沃纳迪家居 发表于 2021-5-20 11:07:53


To The nth power of the home
家的风格不应墨守成规,而是随着时代更迭不断改变。一个有灵魂的空间,可以从细节处看到主人的影子,让我们所看到的不仅是设计而是对于生活的深刻体会.....There is no fixed style of home, for it embraces changes with the times.A space with a soul always embodies the owner presence in every detail, presenting to us not only the design but insight into life…

打破重组,自由与仪式感Break the bonds for freedom & ritual
有仪式感地用餐是我们赋予餐厅独有的意义,是代表着一家人的齐聚,在此放松自由的沟通、私语,谈笑间拉近家人的距离。Dining with a sense of ritual is the unique meaning we give to the restaurant, where the family gather, relax, freely talk, and bring each other closer together amid laughter.

意大利铂金矩形餐桌承载家人的温馨时光,几何桌脚结构,是该空间中的有机自由元素,意味着打破重组与循环,在规则与不规则中变化充满韵律。Italian platinum rectangular table is perfect for lovely family time. The geometrical table foot structure adds an organic free element to the space, breaking the reorganization and cycle, and filling the space with rhythm through the regular and irregular changes.

台面劳伦黑金岩板特有的线条自由横生,静谧沉稳中彰显品质;深色与花艺的“红”相辅相成,在视觉上使人穿梭在张扬与宁静之间,形成别样的美。搭配意大利ARFLEX的BOTOLO单椅,低调内敛兼具时尚品味。On the table top, lines unique to Lauren black gold rock board extend freely, sending off the charm of tranquility and composure; dark colors complement the "red" of the floral arrangement, creating a visual experience of shifting between flaunt and tranquility and a unique beauty. Matching back to the Botolo single chair of Arflex, an understated, restrained and fashion taste floats through the space.

由内而外的力量与恰到好处的包容From the inside out with just the right amount of inclusion
对于客厅来说,无疑是彰显户主人物气质的最好空间。The sitting room is beyond doubt the best space to showcase the owner’s character and temperament.
在大面积深灰色墙面的基调下,软装选用BAXTER的深色TACTILE作为主沙发来加强视觉的重心,柔美舒适的线条在提升坐面触感的同时由内而外迸发出力量。Against the context of large area of dark gray metope, BAXTER’s TACTILE is selected as the main sofa to highlight the visual center. Soft and comfortable lines, while enhancing the tactility of the sitting surface, bursting power from the inside out.

Carpets, with pen and ink as the vehicle, borrow oriental ink painting artistic conception to modern crafts. While accentuating the power of the main sofa, it also adds a touch of Oriental inclusiveness. The marriage of Italian simplicity and low luxury with the Oriental aesthetic conception, makes the space style more international over the contemporary fashion trend.

微风带起窗帘的尾端,精心挑选的曼妙爵士音乐由丹麦BEOPLAY音响传入耳蜗,从视觉过渡到听觉,不经意间自由与惬意发生在空间当中,在沉稳中唤醒生活本来的轻盈之感。As the breeze lifts the end of the curtain, the beautifully selected jazz music seems to flow to the cochlea via Danish BEOPLAY. Amid the visual to auditory shift, freedom and pleasure, without the owner’s noticing, surface in the space, waking up the original lightness of life in the calm mood.

The ethereal undulation of the living room wall installation painting forms a pleasant contrast against the still water decorative painting on the corridor. Quiet and movement add to the spatial mood the rhythm of Oriental aesthetics, brining naturally the space from movement into quiet.

从时尚品味到生活艺术From fashion sense to art of life
生活是情感的延续,而空间承载着生活。If life is the continuation of emotion, then space the vehicle of life.
皮革硬包的温润加持搭配MINOTTI经典CURTTS双人床,提升卧室空间品质,床头吊灯的重叠形式打破常规,优雅且具有格调。床尾休闲单椅,美感与实用并存,营造舒适的休憩空间。The softness of the hard leather package matches with MINOTTI’s classic CURTTS double bed to promote the taste of the bedroom space. The overlapping form of the droplight at the head of a bed breaks routine, shines elegant and classy. Leisure single chair at the end of bed features beauty and function, giving birth to a comfortable rest space.

世上只有一种英雄主义就是认清了生活的真相后依然热爱生活——罗曼·罗兰There is only one kind of heroism in the world, that is, to see life as it is and still love life.——Romain Rolland

主卧双衣帽间的设计将男女空间分隔开来,精致的生活用品和饰品摆件体现出男女主人不同的人生阅历与时尚品味,满足屋主人对于生活的个人憧憬。Double cloakroom in the master bedroom is designed to separate the male and female spaces. Delicate articles for daily use and ornaments reflect the different life experience and fashion taste of the host and hostess, thus realizing the owner's personal vision of life.

The nature of life and the freedom of individuality红像年华盛放的气焰红像斜阳渐远的纪念——张国荣《红》红色,代表着热情、奔放、乐观、真诚、自由,它明亮艳丽,它是生命的跳动....Red is like the flame in full bloomRed is evocative of the fading memory of receding sun- Red by Leslie CheungRed, the unrestrained color symbolic of enthusiasm, optimism, sincerity, freedom, is bright and gorgeous, and is the beat of life…

《世上最快的印第安摩托》:梦想是一辈子的事情The Fastest Indian Motorcycle in the World: Dreams are a lifetime thing
引入经典电影为主题,将赛摩元素与人物性格相结合,摒弃传统设计,大胆的红色演绎出老人丰富的电影人生,当年轻不在,我们是否还保留着当年的自由激情与豪情热血?With the theme focused on the classic movie, by combining the elements of Seymour with the characters and departing from traditional design, the bold red unfolds an old man’s rich film career. When our youth is no more, will we still retain the passion and freedom of the youthful days?

儿童房我们紧抓当代审美的特性元素和心理,营造独特个性。For the Children's room, we use the characteristics of contemporary aesthetic elements and psychology to create a unique personality.

JASON MRAZ的黑胶唱片、电子吉他与滑板,将小男孩的童真阳光展示得淋漓尽致。法国奢侈品牌GOYARD经典格纹在黑白红的地毯上,色彩碰撞出时尚格调,配以意大利BRIONVEGA笑脸音响为原型的装饰柜,赋予童年最美好的生活理想。Jason Mraz's vinyl record electric guitar and skateboard show little boy's innocence incisively and vividly. Carpet of black, white and red is patterned with French luxury brand Goyard's classic check, with colors mixed to create a fashion style. With the adornments ark that is prototype with Italian BRIONVEGA smiling face acoustics in place, the childhood is endowed with the most beautiful and good life ideal.

追求个性化的时代,书房除了满足家庭办公外,我们引入了更多的男主人人物爱好特性,以摄影为载体,寻找生活的个性。In an era of individualization, a study, while serving the purpose of home office, is designed by us to nurture the male host’s character hobby characteristics, allowing him to seek the personalized life with photography as the carrier.

A space of vitality illustrates the taste and temperament of the owner in details; light color metope and contracted bookshelf are calm and rational. Desk of circular arc stone material increases spatial scale, releasing the spatial temperament that is original and restrained. Ink elements continue the Oriental ancient rhyme in a pure quiet beautiful manner.
项目名称:成都·悦蓉东方样板间甲方单位:四川滨江地产项目类型:高层样板房项目面积:192㎡设计时间:2021年1月竣工时间:2021年3月软装设计:成都九度装饰设计有限公司软装执行:成都九度软装设计中心硬装设计:深圳市郑中设计股份有限公司甲方团队:金岭、黄洪明、李想项目摄影:404NF STUDIO工作室

郭晓虎 发表于 2021-5-21 09:42:59


张滨 发表于 2021-5-22 16:34:47


lhbafxf 发表于 2021-5-22 18:00:33


rha 发表于 2021-5-27 09:47:49

黑红配色 经典又时尚

dongguangff369 发表于 2021-6-17 16:18:09


强仔 发表于 2021-6-20 11:50:33


dongguangff369 发表于 2021-6-23 12:24:28


Boloni 发表于 2021-7-5 09:54:42


设计师黎宵雨 发表于 2021-8-25 09:19:17

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