沃纳迪家居 发表于 2021-5-11 14:45:44



When this project began, the client wanted the buildings to be designed based on a form found in nature. Instead of creating merely imitative forms, however, we focused on developing the spatial experience by staging views and establishing the relationship between the structures and their surrounding environment. Eventually, four houses, the Seeds, were constructed. They seemed to arise from another dimension, looking nothing like we had originally planned.

▼项目整体鸟瞰,aerial view of the project ©田方方

▼由水面看建筑,viewing the project from the water ©田方方


Each Seed house forms a continuous, ellipsoidal surface, with a mirrored aluminum facade rising to meet pine shingles. This mirrored aluminum cladding reflects the surrounding environment, the changing weather and seasons. This metal surface takes on the luster of red soil in winter, green plants in spring and summer, mist when wet, and sunshine on bright days. Like the roots of a plant, this reflective cladding anchors each house to the earth, while the pine shingles give the structures a warm, soft aesthetic, allowing the structures to blend into the surrounding nature.

▼种子木屋整体呈椭球形,Each Seed house forms a continuous ©田方方

▼建筑与自然融为一体,The building is integrated with nature ©上海宿蛙


According to the functional demands of these buildings, each house is designed with several circular openings to create internal sight lines branching off in various directions. For instance, the circular hole on the front of the structure leads to the terrace, which is like a stone platform floating on independent foundations. A tree penetrates the terrace, providing shade; a round window on the side of the building faces sparse woods; and a larger round window in the attic reveals the sky and the branches of tall trees.

▼侧面的圆窗面向疏朗的树林,round window on the side of the building faces sparse woods ©田方方

▼底部采用镜面铝板,mirrored aluminum facade rising to meet pine shingles ©田方方

▼阁楼上设有圆形天窗,larger round window in the attic ©休耕建筑


Within the buildings, the interior walls of each Seed house are wood panels, and the stripes formed by the natural color differentiation of the wood further emphasize the ellipsoidal shape of each structure. Additionally, the area behind master bedroom contains the entrance, the bathroom, and room for storage. Furthermore, this space leads to an attic, providing a space for children. The attic and the first floor are connected by an elliptical staircase that intersects the entryway to form an intriguing, carved-out space.

▼室内整体概览,overall of the interior ©田方方

▼玻璃门与室外露台,glass door with outdoor terrace ©田方方

▼由卧室看露台,viewing the terrace from bedroom ©休耕建筑

▼卧室区,bedroom ©休耕建筑

▼仰视阁楼与弧形天花板,Looking up at loft and curved ceiling ©休耕建筑

▼阁楼,the loft ©休耕建筑

▼楼梯细部,staircase ©休耕建筑 / 田方方

▼夜景,night view ©田方方 / 休耕建筑

▼一层平面图,room plan ©休耕建筑

▼阁楼平面图,loft plan ©休耕建筑

▼剖面图,section ©休耕建筑

主创及设计团队:沈洪良, 陈宣儒,蔡玉盈
项目地址:江西, 中国

王多余 发表于 2021-5-12 09:24:30


上海喆韵设计 发表于 2021-5-13 17:04:56


guo168 发表于 2021-6-8 12:57:51


737720169 发表于 2021-10-26 18:15:07

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