沃纳迪家居 发表于 2021-5-27 15:43:59

Ksoul Interior Design Studio--Den Da咖啡店

项目坐落于越南西贡,由Ksoul Interior Design Studio事务所设计。鲜艳又复古的风格与高品质的材料成为Den Da咖啡店最鲜明的特征,虽然这些复古的元素对年轻一代人来说可能是过时的,但是它们却能唤起人们对90年代建筑趋势与社会图景的记忆。

Being inspired by what might have been considered obsolete by the young generation, Ksoul decided to utilize vintage and extreme high-functional materials and coloration to remind the customers of the construction trend and social situation in the 90s.

▼项目外观,appearance of the coffee shop© Valor Studio

▼立面材料与logo,material of the facade and the logo © Valor Studio


First and foremost, the most important factor is the overall structure of the project, window-panes are aligned separately as in the famous building at 42 Nguyen Hue street, Sai Gon, Viet Nam.

▼分析图,digram © Ksoul Interior Design Studio


Going through the store space are grindstones and steptread tiles arranged elegantly – the two main materials used in old Saigon households. Also, traditional bricks are used to set up the bartender area, one of the small but special spot that Ksoul would like to contribute to the scheme of our designing.

▼咖啡店入口,entrance of the coffee shop © Valor Studio

▼底层入口与点餐空间,Ground floor entrance and ordering space © Valor Studio

▼点单吧台,ordering counter © Valor Studio


This place would definitely give you a comfortable and satisfying touch thanks to the layout that Ksoul intended to integrate vintage and retrospective things with breakthrough and modern deliverables. An example could be the green-coated walls which recall the old house vibes, accompanied by round-shaped inox led cases – which are painted orange that have demonstrated the interference of oldschool and newschool styles.

▼咖啡店二层概览,Overall of the first floor © Ksoul Interior Design Studio

▼二层座位区,seating area on the first floor © Valor Studio

▼不同形式的座位与传统的瓷砖饰面,Different forms of seating with traditional veneer tiles © Ksoul Interior Design Studio

▼咖啡店三层概览,Overall of the second floor © Ksoul Interior Design Studio

▼绿色与砖红色的主体色调,Main shades of green and brick red © Ksoul Interior Design Studio

诚然,在这个现代化的社会中,很多传统的风格可能已经过时,Ksoul也因此很少有机会能参与到类似的具有复古情调的室内设计项目中。然而,一旦设计师接手了这个项目,就一定要将这种特别的设计理念与业主想要表达的核心价值观传达给Den Da咖啡的爱好者。在这高速发展的现代化城市中,新旧元素的结合代表了Den Da咖啡店对自身独特品牌理念始终如一的追求精神。

▼咖啡店顶层概览,Overall of the top floor of the coffee shop © Valor Studio

▼顶层采用了更为现代的白色为主题色调,The top floor features a more modern white theme© Ksoul Interior Design Studio

▼风格简洁的桌椅与吊灯,Desks, chairs and chandeliers with simple style© Ksoul Interior Design Studio

▼从镜子中看咖啡店,viewing the space from the mirror © Ksoul Interior Design Studio

Indeed, it would be safe to say that Ksoul rarely is involved in project with traditional and vintage deliverables because it would tend to be outdated in such a modern society. However, once we commit to do it, we are ambitious to materialize the story and the core values that our customers would like to convey to Den Da lovers. Especially, this is the combination that marks the development based on the modernization and urbanization that Den Da has been pursuing throughout their storyline.

▼绿色墙面与圆形不锈钢灯具细部,details of the green-coated walls and the round-shaped inox led© Valor Studio

▼夜景,night view © Valor Studio

▼底层平面图,ground floor plan © Ksoul Interior Design Studio

▼二层平面图,level 1 plan © Ksoul Interior Design Studio

▼三层平面图,level 2 plan © Ksoul Interior Design Studio

▼四层平面图,level 3 plan © Ksoul Interior Design Studio

快乐万岁 发表于 2021-6-10 09:00:54


lvgangxuk 发表于 2021-8-2 10:12:40


aini8zhu 发表于 2022-2-9 20:35:08

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