MilloDesign 发表于 2021-5-20 17:22:45


项目名称|林邑·星湖湾项目类型|高端私宅软装设计与实施|米洛映象艺术总监|张雅珍项目地点|湖南郴州项目面积|160㎡完工时间|2018.12 Project Name | Linyi · Xinghu BayProject Type | high-end private houseSoft installation design and implementation of | Milo imageArtistic Director | Zhang YazhenProject location | Chenzhou, Hunan ProvinceThe project area |160㎡Completion Time | 2018.12 结合典雅复古元素与时尚元素,为空间营造出温馨精致的浪漫氛围,以雅白、清新绿、墨绿等为主要色调,加入金属、皮革、布艺等材料运用贯穿整个空间,由内而外,形成微妙的戏剧张力。 01SITTING ROOM - 客厅 客厅韵味十足,色彩丰富浓淡相宜,且细节处理十分精致,墨绿色与绿植相互交融,让人身处此处,不觉间似乎已与自然融为一体,清新而醇美。而金属独特的光泽,让空间更显精致,既凸显了层次感,也让空间质感更为丰富。 The living room is full of charm, dark green and green plants blend with each other, and the unique luster of metal makes the space more delicate, which highlights the sense of hierarchy and enriches the texture of space. 02DINING ROOM KITCHEN - 餐厨 吊扇灯造型复古,一扫视觉上的沉闷,让人眼前一亮,墙上不规则的几何艺术装置品使整个空间呈现出一种恰如其分的精致感,单椅色彩清新,绿肥红瘦间,蕴藏着空间卓然的审美与品位,让具有生活气息的就餐场景更具艺术格调。 The ceiling fan lamp looks retro, the geometric art installation on the wall makes the whole space present a proper sense of delicacy, the single chair has fresh color, which makes the dining scene with life atmosphere more artistic style. 03MASTER BEDROOM - 卧室 不同的空间,便给予了不一样的视觉感官,卧室浪漫而个性,墙体使用清新的绿色作为大面积的铺陈,充满了自然之感。而床头背景墙则以墨绿进行填充,层次分明之余,再点缀翩然的芦苇,灵动非常。柔软的大床、恰到好处的灯光,让人不禁沉沦其中,给灵魂在休息的时间更好的放纵。 The bedroom is romantic and individual character, full of natural sense. Background wall is filled with dark green, dotted with dancing reed, very clever. Soft big bed, proper lamplight, let a person can not help but sink among them, give the soul in the rest of the time better indulgence. 04SECOND LIE - 次卧 次卧简雅而素淡,没有过多的装饰,干净整洁,却不失质感,再点缀一抹亮眼的橙色,丰富空间的色彩之余,营造舒适无压的空间感,书写不恋浮华,追影自然的生活美居。 Second lie simple and elegant and plain, without too much decoration, clean and neat, but do not lose texture, and then embellished with a bright orange, rich color space, write not love vanity, chasing the natural life of the beautiful house.

0oloveless_ 发表于 2021-5-21 08:37:27


z-hwen 发表于 2021-5-21 09:44:24


leezhencai 发表于 2021-6-23 17:32:40


RAQ 发表于 2021-7-10 15:52:26


RAQ 发表于 2021-7-10 15:53:55


LtYUE 发表于 2021-9-3 17:12:43


叶小丹叽 发表于 2022-5-16 13:27:15

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查看完整版本: 米洛映象|星湖湾美式大宅:守其静美·邂逅一场浪漫之旅