江阴糖朝设计---DAY TO DAY 面包房
在设计中寻找意义,让空间的延伸留下与自己互动对话的机会。最大化地分割惬意,满足烟火气的心房感受。DAYTODAY, 一年四季,年年念念。 项目名称 | | DAY TO DAY 项目地址 | | 江苏·江阴 项目面积 | | 120m² 完工时间 | | 2020.8 主案设计 | | 赵 俊 软装陈列 | | 糖 糖 空间摄影 | | 生 辉
▼门面草图▼平面图一盏灯,一堵墙,一口松软吃掉一口焦虑。整体暖色调上嵌入曲线的建筑结构,加入了一切能构想到温暖的元素,灯串的假日氛围也使仿古砖背景再次升温,如冬天的雪中送炭,屋内的视觉性都温暖起来。One lamp, one wall, one mouthful soft and one mouthful anxious. The overall warm tone is embedded in the curved building structure, adding all the elements that can be conceived as warm. The holiday atmosphere of the lamp string also warms up the antique brick background again. For example, the visual quality of the room iswarmed up in winter.
明暗关系与格局分割相得益彰,充满吸引与神秘的盒子里究竟装着什么奶香尤物。室外室内的休闲角落把顾客的各方面小憩考虑周全得当,充满细节的处理让灵魂放松。The relationship between light and shade and the division of pattern bring out the best in each other. What kind of milk-scented objects are in the box full of attraction and mystery? The outdoor and indoor leisure corner takes all aspects of the customer's rest into consideration, allowing the soul to relax and deal with details.
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