朱周设计--青籁养身 上海陆家嘴店
「山有小口,仿佛若有光。」 ——《桃花源记》“The fisherman beheld a hill, with a small opening from which issued a glimmer of light.”— A Tale of the Fountain of the Peach Blossom Spring豁然开朗之间,是波澜水光的映照,黑为水;水既黑为墨,温润包覆。Out of the elevator, the entrance stands in the dark wall with water ripple light. Wuxing (Five Elements)records that black represents water, when water meets black, it becomes the color of Chinese ink which stands for inclusion.
艺术家杨泳梁的《追云》,云雾缭绕之间、双龙戏云,创造出了另一个奇幻天地。东方的黑、为神秘也为尊贵,太极中的的阴阳黑白,则有着生生不息的规律。The multimedia artwork “Chasing Cloud” by artist Yong Yang Liang, creating another fantasy world with two Chinese dragons flying through the mist and clouds. In terms of Eastern cultures, the black color represents both mystery and dignity, and the yin-yang principle from Tai Chi implies the circle of life.
休憩区里包覆,确保了静谧的隐密,空间中黑的层次依序叠加,逐步唤醒感知疗养旅程的响应。In the lounge, the inspiration of the curved partition and furniture coming from the symbol of Tai Chi, which would wrap the customers inside, providing a sense of safety and privacy. The layers of darkness texture are also a highlight in the space, which lets the recuperation process gradually into a better place.
依循着微光,大弧度的“圆”驱使着紧张的身体逐渐的松弛与褪去,但也触动了感官的敏锐。Following the dim light, the porch of the arc providing the guests the time to relax and relieve the body, at the same time, the darkness also sharpens all the senses.
没有光的黑,是纯粹的包容,当吸收了可见光谱内的光感,视觉将被黑所包围,意味着瞳孔的松弛与放大,感官不再被刺激。The black without lighting is a kind of pure tolerance. When all kinds of visible light have been absorbed, the vision would be surrounded by darkness.
Black holes can absorb everything unconditionally no matter good or bad which is to devour but also tolerate. In the modern city, a kaleidoscope of lights represents the progress of civilization, however, it comes with counterforces such as disturbance and noise happening here. In ‘green massage’ Shanghai Lujiazui, we are trying to use “Black” to change the ordinary visual habits, hiding in the concrete jungle, and accept all tired bodies with tolerance.
‘green massage’ Lujiazui, located in the crowded financial district of Shanghai, is creating a secluded corner with a deep immersion experience, offering a gentle nourishing treatment to every tired body and soul with the sensory circulation.
Client │
Green SPA Management & Consultancy
Address │
No. 66 Huayuanshiqiao Road, 6th Floor, Pudong, Shanghai
Design Team │
Creative Director|Kuang Ming(Ray) Chou
Interior Design|Garvin Hung, Yue Hu, Sihu Zhang
Lighting Design|Vera Chu, Chia Huang Liao
FF&E Design|Di Sun
Photographer|Yunpu Cai
Video|Ming Shi, Ting Ho
about Artwork
艺术家|杨泳梁Artist|Yang Yong Liang作品|追云 Chasing Clouds媒介|4K 视频 6’15’’Medium | 4K Video 6’15’’
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