达人网微信号 发表于 2021-7-13 11:35:06


To show the artistic power of design itself, creating an obsessed land with modern luxury.

本案湖州金五门足道是一个以足疗为主的综合休闲场所,涵盖洗浴、头疗、音乐吧、SPA等休闲服务,致力成为年轻人喜爱的时尚品牌。In this case, Huzhou Jinwumen Foot Massage Parlour, a comprehensive leisure place featuring bathing, head therapy, music bar, SPA, etc., is aiming to become a popular fashion brand among young people.

门头的设计极具个性化和辨识度,奠定了整个空间基调。暗色调的外立面,含蓄精致。金黄的灯光,充满高级质感,彰显尊贵格调。流畅灵动、大气简约的线条,赋予门头优美的层次感。玻璃门将内外空间联系在一起,以明亮通透的视觉效果,强化了空间感染力,激发客户的体验欲望。The storefront signboard is personalized designed with high recognition-subtle and delicate dark facade, high-level golden lights, elegant sense of layering with flexible but simple lines-thus setting the tone of the whole space. The glass door connects the internal and external spaces with bright and transparent visual effects, strengthening the appeal of the space for the one hand, and stimulating the desire to enjoy a pleasure time here.

推门而入,便来到门厅。造型独特的天花和吊灯,好似古时的烛台,散发着昏黄温柔的光,静谧了整个时空。飘逸的曲线、别致的摆件,在光影流动中丰富空间意境,富有古典气息又不失现代简约之美。Walking in, you come to the foyer. Look, the uniquely shaped ceilings and chandeliers with dim gentle light have similarity with ancient candlesticks, lulling the entire space. The elegant curves and delicate ornaments, resonating with the light, enriching the artistic conception of the whole space. In this connection, a classical but modern beauty is occurred.

大堂空间设计,颇有浩瀚星空之感。天花造型,好似圆月,泛出层层光波,让空间意境温馨隽永。蓝色冷光源的运用,使得大堂宛如星海,深邃无限,充满想象力。The lobby is designed with a sense of broadness, you feel like under the vast starry sky when you here. The moon-shaped ceiling is sparkling with light, enriching the space with a sense of warm. Thanks to the decoration of blue cold lights, the lobby looks like a sea of stars with deepness and infinite.

极具现代几何美感的装饰书架和座椅,在红色的点缀下,为空间注入几分热情与活力。绿植花卉的植入,平添了生机与温暖,带给客户自然健康的触感与享受。The decorative bookshelves and chairs enrich the whole space with a little bit enthusiasm and vitality under the embellishment of red color. Our customers can enjoy a natural and healthy experience at the sight of green plants and beautiful flowers, which rouse vitality and warmth to the space.

过道空间在设计上运用减法,剔除繁杂装饰,用简洁干练的线条、跳跃的色彩和光影,塑造空间韵律,营造出渐入佳境的仪式感、体验感,让客户一步一步放松身心,静享灵魂的安抚。The aisle is designed under the concept of less is more, with no complicated decorations but simple and powerful lines, as well as vivid colors and lights to shape the rhythm of the space, cultivating a sense of sacred ceremony, allowing customers to take a rest mentally and physically.

尤其是二楼三楼的过道,设计师采用符号化、象征化的造景手段,丰富空间的自然韵味。In particular, as for the aisles on the second and third floors, the designer uses symbolic landscaping methods to enrich the natural charm of the space.

Under the well-arranged blue light bars,
the space bursts out with calmness and power in depths.

水波纹玻璃在光线的映射下,荡漾出无限风情,增添了空间动感,演绎出移步换景的视觉效果,洗净客户心中一切繁杂,回归生命平静。Under the reflection of light, the water ripple glass adds a sense of dynamics to the space with infinite amorous romance, deducing a changing scenery, comforting customer’s heart and soul by clearing complex ideas.

理发区采用不锈钢网围合出一片半私密区域,增强空间的神秘感。暗色的天花,线条柔美,流淌着温馨宁静的归宿感。圆形的镜面现代时尚,富于变化,精致之中凸显强烈的艺术气息。The barber is a semi-private area with stainless steel mesh, enhancing the mystery of the space. The dark-colored ceiling with soft lines create a tranquil and warm feeling to customers. The fashionable round mirror is of high artistic atmosphere with exquisiteness.

音乐餐吧是本案设计的一大亮点,极具视觉冲击力,为客户提供了精致高雅的视听享受。设计师汲取传统文化元素,精心把吊灯设计成雨伞形状,升华了空间的艺术格调。同时,通过简约细腻、富有生命力的软装设计,塑造行云流水般的美妙氛围,烘托出宾至如归的高端气质。The music dining bar is a highlight of the design with great visual impact, providing customers with exquisite and elegant audio-visual enjoyment. The designer draws on traditional cultural elements and meticulously designs the chandelier into an umbrella shape, sublimating the artistic style of the space. Furthermore, the simple and delicate soft decoration design creates a natural and graceful atmosphere, making customers feel at home.

换鞋区在暗色调的基础上,设计师调和出沉稳的红色和清澈的蓝色,打造出安静温婉、节奏分明的空间秩序。Under the dark tone in the shoe changing area, the designer creates a quiet, gentle and rhythmic spatial order with calm red and clear blue.

为满足不同客户的个性化需求,设计师对融合古典元素与现代手法,对不同的足疗包间进行了特色化设计。在延续暗色调空间精神的基础上,设计师利用柔和的线条和灯光,消除封闭空间的紧张感和压迫感,塑造随性舒适的体验空间。In order to meet the individual needs of customers, the designer combines classical elements and modern techniques to design different pedicure rooms. Based on the dark tone, the designer uses soft lines and lighting to eliminate the tension and oppression of the enclosed space, creating a casual and comfortable experience space.

同时,针对不同的房间,设计师引入了不同风格的传统壁画,彰显空间开放、艺术气度,营造舒缓雅致的空间情绪,让人丝毫不觉得局促,沉浸于美妙境界。At the same time, the designer introduced different styles of traditional murals to highlight the openness and artistry of the space, making customers feel at ease under the soothing and elegant atmosphere.
空间的实用功能固然重要,但审美功能和艺术价值能够让空间更有生命力。本案设计师充分挖掘空间潜能,释放设计元素的艺术魅力,营造高级而精致的体验感、沉浸感,让空间具有了穿透灵魂、抚慰人心的永恒力量。It is true that the practical function of the space is of high importance. However, the space can be more vital with aesthetic function and artistic value. In this design, the designer makes full use of space, creating a high-end and exquisite sense of experience with artistic charm. To that end, a space with eternal and comforting power is created.
项目名称 | 湖州金五門足道室内设计项目地址 | 湖州吴兴区田园东路228号设计单位 | 杭州墨高建筑装饰设计有限公司主案设计 | 罗礼旺辅助设计 | 杨睿、吴晖湘、周嘉诚、吴玲玲项目面积 | 2800平米项目造价 | 560万设计日期 | 2020年7月完工时间 | 2021年3月主要材料 | 圣罗兰大理石、青古铜不锈钢、竹木纤维板、马来漆、水晶砖业主名称 | 湖州金五門项目摄影 | 徐义稳



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