以下作品图文由宇合光年设计供稿并授权发布!深邃的夜空,浩瀚的星系,未知的星球,神秘的生物,你是否也对它们幻想和向往?The deep night sky, the vast galaxy,unknown planets, mysterious creatures,do you fantasize about them?
让我们跳脱思想的桎梏,变身“星球体验官”乘坐【宇宙穿梭机】去那未知星球,与那里的原住民交个朋友吧,那么现在,系好安全带,出发吧!Let’s get out of our heads and become “Star Experience Officers.”Take a shuttle to an uncharted planet, make friends with the natives,now, buckle up and let’s Go!
本星球以轻童话“配方”塑造,共划分星际隧道、冒险空间站、动力试验场、共3个场域,它们相互独立但又有着紧密的关联,共同组成“奇幻基地”,准备好探索了吗?Created with a light fairy tale “Formula”, the planet is divided into three fields: the interstellar tunnel, the adventure space station, the Power Proving Ground, and all of them are independent but closely related to each other to form the “Fantasy base”. Are you ready to explore?
穿破层叠的云尘,迎面遇见无数大大小小的趣味装置,恰到好处地抚慰了一颗缤纷的童心。 抵达星际隧道Through the clouds and the dust,face to face with countless interesting devices, large and small,just right to soothe a riotous childlike heart.To reach the star tunnel
多元素形成造型个性的游乐场地,容纳安放趣味和想象,且童趣盎然,奇幻之旅的序幕在这里缓缓拉开帷幕。Multi-elements form a shape personality of the playground, to accommodate the place of fun and imagination, and childlike fun, fantasy journey here began slowly.
粉、白、绿、灰、橙,缤纷的色彩,还有奇幻的灯光唤醒大小朋友们对世界的好奇心,进入场域,只见不同节点设计可爱的爪了爪休闲凳、魔幻雕塑美陈,增强空间的多样性。Pink, white, green, grey and orange, colourful colours and fantastic lighting arouse children’s curiosity about the world. As they enter the arena, they see Lovely Claw leisure stools designed by different nodes and magical sculptures, enhancing spatial diversity.
小屋内无处不在的偷窥精灵及IP小屋展示台,一下子将体验带入到动漫乐园里,整个空间灵动活泼,充分激发小朋友的想象力。增加了空间的互动性,又赋予空间无限地可能。The ubiquitous voyeur and IP booth in the cabin will bring the experience into the animation park, the whole space is lively and lively, fully stimulate the children’s imagination. It increases the interactivity of the space, and gives the space infinite possibility.
咻~猝不及防体验了一把轻微失重感带来的欢乐。抵达冒险空间站PFFT. Caught me off guardThe Joy of a little weightlessness.To the adventure station
冒险空间站从感受出发,塑造了垂直爬筒+魔鬼旋转滑梯两种互动形态,为孩子营造出了一个乐趣感满满的互动空间,同时,Q萌的太空人与整体空间的缤纷色彩,激发小朋友们的想象潜能。Adventure space station from the experience, created a vertical climbing drum + devil spiral slide two interactive forms, creating a fun interactive space for children, at the same time, Q cute astronauts and the overall space colorful, to stimulate the imagination of children.
穿越过球球屋洞口,满屋颜色不一的星球玩具引入眼帘,在奇遇星球的探索之旅中,更加洒下好奇心的种子。Through the hole in the ball room, the house full of different colors of the planet toys into the eye, in the adventure of the planet exploration trip, but also to sow the seeds of curiosity.
滑梯后方攀岩绳及攀岩筒抽象化地提取对外星记忆里的鲜明特征,用抛砖引玉的方式去引导和启发儿童冒险精神,呵护儿童与生俱来的想象和创造天赋。The climbing rope and drum behind the slide abstract features from the alien memory, using Tossing out a brick to get a jade gem to guide and inspire children’s sense of adventure, nurture their innate imagination and creative talent.
魔鬼旋转滑梯左转,通过打造沉浸式艺术空间的形式,设计了障碍攀岩墙、趣味翻转球,让奔跑玩闹在乐园的小精灵们从视、触、体能等去感知与众不同的趣味世界。Through the form of creating immersive art space, Devil’s spiral slide turns left, designed obstacle climbing wall, fun flip ball, let the running elves play in the park from sight, touch, physical ability to perceive a different fun world.
超童趣的鳄鱼造型小坡,超亮眼的浅蓝配色以及鳄鱼身上背脊幻化成安全扶手,跳脱常规充满童趣,更添些许无惧无畏的挑战魄力。Super child-like crocodile shape slope, super bright light blue color and crocodile back into a security armrest, jump out of the routine full of child-like fun, but also add a little fearless challenge.
加入平衡陀螺椅以表达梦境与现实的空间感受,小朋友们坐上陀螺椅仿佛进入梦境里的世界一样,同时还能训练平衡感。Add the balanced Gyro Chair to express the dream and the reality of the space feeling, the children sit on the gyro chair as if into the dream world, but also can train the sense of balance.
再次启程,被趣味爆表的装置吸引眼球。And set off again,caught the eye of an off-the-charts device.
炫酷旋转滑梯,随心所欲的撒欢空间,让孩子拥有沉浸式的玩乐体验。而木质材料楼梯的设计,充分为小朋友安全考虑。Dazzles the cool revolving slide, at will sa huan the space, lets the child have the immersion type play experience. The wooden staircase is designed for the safety of children.
爬行穿越秘密隧道,打开小朋友心中的好奇大门,通往的是泡泡探险池,这里宛如置身于童话探险世界,宝贝们可任意穿梭。Crawl through the secret tunnel, open the children’s hearts of the curiosity of the door, leading to the bubble adventure pool, here as if in a fairy tale adventure world, the baby can freely shuttle.
还未玩尽兴不要紧,绳网蚁穴探险更有趣!抵达动力试验场It doesn’t matter if you haven’t had your fun yet,ant colony exploration is more fun!We’re at the power plant
进入绳网蚁穴探险领域、攀爬于此,小朋友可锻炼自己的平衡能力,犹如在海平面探险一样,略摇晃的绳网给人一种海浪打来的错觉,充满了无限乐趣。与绳网蚁穴探险相连的是勇气桥,爬行在一片趣味的氛围里,充分发挥小朋友们天马行空的想象力。Enter the rope net ant hole exploration field, climbing here, children can exercise their balance, as in the sea level exploration, slightly shaking rope to give a sense of the waves hit the illusion, full of infinite fun. Connected to the termite-nest adventure is the bridge of courage, which crawls in a fun atmosphere and gives full play to the children’s imagination.
利于绳网蚁穴探险中心,忽然发现竟置身于白色海洋,成百上千个球体的深海空间,带来最为沉浸的波波球海洋。利用地面镂空所做的蹦床,串联了整个海洋球池的活动节点给孩子们带来与众不同的海洋故事。For the rope net ant hole exploration center, suddenly found in the white ocean, hundreds of thousands of spheres of deep sea space, bringing the most immersive Poepoe ball ocean. With the trampoline made of hollow out ground, the activity nodes of the whole ocean ball pool bring different ocean stories to the children.
A little tired from all the fun?
Let’s take a break!
休息区域以稳重的浅驼色为基底,点缀以科幻的灯光和活泼的书架,空间活力又整洁。球形点缀的书架就像是宇宙里的星球,让孩子们在对宇宙无限的想象里遨游。The lounge area is sedate and light camel-colored, with sci-fi lighting and lively bookshelves. The space is dynamic and clean. The globe-shaped bookshelves are like planets in the universe, allowing children to roam in their infinite imagination.
一趟短暂的轻童话星球探秘之旅却好像穿越了亿万光年之久时光定格此刻,请收藏好童心与欢乐我们,下次再见!A brief exploration of a fairytale planetSeems to have traveled billions of light-yearsTime Freeze frame at the moment, please collect good childlike innocence and joyWe’ll... see you next time!
项目信息Project information项目名称:复地长春卡伦湖森林体验馆Project name: Fudi Changchun Karen Lake Forest Experience Center项目地点:长春Project location: Changchun项目面积:约1366㎡Project area: About 1366㎡设计机构:宇合光年Design Institute: Fun Connection Design委托方:复地集团Client:FORTE Group主设计师:张耀天Chief designer: Zhang Yaotian设计团队:陈彦周、陶安娜Design Team: Chen Yanzhou、Tao Anna深化设计:黄颖文Deepening Design: Huang Yinwen平面设计:骆聪毅、茅伟Graphic Design Congyi、Mao Wei软装设计:向海燕、符月Soft Decoration Design: Xiang Haiyan、Fu Yue项目负责人:程项妍、徐长存、姚汉臣Project Leader: Cheng Xiangyan、Xu Changcun、Yao Hanchen设备单位:绳网部落、萌童游乐设备(天津)有限公司Equipment unit:Nets Tribe、Mengtong Amusement Equipment (Tianjin) Co. , Ltd.灯光设计:刘超Lighting Design: Liu Chao摄影师:王海华、木羊Photographer:Wang Haihua、Mu Yang
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