达人网微信号 发表于 2021-7-5 20:13:03

Grain Design--宁静雅致的空间滋养

来自比利时的设计工作室Grain Design 是一家颇具实力的团队,由Nick De Moor和Sander Bullynck于2016年创立,他们设计以精致而极简格调为主,既强调简单而有品位的室内,也强调有趣而多元的外观设计。From Belgium Design studio Grain Design is a considerable strength of the team, by Nick De Moor and Sander Bullynck was founded in 2016, their Design is given priority to with delicate and minimalist style, emphasizing both simple and tasteful interior, also stressed that interesting and diverse appearance Design.

01.LC Residence质感 高级 宁静

Grain Design最新完成的项目,以深灰为主基调,大胆将粉色融入,给沉稳内敛的空间赋予活跃的灵魂。整个室内木质质感高级,和谐统一。Grain Design the latest completed project, with dark gray give priority to tone, bold blend in pink, to give active composed restrained space of the soul. Whole and indoor wood texture senior, harmonious and unified.

02.BL Residence开放 质朴 理性

本案大量运用艺术涂料与石材,创造出硬朗而大气的室内空间,强调空间与光的对话,生动而优雅。In the case of using art paint and stone material, creating a hale and atmosphere of interior space, emphasizes the dialogue of space and light, vivid and elegant.

03.EJ Residence极简 黑白 中性

黑白灰中性质感公寓,设计师采用极少的材质与设计手法,将空间气氛渲染到极致,还给人宁静与舒适。Black and white ash neutral sense apartment, stylist USES very little material and design methods, the space atmosphere rendering to the extreme, to a person quiet and comfortable.

玖肆 发表于 2021-7-6 08:56:29


0oloveless_ 发表于 2021-7-6 08:57:02


山野雾灯 发表于 2021-7-6 09:52:04


tianhua 发表于 2021-7-6 09:56:35


刘军123 发表于 2021-7-6 10:11:36


郭晓虎 发表于 2021-7-6 11:00:00


金小强 发表于 2021-7-6 11:03:39


710834482 发表于 2021-7-6 12:04:28


Boloni 发表于 2021-7-6 14:42:17

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