觉感,珊瑚似的地毯就恍若置身水中,趣味横生。The space of children area curved surface continued integral visual sense, the carpet like coral is like place oneself in water, interesting is full of life.
盥洗区同样使用泛舟湖上的意向,水波纹装饰将水面泛着波光的景象引入空间,美不胜收。The lavatory area also uses the intention of the boat on the lake. The water ripple decoration introduces the scene of the water flashing into the space, which is very beautiful.
巧妙的使用艺术雕塑,对功能空间进行区分,含蓄而不失创意。Ingenious use of art sculpture, to distinguish the functional space, implicit and creative.
好的设计是将艺术变成生活的舒适感,也许无法看到,但一定能够感知。 以舟游湖面的主线,讲述心境变化,在空间中铺陈思索与感悟,呼唤着心底的共鸣,启发认同感。同时在售楼中心探索未来的生活方式,打造独特业态的综合性功能体验空间,让功能与美学碰撞出新的火花。Good design is to turn art into the comfort of life. Maybe you can't see it, but you can definitely feel it. With the main line of boating on the lake, it tells the mood change, lays out the thinking and perception in the space, calls for the resonance of the heart, and inspires the identity. At the same time, we will explore the future lifestyle in the sales center, create a unique comprehensive functional experience space, and create a new spark between function and aesthetics.
项目名称︱常州中海·翠语江南售楼处Project ︱ Changzhou Zhonghai · Cuiyu Jiangnan Sales Office设计公司︱Yan Design大研设计Design company ︱Yan Design甲方团队︱李继东、郭洋磊、石晓飞、董丹Party A team ︱ Li Jidong, Guo Yanglei, Shi Xiaofei, Dong Dan设 计 师 ︱杜雷、徐露露、瞿平、郭秋风Designer ︱ Du Lei, Xu Lulu, Qu Ping, Guo Qiufeng设计风格︱当代艺术Design style ︱ Contemporary art设计面积︱800㎡Design area ︱800㎡主要材质︱肌理漆、无机石、木饰面、陶瓷片、镀钛不锈钢Main material: texture paint, inorganic stone, wood veneer, ceramic plate, titanium plated stainless steel摄 影 ︱本末堂Photo ︱ Benmotang完工时间︱ 2021年5月Completion date: May 2021
Yan Design大研设计由知名设计师欧阳辉先生2004年成立于上海,在设计领域已深耕数十年。研,愈思有度;取义详尽。大研设计一直保持初心,以钻研的态度做设计,致力空间与艺术的高度融合。多年来公司参与了各类地产、商业及办公空间的软、硬装设计与实施,与一线开发商保持着长期的战略合作关系。服务业主包括:中海、世茂、正荣、招商、中建、保利、阳光城、弘阳、万科等大型知名房企。
欧阳辉Yan Design大研设计创始人
2004年创立Yan Design大研设计。从业二十余年,一直保持初心,带领团队在设计专业化和市场化之间不断平衡。坚持在务实中进取思考,反复探求,用设计悟生活。Yan Design大研设计作品屡次斩获国内外设计大奖。 学习了,支持达人室内设计网 支持达人室内设计网 支持达人室内设计 支持达人室内设计网 支持达人室内设计网 支持达人室内设计网 支持达人室内设计 支持达人室内设计