禾木木 发表于 2021-2-6 15:20:51

景观大师Fernando Caruncho工作室

“Gardens are a question of faith, where desire plays a key role. I believe in love as a universal force.It’s that unfamiliar force that gives us our balance in this chaotic universe.”— Fernando Caruncho

在马德里郊外这个世界上的小角落里,事情的发展没有捷径可走。时间遵循它的自然规律,时间的流逝几乎被授予一种宗教上的尊重。园艺也是基于同样的尊重。Fernando的工作室专注于研究景观园艺,在创造花园的意义上,以陪伴和加强建筑。Fernando Caruncho回忆起了童年时光:“在林荫大道的尽头,La Alameda del Tajo,我会紧紧抓住200米高空盘旋的有利位置的栏杆,凝视着展现在我面前的风景。”“也许这就是我激情的来源。这里是一个让人感觉与风景紧密和谐的地方。”
In this little corner of the world on the outskirts of Madrid, there are no shortcuts to the course of events. Time follows its natural order and the passage of time is awarded an almost religious respect. Gardening is based on this same respect. Fernando’sstudio has specialized in sparking off dialogue between landscape gardening inthe sense of creating gardens conceived to accompany and enhance architecture. Fernando Caruncho recalls his childhood: "At the end of the boulevard, La Alameda del Tajo, I would cling to the railings of a vantage point hovering 200 metres above me, gazing at the landscape unfolding before me." "May be that's where my passion comes from. Here is a place where one feels in close harmony with the landscape."

Fernando Caruncho sits by acrackling fire and tells a Spanish fable. "There was a man who wanted to build himself a home," he said. "He started in the garden, and thenhe built a loggia where he could gaze into the garden. Then he built a bedroom. This story tells us that the art of living is not about comfort. It's about maintaining our relationship with nature in our lives."

引人注目的开放式楼梯和贝壳状黄杨木树篱突出了工作室的入口庭院。这个房间高36英尺,是设计师会见客户的地方。柱子和地板由混凝土制成,墙壁覆盖着石灰砂浆,灯具来自El Jardinero。两层高的接待室里点缀着Fernando Caruncho景观项目的比例模型,西班牙松木楼梯让这里显得更加优雅。
Striking open staircases and as hell boxwood hedge highlight the studio's entrance courtyard. The room, 36feet high, is where the designer meets his clients. The columns and floors aremade of concrete, the walls are covered in lime mortar, and the lamps are from El Jardinero. The two-story reception room is decorated with a scale model ofthe Fernando Caruncho landscape project, elegantly enhanced by a Spanish pinestaircase.

FernandoCaruncho的办公桌旁放着一把路易十五风格的椅子,布告栏前的17世纪意大利雕塑描绘的是Mary Magdalene,而铰接灯则出自Artemide之手。小亭子有一个带天窗的私人办公室和阁楼,亚麻布椅和榛木桌子都是Fernando Caruncho设计的。露台上有各种各样的树,包括无花果树和石榴树。
Fernando Caruncho has a Louis XVchair at his desk, a 17th-century Italian sculpture depicting Mary Magdalene infront of a bulletin board, and articulated lights by Artemide. The pavilion hasa private office and attic with skylights, linen chairs and hazelwood tablesdesigned by Fernando Caruncho. There are a variety of trees on the terrace,including figs and pomegranates.

The elegant Fernando Caruncho is rooted in the idea that the planting environment encourages meditation. And this inspiration comes from the gardens that the ancient Greek philosophers felt were one with the world and its rhythms. His wife Maru is a florist, hisfather is a garden designer and his grandfather is a perfumer.

Fernando Caruncho在马德里一个富有创造力的家庭中长大,并在乡村的夏季培养了对自然的特别欣赏。年轻的Fernando是个书虫,读书是他生活中最美好的事情之一,他是一块渴求更高思想和理想的海绵,古希腊的学院给了他灵感。Fernando Caruncho接受过哲学家和园丁的培训,他在40年前开始了自己的职业生涯,在世界各地进行过私人和公共项目。他的两个儿子Fernando和Pedro都接受过建筑师的培训,现在与父亲一起工作,他们代表了在花园中长大的新一代,并从小就认识到景观、花园、建筑和人类之间联系的重要性。
Fernando Caruncho grew up in a creative family in Madrid and developed a special appreciation for nature during the country summers. Young Fernando is a book worm, reading is one of thebest things in his life, he is a sponge for higher ideas and ideals, inspiredby the ancient Greek academy. Trained as a philosopher and gardener, Fernando Caruncho began his career 40 years ago, working on private and public projects around the world. His two sons, Fernando and Pedro, both trained as architects and now working with their father, represent a new generation that grew up ingardens and learned from an early age the importance of the connection between landscape, garden, architecture and humanity.

在Fernando Caruncho的40年实践中,这位著名设计师的花园和景观作品被描述为现代、极简主义和永恒。人们都说他是当代的,因为他活在当下。他被称为园林设计师和艺术家,但他什么都不是,他把自己看作是“园丁”。对Fernando Caruncho来说,这不仅仅是一种职业,更是他的精神召唤。他认为做一个园丁就是做一个男人。这是一种职业,但也是做人的一种方式。
In Fernando Caruncho's 40 years of practice, the famous designer's gardens and landscapes have been describedas modern, minimalist and timeless. People say he is contemporary because helives in the present moment. He was called a landscape architect and an artist,but he was nothing; he regarded himself as a "gardener." For FernandoCaruncho, it's not just a career, it's a spiritual calling. He thinks being a gardener is being a man. It's a career, but it's also a way of being a person.

Like the conductor of anorchestra, Fernando orders his words organically and guides people along thepathways of a philosophy that is not new but which is so rare that it seemscontemporary: “The speed of today’s life trivialises events. We are alwayswaiting for the next thing to occur and so instead of being enriched byexperiences, they burn us up.”He explains that a garden’s creation, growth anddevelopment form part of that process of enrichment. “A garden takes time toreach its peak and patience is needed until that moment. Gardens are not forpeople who are in a hurry, but for those who understand that life is amarvellous process, filled with mystery closely tied in with nature.”

Fernando Caruncho和他两个儿子 Fernando 和Pedro


景观建筑:Fernando Caruncho
Landscape Architecture : Fernando Caruncho
Project Location: Madrid, Spain
Main Material:Concrete, Lime mortar
摄影师:Salva López
Photographer:Salva López

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