以下作品图文由力高设计供稿并授权发布!IDEAL LIFE IN CITY GRADENPRIVATE DWELLINGSimple Natural Original Sense,Return Life to Life.320㎡Reshape Daily Life,Functional Aesthetics Awakens Ideal Life.
理想生活之城市花园 私宅
质朴 呼吸 原感 把生活交还给生活320㎡ 重塑日常 功能美学唤醒理想生活
理想生活之城市花园私宅 © LICO DESIGN
理想生活全案 设计与实现:Interior Design 室内建筑设计Soft Decor 软装设计Engineering Realization 工程实现AREA 领域Private House 私宅CLIENT 客户Private Entrepreneur 城市花园 私人企业家
City Gardenis one of the high-end residences located in the central business district ofJiangbei District in Huizhou, which enjoys Swan Lake, a scarce resource in thecity. As the first residence of the host family to improve the quality of life,they entrust the whole case to LICO Design. The host and hostess, with strongfamily values, broad horizon, artistic cultivation and unique aesthetic taste,are engaged in investment and real estate marketing respectively. They havealways lived with their mother, children and personal housekeeper. The atmospherein their family is harmonious. The purchased property is two adjacent houseswith an area of about 160㎡ respectively. LICO is expected to create a newquality and ideal residence for this family.
基于主人的生活习惯、品质生活诉求,以及LICO主张“50%DESIGN”的设计理念,LICO主创团队将“以功能美学重塑日常”作为本案的创作轴心策略,围绕“把生活交还给生活”的理想生活主张,以期为主人实现质朴、呼吸、原感理想生活居所。Based on the owners’ living habits and demands forquality life, as well as LICO's design concept of "50%DESIGN", LICO'screative team takes "reshaping daily life with functional aesthetics"as the core creative strategy for this case and centers on the ideal lifeproposition of "returning life to life" in order to design an idealresidence with simple, natural and original sense for the owners.
为了更方便照料到主人长辈的生活起居、尊重到长辈原有生活习惯并延续温情的家庭生活氛围、让长辈得到孩子更多的陪伴,LICO团队建议主人将两套相邻户型打通,合二为一,使家庭公共活动区域得到充分的延展,整体生活空间视野更开敞、呼吸感更强、空间功能组合与生活场景更灵活、更多元互动。In order to take care of the life and livingconditions of the elders with more convenience, respect the original livinghabits of the elders and continue the warm family atmosphere, LICO teamsuggests that the host open up the two adjacent houses and merge them into oneso that the elders can be accompanied more by children, the public activityarea of the family can be fully extended, the overall living space is moreopen, the sense of breathing is stronger, and the spatial function combination aswell as the living scene are more flexible, diversified and interactive.
空间功能布局上,从“重塑日常”的思考点出发,将私密属性较强的卧室、书房、盥洗室分布于公共活动区域两侧,长辈可以得到孩子更多的陪伴,兼顾主人生活隐私。书房设有隐藏式小床,便于男主人深夜工作回家时,不打扰到女主人和孩子。另外,值得一提的是,主人盥洗室浴缸一端特别设计了一方壁炉,为了减弱冬日主人沐浴时的低温感受,同时也增添几分男女主人的生活情趣。In terms ofspatial function layout, LICO team starts from the thinking point of "reshapingdaily life", and distributes the bedrooms, study rooms and lavatory withstrong private properties on both sides of public activity areas, so thatelders can get more company from children and the privacy of the owners’ lifeis taken into account. Small bed of hidden type is designed in the study roomto facilitate host without disturbing the family when he comes back from worklate at night. What is worth mentioning additionally is that a fireplace isdesigned at one end of bathtub to warm the washroom in the winter and providethe owners with more delight.
半悬空玄关隔断与入户鞋帽间、视听室并置而设:主人回家,白天工作情绪转换之余,家人相互之间可以感受到彼此的动态,而不惊扰。宾客友人进出视听室经过玄关时,可以感受到人的活动,而避免了眼神对视。Partially suspended porch, shoes and hats room and audiovisualroom are set adjacently, which will make the family to feel each other’sactivities without disturbance and keep the privacy between hosts and guests.
客厅、餐厅、茶室半开放并置,客厅的壁炉替代了电视,为家人与宾客友人提供一个相对纯粹的沟通交谈的空间。厨房、走廊、管家房、露台相互连通,便于管家日常工作,也可观赏到主人露台的园艺美景。长辈房特别设有的沙发电视,方便长辈休息和打发无聊。Sitting room, dining room and teahouse are semi-open and set adjacently,which provides a relatively pure communication space for the hosts and guests. Thekitchen, corridor, housekeeper's room and terrace are connected to each otherto facilitate the housekeeper's daily work and enjoy the garden scenery of the hosts’terrace. The sofa TV set in the elder room is convenient for the elder to restand kill time.
设计的细微之处,不一而足。而空间的细节设计之处皆来自于LICO团队对日常生活的敏锐觉察、感知、捕捉与重塑。理想生活不必是镶金饰银的矫饰,不必是雕梁画柱的奢侈,不必是琳琅满目的藏品,但必是要感受到爱,感受到原初的温度的。The design details for this case are numerous,however, every one comes from LICO team’s keen awareness, perception, captureand reshaping of daily life. The core of an ideal life is not fine jewelry,luxurious decoration and dazzling collection, but the feeling of love andnature of life.而这种原感的、质朴的、呼吸的,或许是生活美好与幸福感的本源。也是LICO团队对理想生活创想与实现的再一次追问与回答。This original, simple and natural sense may be the origin of agood life and happiness.
质朴,呼吸,原感,把生活交还给生活。Simple Natural Original Sense,Return Life to Life.
真正的生活不需到处去寻,它就在此处。不需要刻意地去修饰什么,需要的是重唤我们的原感力。通过重塑质朴的日常、留有呼吸可对话的空间,在空气流转中、眼神对视与视线余光中,原感力便自然唤醒。真水无香,真爱无像,真情无声,把生活交还给生活。最高阶最默契最暖心的爱,是持续自然调频的,亲密时无间,独处时尊重,懂得分寸、持守尺度,克制而长足的温和。重塑日常,重唤感受爱的能力。The true life is not to be looked for in all places, it’s here.There is no need to embellish the dwelling with anything, but to call back ouroriginal senses. By reshaping the simple daily life and setting apart a spacefor breathing and dialogue, the original sense is awakened naturally in theflow of air, eye contact and vision. True life is simple, so return life to life.The highest, the most tacit and the most heart-warming love is the constant andnatural frequency, the intimacy, the respect, the restraint and long-lastinggentleness. To reshape the daily life is to restore the ability to feel love.
这就是城市花园私宅,这就是质朴、呼吸、原感理想生活居所。This is the private dwelling in City Garden, an ideal residence for life of simple, natural and original sense.
理想生活之城市花园私宅 © LICO DESIGN
理想生活之城市花园私宅 © LICO DESIGN
理想生活之城市花园私宅 © LICO DESIGN
理想生活之城市花园私宅 © LICO DESIGN
理想生活之城市花园私宅 © LICO DESIGN
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理想生活之城市花园私宅 © LICO DESIGN
理想生活之城市花园私宅 © LICO DESIGN
理想生活之城市花园私宅 © LICO DESIGN
理想生活之城市花园私宅 © LICO DESIGN
PROJECT INFORMATIONI项目信息 项目名称 I 理想生活之城市花园 私宅设计出品 I LICO力高设计公司网站 I licogd.cn完成年份 I 2020.12主创设计 I 钟良胜设计团队 I 朱洋环、林峰、董华斌、骆秋月技术总监 I 冼景华施工执行 I 何昌辉项目地址 I 惠州市惠城区文昌一路18号建筑面积 I 320㎡摄影版权 I SUNWAY山外视觉客户名称 I 城市花园 私宅
钟良胜简介理想生活创行者 LICO力高设计创始人&设计总监予舍酒店 品牌创始人 50%DESIGN 理论创研者功能美学主义室内建筑设计师ACI国际注册高级室内设计师CIID中国建筑学会室内设计分会注册室内建筑师中国湛江设计力量(惠州)会长深圳市室内设计师协会理事2020-2021 ID CHINA中国室内设计年度封面人物 2019 DESIGN SHH上海国际设计周金梁中国设计奖获得者2018 DESIGN100粤港澳大湾区设计新锐榜年度人物2017 JINTANG PRIZE 金堂奖年度设计作品奖获得者2016 CBDA设计奖年度最佳优秀设计师2017 PENGDING鹏鼎奖十佳酒店空间设计奖获得者2019 NicelivingAwards营造家奖最佳大户型TOP20获得者2017 IDEA-TOPS国际空间设计大奖艾特奖获得者
LICO,在斯洛文尼亚语中表“面对”之意,契合力高品牌高度奉行“行与创”的经营理念与设计哲学。力,表能力、效能、尽力去做,谓之行;高,表观念、维度、要创新高,谓之创。力创高品,理想生活。LICO认为,创新性、美学性、精神性的设计方案仅是“设计”工作系统的50%,设计执行的还原度、能效性、引导性则是“设计”工作系统的另外50%。十数年来,LICO力高团队,持守“理想生活创行者”的角色定位,始终以“客户体验与评价”作为设计工作的起点与终点,坚持以“50%DESIGN”的设计哲学,专注于理想生活的空间机能构筑、美学感知传递以及生活方式创建,为客户提供“理想生活全案”,力图帮助当代品质生活需求客户实现“理想生活”的美好愿景。 支持达人室内设计网 支持达人室内设计网 支持达人室内设计网 真的厉害 支持达人室内设计网 拥有着精致的生活状态
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