达人网微信号 发表于 2021-5-8 18:13:16


世界是单一还是多彩?有人迷惘于周而复始的日复一日,有人将生活点滴酝酿为醇香烈酒,沁润心扉,回味悠长。Is the world simple or colorful?Some people live a monotonous life day after day,While others turn every moment into mellow liquor to nurture their mind and body with lingering taste.

闻一多曾写:“绿给了我发展,红给了我热情,黄教我以忠义,蓝教我以高洁,粉红赐我以希望,灰白赠我以悲哀。”Wen Yiduo had lines that go,“Green gives me growth, red passion,Yellow teach me loyalty,blue impart to me purity, pink raises my hope, and grey gives me the taste of sadness.”

当丰富的世界需要一种色彩来定调,个性正在主导。环境的色彩与张力牵动着情绪,内心深处正在寻求与认知协调的心灵栖息地。As the colorful world needs a dominant tune, it is calling for a prevailing individuality.The color and tension of the environment touch the string of emotions,At the depths of heart the soul is looking for a habitat in tune with cognition.

现代时尚纯净世界的小美好 Little goodness in a pure world——
95㎡ B1户型

设计师选择诞生于1957年米兰画展的“克莱因蓝”,艺术家Yves Klein(伊夫·克莱因)相信,只有最单纯的色彩才能唤起最强烈的心灵感受力。The designer selects the "Klein Blue", a color born at the 1957 Milan Art Exhibition. Artist Yves Klein believes that only the purest colors can evoke the strongest sense of the mind.

蓝色是天空与大海的颜色,但克莱因蓝以强烈的冲击力,用理想之蓝、绝对之蓝展现明净空旷的“蓝血”贵族风范,写意“摩登派”的个性与品味。Blue is the color of the sky and the seas. Klein blue, however, with its strong impact, applies the ideal blue and absolute blue to showcase the clear and open "blue blood" aristocratic style, giving a freehand expression to the personality and taste of "modernism".

蓝是静谧的优雅,卧室对称的黑色与蓝色壁画,犹如夜晚与白昼,日月更替间感受四季变化。在暖灰色基调下,黑色金属线条勾勒墙面,配以克莱因蓝提亮整体空间,简约时尚。As blue unfolds the quiet grace, the symmetrical black and blue murals in the bedroom, like night and day, make visible and tangible the changes of the four seasons amid the shift of the sun and moon. With the warm grey as the keynote, black metal lines outline the wall, with Klein blue brightening the overall space, making it simple and fashionable.

对摩登派而言,潮流是一种态度,儿童房打破空间传统束缚,以“KAWS”艺术品为主题,摆件、抱枕、墙画宣扬个性主张。For mods, fashion represents an attitude. Children's room, free of the traditional spatial constraints, and with "KAWS" artwork as the theme, is furnished with ornaments, pillow, and wall painting to accentuate individuality.

现代轻奢勃艮第红 Burgundy Red——
82㎡ B2户型

在法国,能与波尔多(Bordeaux)媲美的葡萄酒产区莫过于勃艮第。浓郁而讲究格调的勃艮第红,融入了经典正红与黑色,红的热烈,又有黑色经久不衰的回味,不高调却自有一番雅致。In France, Burgundy is the only wine region on par with Bordeaux. Burgundy Red, rich and tasteful, when blended with classic red and black, boasts both red’s passion and black’s enduring aftertaste, and a humble, elegant grace.

精致,是一种生活方式。将对生活的热爱与对未来的希冀融入色彩中,那么红就是最恰当的情感寄托。方正格局简约明快风格,整体优雅白中点缀勃艮第红,为空间注入生命力。To be particular represents a lifestyle. To look for a color to embody love for life and hope for the future, red is the most appropriate candidate on which emotions can rest. Square layout sets off the contracted and lively style. The whole elegance, with white dotted with Burgundy red, injecting vitality into the space.

由勃艮第红主导的空间,精选布艺、皮革、金属等材质,配以几何元素、艺术摆件,方寸间传递出现代轻奢的雅致氛围。The space dominated by Burgundy red, when furnished with fabric art, leather, metal and other materials, geometric elements, and art ornaments, is enveloped in an atmosphere of modern, light luxury.

大艺术家 The great artist
72㎡ C2户型

艺术家喜欢由内而外的力量之美,在活力无限的空间里,开启一场绿野仙踪的奇幻冒险。The artist takes fancy to the beauty of power from the inside out, and the space of infinite vitality allows him to embark on a magical adventure of the Wizard of Oz.

从自然本源中寻找生活的艺术,凭借天生的想象力和鉴赏力,提取大自然植物的顽强生命力,搭配玻璃质感花瓶,让自然与空间融合,打造艺术之境。Seeking the art of living from the source of nature; extracting the tenacious vitality of plants in nature with innate imagination and percipient; coupled with glass vase, introducing nature into space to create an artistic environment.

Marriage of warm grey with dynamic green, with cushion, mural and different concentrations of green to echo outdoor green, achieves a oneness between the space and environment. Landscape balcony features rational layout and a view of the landscapes, allowing the residents to enjoy bird chirping in the morning and stars at night.
回归自然诗与远方 Poetry and destination——
106㎡ C2户型

当都市冰冷的建筑渐渐遮蔽视线,渴望回归自然的心理日趋迫切。设计师用象征大自然的橙色调,以休闲、诗意、品质、艺术的自然主义风格,带领我们寻找向往中的“诗与远方”。As view is increasingly obscured by the cold urban buildings, a yearning for the hug of nature of is growing. The designer uses the orange tone that symbolizes nature, with leisure, poetry, quality, art to build up the naturalism style, lead us to search for the yearning "poetry and destination".

方正格局空间里,木质地板及几何地毯设计,保持自然质朴气息。橙色花艺与壁画为空间注入一抹亮色,在玻璃、透明质感花瓶的烘托下,营造艺术氛围。慵懒的枝叶柔和硬装线条,增加空间舒适感。In the square space, wooden floor and geometric carpet are designed to maintain the natural and rustic atmosphere. Orange floral arrangement and murals bring a bright color into the space which, set off by glass and transparent texture vase, creates an artistic atmosphere. Lazy branches and leaves soften the hard lines, making the space cozier.

暖灰色为主基调的卧室,用橙粉色点缀,温柔的色彩调和空间的冷清感。柔软布艺、皮革、高透明度亚克力等共同演绎温馨、美好的空间故事,诗意栖居,筑梦远方。The bedroom, with warm as the keynote, is dotted with orange pink, so that the cold feeling is tempered by the warm, gentle color. Soft cloth art, leather, high transparency acrylic weave themselves into a beautiful space story about poetic dwelling and spiritual journey.
项目名称:五矿·西湖未来城甲方单位:成都矿邑置业有限公司项目类型:精装样板间项目面积:355㎡设计时间:2020年10月竣工时间:2021年1月设计单位:成都九度装饰设计有限公司甲方团队:五矿地产成都公司设计管理部项目摄影:404NF STUDIO工作室
Project name: Minmetals · West Lake Future CityParty A: Chengdu Kuanyi Real Estate Co., LtdProject Type: Fine decoration model roomProject area: 355㎡Design Date: October 2020Completion date: January 2021Design institution: Chengdu Nine Dimensions Design Co., Ltd.Party A's team: Department of Design Management, Minmetals Land Chengdu BranchProject photography: 404NF Studio

elaineliu0523 发表于 2021-5-12 10:06:08

:) 很好方案,文案写的也棒棒的,支持支持。

是追啊 发表于 2021-5-12 15:56:16


郭晓虎 发表于 2021-5-29 09:31:57


XXX徐璟 发表于 2021-6-21 12:13:35


dongguangff369 发表于 2021-6-24 10:17:08


27738622 发表于 2021-7-1 09:04:47


yc786067112 发表于 2021-8-3 17:48:47


设计师黎宵雨 发表于 2021-8-28 10:31:50


金鱼与鲸鱼 发表于 2021-11-12 16:31:52

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